I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 403

The Shiyou here was also very hardworking. The steel fists were beautifully punched again, and the fists he punched out were windy, indicating that they have not slackened in the past two years, and they seem to have gone through battle.

Mizuki nodded with satisfaction: "Steel Fist is a tactic to fight the enemy head-to-head. Your physique is stronger than ever, but you can't lose your physical training. I want to leave it to you. your things."

Of course, I am on the way to the country of tea. I don't have time to explain it in detail with Shiyou, and I think that this practice should not be started blindly. It needs a pre-training practice, after which it can be guaranteed to succeed.

For the time being, it is better to complete this task as a priority?!

After entering the mountains and rivers for more than a day, I finally entered the boundaries of the country of tea, resting in a town at night, and then walked to the country of tea the next day.

In accordance with the requirements of the mission, came to the country of tea, the country's security station to obtain intelligence.Revealing his identity as Konoha's ninja, it is easy to receive the reception of the chief of security, and then submit the intelligence of this mission: "Recently, there have been several vicious wounding cases in our country. At first it was a simple fight. Fighting, but the officers and soldiers we sent were also attacked and some were seriously injured."

There are relevant case documents and photos of the suspects here. Is it easy to come here?Mizuki glanced at the photo briefly, and intuitively judged that he was a ronin.

Because of the task, Xiushu, Yunli, Shi You and others all glanced at the photo and wrote down the appearance of the Ronin.

Mizuki gave the photos to them for review, and then asked the director a few questions: "I want to know more information about this case. First, when did the first case happen?"

"Two weeks ago, half a month ago, right?"

"Half a month?" Mizuki thought for a while, nodded, and then asked the next question: "How many incidents have occurred in total, and the time and place, and what did you say that it was originally determined to be a fight? How is this? Happening?"

The director didn’t hesitate, but after thinking about it for a while, he said everything he knew: “It’s the thirteenth incident including this morning. It’s about two or three days on average, and one or two incidents will occur. Because many times Almost all of them have had conflicts and casualties with members of underground and mafia gangs, so at first I thought it might be a gang fight, but after our investigation, it was discovered that the suspect seems to be the only one. A person."

The country of tea is a small country, and it usually has a good relationship with the country of Poland. Because of the country’s weakness, the instigation force is not strong enough, coupled with its good geographic location, underground trade is relatively rampant, so many times there are gang fights. Nothing strange.

However, because of the recent successive vicious incidents, the security department of the country of tea was alerted, and the excessive fighting and casualties also put pressure on their security, which forced Konoha for help.

Hearing the director's account of the incident, it attracted the interest of the other three people: "Does a gang fight a gang alone? Is this person very powerful?"

The director said helplessly: "Yes, we have sent a samurai, and there is one of our guard captain who can't be united with him."

In a huge country and police station, no one can beat this person, but he can understand his helplessness.

Mizuki took a look at all the relevant information, and then casually asked: "This looks like a ronin, and most of the attackers are underground and black-handed organizations. Is this someone hiring him? What about?"

As soon as he said this, the director frowned and said with a bit of difficulty: "We have thought about this direction, but we don't have any evidence at hand, no clues or clues. So our original idea, I just want to catch this ronin and look for it along the way."

It turned out to be like this. It seems that this task is still a bit interesting.

But Mizuki is not Sherlock Holmes, nor is it the famous detective Conan. Finding clues is really troublesome, and she doesn't want to think about it.

After thinking about it, I finally asked the director: "Who is in charge of this case? Can you introduce me to more detailed information? If possible, it is better to take us to find this ronin." "

This is of course no problem. After all, the task of Mizuki and others is to help them complete this case.Called the task force immediately. A man wearing a simple samurai armor quickly got the order to come over: "Director, you call me?"

He pointed to the people around Mizuki and others, and then said to this person: "Furuya, they are all ninjas from Konoha. They are responsible for helping you catch the criminal. You will tell them the detailed information."

The man named Guya looked at Mizuki, Xiusuki and others beside him, and nodded in respect.

Because the casualties caused by this case are not small, and the names of the tea country have been heard, the people in the police station are very nervous, but due to their own force, although they can find the trace of the ronin, there is no way to fight it.

Now finally there is a ninja here. This man named Guwu seems to have become a little more relaxed. He quickly explained the relevant information in more detail.

It sounds like a ronin with superb swordsmanship, and his strength is a bit difficult to judge, but it is certainly not bad.Of course Mizuki also asked here, the main question: "Can you find this Ronin?"

Text volume 694. Incident

Because the security department of the tea country has conducted many investigations in the past half month, we can still get more information from the mouth of the ancient house: "Recent wounding incidents, according to our investigation, have not been found. Died, but all the injured have lost consciousness. We have done some investigations, but unfortunately we have not reached a conclusion."

"We had a capture operation two days ago, but unfortunately it failed. Now the enemy may be a little alert. If you want to find clues and related intelligence, you should need more investigation!"

This is understandable. Mizuki nodded clearly, but I heard that earlier today, there happened another wounding incident. It was said that several gang members were injured by a person dressed as a ronin. Take it to the hospital.He asked: "Can we go and see the situation?"

There is no reason to refuse, Furuya replied: "Of course."

Arriving at the local hospital, Mizuki followed the ancient house and the doctor to examine the wounded who had just been sent this morning. At first glance, they looked like five big and three rough people, obviously dressed as a gangster.

But this is not the point, because according to the water tree inspection, it was found that the vital signs of all the wounded were normal, but they did not have the slightest consciousness, just like a vegetable.

After inspecting the wounds, the scars were very uniform, and it should be the result of one effort. It is very obvious that this person is superb in swordsmanship, and it can be said that there is almost no flaw!

This couldn't help but surprised Mizuki: "The swordsmanship is very good, it seems to be a master of decision!"

Because the former companion Musashino, the swordsmanship is considered to be very good, even if the King Kong is not bad, he was cut a bit during the exam.

But seeing the current situation, this can't help but make Mizuki clearly feel that this ronin's identity may be unusual!

Xiushu, Yunli and Shi You, they also came to check.They also checked the wound. They could see the pattern of the wound, but they couldn't see the strength of the opponent. So here they couldn't help asking: "Sister Mizuki, how do you know how good this person is?"

The ancient house nearby also asked strangely: "Miss Mizuki, how did you come to such a conclusion? How did you make the evaluation?"

Mizuki glanced at them, without any concealment, and directly explained: "I once had a companion from the Iron Kingdom. He was born in a samurai family. When I was practicing, I often watched him practice swordsmanship and listened to him. He had talked about swordsmanship, so he knew a little bit about whispering."

"He said that swordsmanship has its own artistic conception. If there are distracting thoughts in your heart when you draw the sword, you will be upset when you draw the sword. If you are a swordsman with no distractions, when you draw the sword, it will be as natural as clouds and flowing water. I think it hurts. The wound on the person's body is coherent, which shows that the opponent has only made one sword!"

After listening to the ancient house, he was a little surprised. Of course, he was also a samurai himself, and he still had a sense of swordsmanship.

But when it came to this, Shi You didn't understand how to ask: "Why didn't a person of such a high level kill him? Such an act of hurting the enemy but not killing the enemy is really strange."

After this question was asked, Mizuki also fell into silence.Because she also couldn't figure it out, if it was the martial arts culture of the Celestial dynasty, it could still be explained by the term "click to end".

But the samurai culture doesn't seem to have such a saying, right?Anyway, Mizuki remembers very clearly. The three-dimensional world said that Devil’s Bushido means that the battle must be done with all strength, and if it fails, it will be cesarean to restore the honor.

But seeing that all the injured are unconscious, do you think there may be other reasons?After thinking for a while, he said, "Maybe there is another reason?"

Mizuki couldn't get more answers for the time being, and could only wait for the ancient house to continue the investigation.

The city of the country of tea.

A tea house with simple and quaint furnishings, this is the most stall in the country of tea, because the country of tea is famous for tea, which is already regarded as the country's most important industrial pillar.

At this time, there was an old man with white hair, holding a simple sword in his arms, but because it was hidden in the scabbard and covered with a layer of dirty cloth, no one could see the difference.

Sitting at the table, the old man was drinking tea with his eyes closed, reminiscent of the sweetness of the tea, and his face was filled with satisfaction: "Good tea, really good tea!"

Tea is good tea, this is the tea of ​​the country of tea, of course it will not be inferior.

However, the interest in tasting tea was soon disturbed by the sound of hurried footsteps. A group of fierce bastards, armed with various weapons, surrounded the teahouse and directly surrounded the old man.

A man with a fierce complexion, holding a machete, pointed at the old man and yelled, "The old man is you. He hurts so many brothers?"

The old man's expression was a bit displeased, but he didn't mean to have a seizure. He just said flatly: "I'm here to drink tea. I don't like being disturbed. I have nothing else to do. Please leave by yourself!"

The teahouse owner who does business honestly on weekdays, seeing such a group of people, seems to be looking for a place, and he immediately panicked and did not dare to conflict with these people, so he could only hurriedly invite officers and soldiers to stop him.

But before the officers and soldiers were invited, I heard a group of people yelling, especially the headed knife-bearing man yelled, and when he saw it, he slashed directly at the old man’s head. The knife looked really powerful, I was afraid it was. Can you cut off even the bones of cattle?

But in an instant, everyone only saw a flash of white light, and then several local bastards all fell to the ground!

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