I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 413

Shikamaru here has made a choice: "Just leave it to me, and leave that thing to me."

Text volume 709. Face off; Undead duo5

Mizuki glanced at this guy intentionally, although he thought that such a choice was not very sensible.But looking at his eyes still made Mizuki understand that he wanted to end it himself!

Hidan killed Teacher Asma, Shikamaru's mentor and friend. He wanted to come to the person who wanted revenge the most. He definitely didn't want others to do it for him, right?

"Well, I respect your decision." Mizuki nodded to Shikamaru: "You have to be careful, but don't be killed."

Shikamaru smiled indifferently: "I won't die in such trouble."

Through this conversation, Kakashi on the side also understood, and nodded slightly: "I understand, leave it to you."

There was a thing from Kakashi's hand to Shikamaru's hand. Mizuki had already known what this was, and he smiled slightly but said nothing.

After taking the things and putting them away carefully, Shikamaru walked straight to the enemy, and Yuiyin launched a ninjutsu, sticking out the shadow under his feet.

The frontal attack is too straightforward, and a defensive enemy will not be hit, and naturally it is easy to avoid.But the desired effect has been achieved, and Mizuki and Kakashi shot almost at the same time.

Both of them play horns alone, and they can easily suppress him, but it seems that the physique of the horns is quite good.Withstanding Mizuki's fist, Kakashi's Wukui can still be shot down.

However, as a specialized ninja with physical skills, she is better at such physical skills. Seeing that her ordinary attacks are useless, she changes to a different style of play.

Glancing at Kakashishi, he nodded clearly, and suddenly drew a distance.When Jiao Du saw this scene, he could detect the problem, but the attack of the water tree came: "The Raptors are exaggerating!!"

The fist made a strong shock wave, and then broke through the barrier of sound speed, directly exploding the air. The power of this punch was so powerful that it was almost impossible to resist the horns.

Realizing the danger, Koto uses his own grievances to control himself and get a hand, wanting to abandon the car to protect his handsomeness?

But at this time the ground broke and Jiao Du's feet were locked by one of his hands. How could this make you escape, kidding?Mizuki yelled, his fist exploded with formidable power.


Perceiving a hit, the horns let out a scream, and then the whole ground was broken to pieces.

That's right, there is a very real feeling from the fist, is it a success?It is a pity that the joy has not subsided, and what I see is the torn stone.

No, it's a clod to be precise, well, I see!This is soil substitute technique!

There was no time to curse, and Mizuki felt a pain in his chest. It turned out that it was a hand of Jiao Du, which had been hardened and controlled by itself, and hit his chest and heart.

Fortunately, the water tree is not an ordinary person. If it weren't for the King Kong, it would have died if you changed to someone else!

With the help of the impact of the attack, he retreated a few steps, Mizuki clutched his chest under attack, and coughed twice: "It really hurts!"

It should have been thought long ago that this guy would be able to escape, and there was no accident with the use of the earth substitution technique, but he did not expect that the hand just now was the back hand he left behind. If it were not for his own defensive power, he might have been killed.

Kakashi was not affected by the water tree, and rushed up to fight with the horns.At this time, Shikamaru and Hiduan had already fought many times in a row, using wisdom to connect the shadow with each other.


"Leave it to us here."

The battle plan has been successful, and the next step is to begin.

Shikamaru controlled the flying section, dropped his most suitable weapon, and let him accompany him: "Let's have a nice walk together!"

Seeing Shikamaru leaving with Hida, the enemy here has only one horn left. There are Mizuki and Kakashi on his side, as well as Dingji and Ino on standby, but there are still three avatars in the horn, so in fact It's still hard to say the result.

Mizuki and Kakashi once again attacked the corners in a two-on-one form, but such an unfavorable situation was quickly reversed by the addition of his clone.

The three clones shot one after another, surrounding the two.The horns walked up calmly and said, "The plan to separate us is very good, but don't underestimate the flying section. The young man named Kamaru, I think the head can be sold for a good price?"

This guy is really calm, thinking that Fei Duan will definitely win Shikamaru?In terms of strength, this is really possible.But that brainless guy will definitely be buried alive in the end, right?

By the way, but speaking of this, Jiao Du is still thinking about making money. If the water tree here tells Jiao Du that all the money he earned has been bought by Xiao Nan and bought hundreds of billions of detonation charms, will this give him Are you so angry?

Well, just think about this kind of thing, because there must be no way to achieve it. With such idle time, it is better to consider how to deal with the enemy.

Mizuki said coldly: "You have too much nonsense, consider your companions, it is better to worry about yourself!"

In terms of combat effectiveness, Mizuki thought he was no worse than a shadow-level ninja, and with King Kong not bad and Asura Bahuang Fist, he was completely capable of fighting against a shadow-level ninja and winning.

But this is at the level of self-confidence, but the horns are the same as Oshemaru, which is a type that is difficult to kill. When there are multiple names, Mizuki Sora has the strongest nirvana, and the result is like The same furnishings cannot be used.

Of course, Kakuto doesn’t care about Mizuki. He just raised one of his hands and saw his body change: “Whenever I see your forehead guards, it reminds me of the Konoha Ninja who first met. That was the original Hokage! Do you know now? The gap between you and me."

This guy is really arrogant, but he fought against the original Naruto once, and then he was beaten and fled. After returning back, the ninja who defected, what is there to be proud of?Is it because this guy once played against the first generation of Naruto, so that he can play for a lifetime?

Of course, the impact of this sentence is still a little bit big.At least for those who don't know the truth, it still has some shocking power.

Whether it's Kakashi, Dinci and Ino, they are somewhat suppressed here, and they ask in amazement: "How old is this guy?"

Mizuki snorted quickly and sneered as if to retort: ​​"Don't believe what he said, this old and undead guy, who can still blow things out of the past for a lifetime, if he is so powerful, how can he become rebellious now? , Are you a ninja from Takigakura Village? Let me ask you a question, can you kill Fu!"

Text Volume 710. Confrontation: Undead Duo [6]

The girl I met in the last Zhongnin exam, although I only met for a few days, but Fu's liveliness and personality reminded Mizuki of the past Naruto.

Maybe there is a common past, right?Mizuki's pity was aroused, and she still had a lot of feelings about her death later.

In the end, Jiao Du didn't answer this question, but it was invisibly acquiesced, it was his actions with Feidan.This made Mizuki's face gloomy: "You bastard, you said that you have fought with the first generation, but you are bragging about your achievements. It is hypocritical!"

The momentum of the water tree surged, and the mobilized Chakra made the body surrounded by thunder and lightning, and the ground under the feet was shattered, which was a state of explosion.

"Oh? It seems that you know a lot. There should be investigations, right?" Jiao didn't get angry, but said calmly, "What do you know? The ninja who bet on the village's life was cruelly treated. Charges and heavy punishments for the failed mission. What do you think I am going to do? Will you die?"

Mizuki may not be very clear about what happened in Takigakura that year, but he knew that Kokaku had been ordered and failed to assassinate the first generation of Hokage. Later, in order to avoid being punished, he recklessly betrayed the village and took away grievances and high-level people. heart.

This kind of words reminded Mizuki a little bit of the ninja he met in Yunokuni.It was also for their own villages, and they had put in a lot of effort, but in the end they were nothing but high-level playthings and became political victims. Maybe they have to know the result, their hearts will die, right?

Maybe this will give people a kind of sympathy, but the water tree here could not help but laughed and said: "So you chose to escape, rather than willing to face it? The Fu I know is a pure girl, she and You shouldn't have any hatred, right? Could it be that this is the reason why you killed a girl?"

If you want to say this, some people will definitely think that the water tree is a little bit virgin.After all, the former Jiaodu, but for the sake of his own village, although the mission failed, he was treated unfairly after returning.It stands to reason that it is not his fault, just to survive.

The reason why Mizuki said this was because she couldn't agree with it.In the three-dimensional world, the reason why she liked to watch "Naruto" was not how good the quality of the picture and how wonderful the plot was.

In fact, what she read is the story. Naruto suffered injustice when he was a child. Oshamaru witnessed the war and death. Yahiko established the beautiful original intention of "Akatsuki" for the dream in his heart.The dream of Nagato's youth, the guardian of Xiaonan until death.Uchiha brings his thoughts to his beloved, the bond between Uchiha Madara and Senjuzu.

Is all this fair again?But they all found themselves and finally chose the right path.However, Jiao Du is different from them. Become a traitor and choose to escape, and kill people for money. This is a selfish guy!

How could Mizuki identify with such a person?No, absolutely not!

The momentum has been maximized, the Chakra and body cells are fully activated, the ground under their feet burst, and a thunderous shout: "A person who does not have his own beliefs lives only for his own existence, even if you have A powerful force is nothing but violence!"

In the end, the horns were a little irritated, maybe it stimulated his sore spots, right?The grieving tentacles broke out, and the teeth and claws were like a monster.

At the same time, those clones also changed, and the bodies of two monsters, the clones of Feng Dun and Huo Dun were connected together.It seems to be in trouble, the combination of Feng Dun and Huo Dun, the two forces complement each other!

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