I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 411

On the contrary, Fei Duan yelled, "Hey~Hey! Jiaodu, what's going on with this? Why did one die? What a shame!"

"It's really long-winded, Fei Duan, you go back." Jiao is already angry, and dying a clone today is equivalent to dying a heart. He knows what he wants to do: "I will deal with it here!"

They completely ignored the Shikamaru in front of them, as if they did not exist.

Feiduan was still yelling, "What are you kidding? I've been led by the nose since just now. I'm quite irritable now! If you want to fight, I have to accompany you at any time!"

The horns looked at him and snorted in disdain.Then he started to take care of himself, and it seemed that he was about to start fighting.

They didn't choose to go to Shikamaru. They were probably afraid of shadow imitation, and it seemed that it was expensive and the potential danger was relatively low.Seeing Kakashi on the side, but a famous ninja in the ninja world, if they can kill a strong enemy, it will be more beneficial to them.

Because of the previous discussion of the combat plan, Kakashi already has a certain understanding of the flying section.A guy who can't die even looking around, and has a terrifying lethal ability, it will be very troublesome if he gets injured.He didn't dare to be careless, and he retreated while fighting.

But at this moment, a clone of Jiaodu appeared: "Feng Dun: Suppress!"

Disregarding his companions at all, such a crazy attack hit directly, and together with the flying section, Kakashi was blown away, including a large area of ​​forest here.

Mizuki remembered that he had seen this wind escape ninjutsu once, but the last time the user was obviously weaker than the horns, the power that came out was not so great.

The current wind escape technique has formed a very strong low pressure, and it even crushes the water tree to the ground.Fortunately, his bunker was a rock, and it was not directly in front of the corner attack. At most, it was an area affected, but he did not suffer any damage.

It seems that the hair is a little messed up, but now I can’t control it. I feel that the wind is a little bit smaller, and I hurriedly looked up to check the situation: “It’s a mess, I don’t know how Kakashi is going. , Even his companions don’t care."

It was originally conceivable that the abilities of Jiao Du and Fei Duan were not afraid of being killed, and ignoring the attacks of their companions. It shouldn't be incredible.

Taking a look at the situation of Shikamaru and Dinji, the two of them seemed to be fine. As for Ino, who was hiding behind a tree, it seemed that he was not injured.

After the suppressive attack was released, a large area was cleared. Now the person who can stand in the center is of course the initiator, Jiaodu.

There is no extra nonsense, another clone appeared electric, knowing that the next attack would be launched, but this time the goal was to change to Shikamaru and Dingci: "Lei Dun: pseudo dark!!"

The dazzling electric light turned into a call, the speed was so fast, Shikamaru and Dingci did not respond, and they were about to be killed.

At this time, it was Kakashi who appeared in front of them in time, using his own Thunder Escape technique to offset it, but it seemed that the situation was not good, fortunately it was finally blocked.

"It's okay for you to survive this trick."

The flying section came out almost intact, the ability of the immortal body is really not wrong, some are not bad with King Kong, no~ it should be better!

However, although it is said that it is an immortal body, there has always been a question. Since the head can be cut off, if the head is broken, can it be guaranteed that it will not die?

Okay, I think this is a little useless now, because there is a flame that soars into the sky, and it is still a clone of Jiaodu. The ninjutsu used: "Fire escape: hard work!!!"

The flames swept like a tsunami, only people fleeing in a hurry.

At the same time, there was an astonishing explosion, which shook the sky with black smoke. Mizuki hurriedly searched with his white eyes, and saw Ino, Shikamaru and others, one after another escaped from safety.

However, when Kakashi encountered the pursuit of the flying section, it was a bit of a disadvantage to use Kuwu to fight, but the strength of the so-called "five-five" is not a display, and several fights are not let down.

It seems that this kind of battle, even if there is no water tree, it is not difficult for Kakashi to deal with a person, right?

In a few rounds of fights, Kakashi and the flying section were equal, and they joined their own side one after the other. Regardless of the four-on-two scene here, it still feels that his side has a disadvantage.

At this time, the water tree already felt that he was going out to help.However, she quickly endured her mood. It would be easy if she went out to help, but she couldn't bear to make big plans!Can't be hidden for so long!

Now based on Mizuki's judgment, the attention of Jiao Du and Fei Duan is entirely on Kakashi and others, which means that they are not aware of their existence.

If you launch a surprise attack when necessary, your chances of success will be very high. If you can't bear it for a while, it would be foolish to rush out and help.

Continue to observe the battle with patience. At this time, Jiao Du and Fei Duan have already attacked several people in Class 10 in a provocative tone. Fei Duan said in a mocking tone: "If you plan to take revenge, this level is not acceptable. Now! Are you all students of that guy? It's no wonder that, being taught by that kind of rubbish, it's probably not that smart."

Obviously, it sounds like an obvious radical method. If you change to a calm ninja, it will definitely have no effect.At least neither Kakashi nor Shikamaru moved, because it was a trick to guess the enemy.

But Ding Ci, who was beside them, lacked this muscle, and said very angrily: "You are not allowed to say bad things about Teacher Asma like this!"

Feiduan smiled mockingly: "Ah~ Is this a beautiful teacher-student friendship? Hey, it's really idiot."

Ding Ci's face was flushed with anger, and Shikamaru was forcibly pressed.But the flying section has been mastered, and he still said sarcastically: "What good is that kind of garbage?"

Finally added another sentence: "Fat pig!"

Text volume 707. Confrontation: Undead duo [3]

This sentence belongs to Ding Ci's forbidden language. Once Mizuki knows this sentence, it may be bad!

Sure enough, he was already flushed with anger, and now he heard the metaphor of "fat pig" again, Ding Ci couldn't stand it anymore, and rushed over in anger regardless of the obstacles.

This must be a very unwise move, and from the mocking look of Fei Duan, you can see his true intentions.He was already ready to face the mindless attacks and took out his weapons to prepare for the challenge.

The sickle swung towards Ding Ci immediately, and when he was about to be injured, fortunately Shikamaru's reaction caught up in time: "Shadow imitation!!!"

The shadow imitation technique connected Ding Ci's shadow, making his body stand still and unable to move. It was such a thrilling moment that the flying sickle passed in front of him.

Good risk, really good risk, almost explained.

However, as the attack failed, Fei Duan made a cut in his mouth, leaped up under his feet, and swung his sickle to cut it down.Fortunately, Kakashi shot to block, Kunai blocked the sickle attack.

Fei Duan can also be regarded as an opponent, since someone comes forward, of course he will not let it go.Turned over and kicked Kakashi away, and screamed strangely, rushed up and waved to attack.

But this is also considered lucky. At least once he can relax, Shikamaru also cursed: "You fool, you have been caught in such an obvious provocation."

Ding Ci had known the thrilling situation just now, and he whispered: "I'm sorry."

But as soon as the words were spoken, Shikamaru's face changed, because at this moment, the horns stood in front of Ding Ci, his eyes cold without any emotion.

Ding Ci was also taken aback. He instinctively punched out a fist attack. The powerful force made it retreat a little distance, but the fist attack was also blocked by the horns.With two backhand fists, he flew Ding times a few meters away, still rolling several times, until he hit a tree and stopped.

Mizuki is aware of the gap between them and Jiaodu. She is secretly prepared. Although she is planning to kill the enemy with a deadly move, if her companion encounters life threats, she is definitely not. Can die without saving.

At this time, Jiaodu has also caught up, and the Ding times can't be beaten at all. However, at the same time, I saw that Kakashi and the flying segment were fighting. It was originally evenly matched, and several clones of Jiaodu joined. Those who are beaten can only escape, and there is almost no chance to fight back.

It seems that Kakashi can't help the body of Jiaodu.Moreover, Jiao Du at this time, after beating Ding Ci violently, was already ready to take his heart.

In order to rescue Ding Ci, Ino threw a shuriken, but was avoided by accident, Jiao Du snorted coldly: "Yellow-haired girl."

However, at the same moment, the use of shadow mimicry was already noticed by the angle.It's a pity that the same trick will never work the second time, unless it is a guy who doesn't have a long memory, but whoever is probably dead long ago.

The shadow imitation technique failed, and the corner was successfully evaded, and he also found a Lei Dun clone attack. The situation seemed very bad for a time!


Ino just let out an exclamation, and then in the next second he was pinched by his neck with a hand.

She and Ding Ci were attacked at the same time and were directly dragged to Jiao Du's side. It seemed that they were going to do it directly to kill both of them.

At this time, Mizuki couldn't help but clenched her fists. She and Ino had a harmonious relationship since she was a child, and of course she didn't want to see her hurt.

Psychologically, I can't help but hesitate. Should I take action?However, she kept telling her that she would give up her previous plan, and she should wait for the most appropriate time!

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