I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 405

Seeing them looking unsupported, Mizuki immediately said silently: "Blessing of angels!!"

Using this auxiliary BUFF to add to them can temporarily resist and eliminate the negative effects for them, and soon several of them are relieved.

But the aura from this evil skeleton ronin still made them feel lingering: "What a terrible old man, I have never felt such a pressure!"

Standing in front of them, Mizuki made a gesture: "You first step back at least ten feet away, this old man will hand me to the other party."

Because they felt the strength of each other, the three Shionin and Guya knew that they could not give Mizuki any help, but would become her drag.

Of course, the movement of fighting here immediately attracted nearby patrols.Fortunately, the ancient house came forward to let the patrols blockade the vicinity to avoid the people coming close. It can be regarded as leaving a space for the water tree to deal with the enemy, right?

That's fine, there is no interference from more people, and it is indeed possible for the water tree to concentrate on dealing with this enemy.

Knowing that this is a monster in another world, and that it belongs to a necromancer, this is definitely not to be let go.Mizuki asked, "Old man, no, I should call you: Evil Skeleton Ronin. Where is your master, Necromancer?"

I remember that when I was in Gudao Village, I entered the seal of the road and did not find the Necromancer, and I already knew that the Necromancer had come out.

Now it has been proved by the necromancer's men.Then I think it should be in this world, somewhere to do evil, right?

Ronin did not close his mouth tightly, and would not give Mizuki any answer. He just assumed an offensive posture, which was different from the previous one in terms of momentum.

At the same time, based on this attacking posture, Mizuki judged the natural flow of reason and mind, and took a step back subconsciously, but quickly realized that it was wrong, and rushed to the enemy and punched himself.

At this time, Ronin's swing of the knife started at the same time, and he staggered from Mizuki's side. The speed was too fast to imagine.Then Mizuki just felt that half of his body was tilted weakly.

Fortunately, half of the body is still supporting it, and the brain is running fast. Recalling the white light I saw just now, two words were hummed in his mouth: "Soul!"

That's right, Mizuki seems to have realized why all the injured people, although not killed, can not wake up, because everyone loses flexibility, although the body has not died temporarily, the soul in the body has been lost , It's like becoming a vegetable.

It seems that there is a problem with this knife, but it is the same when you think about it. The famous sword Shiranui is a cursed demon sword, not only has the effect of increasing the attack speed, but also puts the user into a cursed state.

But this is the person who uses it. It belongs to the player in the game, but it seems that he has not seen it before. It can impose a curse on the attacker, but if this is the case, Mizuki knows what he should do.

The remaining half of the body immediately imposes upon himself: "Angel's blessing!!"

The angel’s blessing BUFF can eliminate the curse state, as well as the petrification state, and can comprehensively improve many abilities.

Sure enough, with the blessing of BUFF, Mizuki's unconscious half of her body recovered, and in the slightly surprised eyes of the evil corpse Ronin, she rushed up again to launch an attack: "Lianhuan whole body palm!!"

I can't imagine anyone can withstand this blow from him. According to the evil skeleton ronin, the wounded will die!But when he saw that the water tree had rushed, the evil skeleton ronin still wanted to make another move, but the water tree would not give him a chance.

Text volume 697. Captured

A complete set of palms was played, and the evil skeleton Ronin was hit all over the body without a trace. Every time he fell, he could hear the crisp sound of broken bones.

When Mizuki's attack was over, all he saw was the evil corpse ronin who fell to the ground, his bones were broken and his body was limp.

Seeing that the battle seemed to be over, everyone couldn't help but walked around to look around. The captain of the patrol rushed to him, not knowing what happened, but seeing an old man in front of him made him a little misunderstood.Asked: "Why do you put such a heavy hand on an old man?"

Fortunately, there is an ancient house rescue field here. The captain of the patrol was stopped first and explained: "Brother, don't get excited. This is a ninja from Konoha. You didn't see it just now. This old man who was beaten down by her is just recently. The culprit in the wounding incident was the ninja master."

The patrolmen who came there looked at each other. There have been a lot of things recently, but they are not the person in charge of this case, so they are not very clear about this.

The captain glanced at the ancient house suspiciously, and then thought for a while without answering.Just beckoned to his men: "Block the scene first. Where is the boss here? Bring him over to me."

There is no proof, and evidence is needed.

They were attracted by the fighting here and the sound of calling for help and killing, and the person calling for help was the owner of the tea stall, who brought him over to interrogate the incident.

The owner of the tea stall was also trembling. It took a long time to tell the cause of the incident. In fact, it was a local gangster who broke into his tea stall and was knocked down by the old man present.

He screamed because he saw a group of people drew their swords and used force.As for the next thing, Mizuki arrived, and then it was the current situation.

Hearing what happened and the reason, the captain understood a little bit of the situation. Then he walked to Mizuki's side, saluted respectfully and then asked: "I am the captain of the security team in charge of public security: Dongshan Philosopher, I already understand the relevant situation. Finally, I want to ask, how are you sure that it is him? I think he is an old man."

This person still seems to be quite responsible, and he speaks politely, probably because he saw the water tree's forehead.However, because he was in his own responsibility, he still had to conduct some investigations and inquiries.

Shui Shu asked the philosopher to come over, point to the evil corpse Ronin who collapsed on the ground, and said: "You think he is an old man, this is just a deceptive appearance."

When talking about this, in order to be more clear, Mizuki used his own skill healing technique to target the evil skeleton ronin.

If it is used against humans, this is a skill to heal damage, but if it is used against an undead monster, it will cause damage of mana.

A ray of light emanated from the hand of the water tree, hitting the body of the evil skeleton ronin, and heard a scream from him, then the outer skin fell off, exposing the white bones inside.

But the most important thing is that half of the skin of this guy's face has disappeared, and one eye is no longer an eyeball, and actually replaced with a dark ghost fire.

The crowd onlookers were all startled, the girl Yun Li screamed in fright, and then hid behind the two people, Shi You and Xiushu had to comfort her.

Here, Dongshan philosopher’s face changed, and Mizuki slapped his shoulder with one hand: “The recent incident in the country of tea was that this guy absorbed human souls, so all the wounded did not die, but none of them were awake. This is the reason."

Ghosts absorb human souls?It sounds like a ghost story.But the truth before us has to be believed.

Dongshan philosopher wanted to order his men to lock the monster with shackles, but the soldiers were so scared to death, it was Mizuki who helped to solve it.

Of course, the use of shackles is not very safe, and the water tree also used the seal of the evil method to attach it, and added the blessing of the angel, so that I dare to say that it is safe.

Sending this monster to the hands of the people of the tea country, this task should be considered complete.But until this evil skeleton ronin was thrown into prison, many people couldn't believe that there was a look of horror on their faces.

When Mizuki wanted to obtain the mission completion certificate, several jailers in the prison were very worried and said: "Master Ninja, is this a monster? A walking corpse? Will he run out at night? "

Several jailers are ordinary people, saying that they don't even have the identity of a samurai. If they are looking after ordinary prisoners, they will have no problem.

But seeing such a grimace, people who are scared during the day are no longer good. If they wait for the night or after the ninja leaves, they face such people all day, wouldn't they be scared to death?

Furuya also feels wrong. There are no ninjas in the country of tea. If this monster suddenly gets into trouble, no one can stop it.So here is a request: "Can you stay for a few days?"

Generally speaking, when a ninja does a mission, you should return to the village after the mission is completed. After all, you are a ninja in the country of fire, not a ninja in the country of tea.Staying for too long can easily lead to diplomatic problems.

It is like a three-dimensional world. For example, if you have a visa for going abroad, a student visa or a tourist visa, this is what you have to do.If you go out of this range and do too many irrelevant things, you will be prone to trouble. The lighter one will be deported, and the more serious one will be treated as a spy, right?

However, the people who are now in the country of tea, and the results of their initiative are not a violation.But to be on the safe side, Mizuki asked them after considering it, and Fei Ge sent a letter to Hokage and waited for Hokage's decision.

Of course, Mizuki also wrote a letter by the way, combining the report on this mission with the previous mission to make a conclusion, thinking that there is a reason to investigate.

Because it was a flying pigeon, but in half a day, the reply came in the afternoon of the same day. There was Hokage's handwriting on it that read: "At most a week, there are many tasks in the near future, return to the village as soon as possible."

With Hokage's permission, this is a peace of mind.

Mizuki also agreed to stay in the country of tea for a week. Of course, this is a price, that is, the cost of staying in the country of tea needs to be reimbursed.

Furuya got the approval of his boss on this point, and he agreed very happily: "This is no problem. We will be fully responsible for the cost. We will also interrogate as soon as possible. Of course, I need some help from Lord Ninja."

It turns out that the security department of the tea country has been investigating a case to track down the shady of the underground organization.

But I didn't expect the appearance of this evil skeleton ronin, disrupting their operational deployment and arrangements, making the clues have been cut off.Now I want to do some work to relink the broken clues.

Text volume 698. Time given

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