I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 415

Naruto was in front of Mizuki. He turned his back to Mizuki and said, "I'm late, sorry."

Text volume 712. Face off; Undead duoeight

This point has not changed from that of the plot, but the arrival is very timely. Of course, it would be better to come earlier.

Mizuki stood up from the ground, wiped off the sweat that had just come out of his face, and patted the dirt on his body by the way, not to appear too embarrassed.

However, Yamato here saw Kakashi without even the ninja's coat, and the shirts in the mask were broken, and he could still see a little bit: "Senior who is so embarrassed, this is the first time I have seen it!"

"Yes, I'm so sorry." Kakashi said truthfully: "This enemy is quite strong!"

But speaking of it, Naruto's appearance is even stranger. He still has bruises on his body and his clothes look very dirty.

Walking to his side, Mizuki asked, "Naruto, are you okay? Why are you hurt?"

This should seem to be someone who just came to join the battle right after he finished his practice?Is he sure that there is no problem in his state?

Naruto shook his head okay, then saw the people present and asked, "Where is Shikamaru?"

Mizuki is still watching Naruto's situation, here is Ding Ci's answer: "It should be fighting with another enemy in other places."

Judging from the situation in Jiaodu just now, Kamaru should have succeeded, and according to the plot of the plot, the flying section will inevitably be buried alive, so theoretically, there is no need for reinforcements at all.

However, to be on the safe side, Kakashi still proposed: "Two people are needed to strengthen in the past, preferably the remote type and the medical ninja."

After a short pause, Kakashi looked at Mizuki: "Mizuki, you should also go to Shikamaru!"

what?Want me to go?Mizuki thought for a while, but didn't want to refuse, but didn't think it was necessary. It was estimated that when he rushed over, the Fei section might have been buried alive, so he ran to make soy sauce?

So Mizuki hesitated here, and said after a while, "I don't think it is necessary. Let Sai and Sakura pass. I am not interested in dealing with a defeated man. On the contrary, it is this guy. I want to avenge the hatred just now!"

Seeing that she had squeezed a fist, made a deterrent sound, and there was a firm will to fight in her eyes.

Knowing that it might be a little difficult for her to change her mind, so he nodded to Yamato who was beside him, and then Kozakura and Sai Xin nodded as well.

Kakashi Yurin uses spiritism to summon Parker to lead Sakura and Sai, and hurried to the other side to support Shikamaru.

After the two left, they noticed a somewhat exhausted look on Shui Shu's face. Those who are familiar with Shui Shu knew that the sequelae of the Asura Bahuang Fist had already begun to sweep her body.

After noticing her fatigue, Kakashi immediately said to Ino: "Ino, quickly take Mizuki away."

When Ino heard Kakashi's words, he glanced at him strangely, and then he understood Mizuki's face a little pale.

However, she just wanted to cover Mizuki to leave, but was directly rejected. Mizuki said indifferently, "I'm fine!"

Naruto turned sideways and saw Mizuki's face, and immediately understood what was going on. The same was to ask her to rest first: "Leave it to me next!"

However, Mizuki's answer was very firm: "You are really unreasonable, there are enemies watching here! Or do you think I am not prepared at all?"

Mizuki showed a slight smile here. If she was unsure of something, she would of course not stay stupid. The reason for the continued fighting here must be a reason.

Without waiting for everyone to understand what it meant, he just heard a "bang" not far away, and then Mizuki's thick breathing immediately disappeared, and a lot of blood on his pale face returned.

"What's the situation?" Ding Ci and Ino didn't know what happened just now, but the "bang" sounded a bit like: "The sound of the shadow clone disappearing?"

Mizuki nodded to them and said, "Yes, this guy can use the heart. What's the problem with the shadow clone? He left the heart in the clone, and I split the clone and left Chakra. Although there is only the body Half, but it should be enough!"

Keep one hand, this is what you are talking about, right?

With such a guarantee, no one said anything.

Now everyone is going to deal with Jiao Du together, but this guy is really arrogant: "What if there are so many mobs? It's nothing more than a few more heart choices."

After talking about this laughter~, it is simply hatred.

Mizuki sipped in disgust, squeezed his fists in both hands to make a skeletal sound, and said in a cold voice: "You have a lot of nonsense. You will know it later. See how I broke your bones!"

The enemy's death date was announced first, and then he turned to look at Naruto: "How is your new technique?"

Naruto glanced at Mizuki, nodded and replied, "Ah, it's about 50%!"

Sure enough, it was only a semi-finished product, but if it wanted to be powerful enough, he said to Naruto: "I want to go first, your new technique is ready, just keep up."

Because the information so far is all estimated based on the memory in the brain, the power of Naruto's new technique.In fact, it is impossible to have too accurate information, so Mizuki launched an attack to prepare Naruto for it.

He nodded clearly, and then used the technique of multiple shadow clones.

Mizuki was also ready when he saw this place, slowly leaned down and made a sprinting movement, his eyes opened again, but not for positioning, but to allow himself to observe the enemy's movements.

Chakra flowed through the acupuncture points along the meridians, activating the cells of the whole body once again, and his physical energy almost reached the peak state. He felt that he was almost done, and he reminded: "It's about to start!"

As soon as the voice fell, Mizuki's figure disappeared in a blink of an eye. When everyone's eyes caught it again, they saw that she had rushed to Jiaodu's side, and she was punched away!

"Fast speed!"

This speed has broken through the limit of the human body. At least there is Kakashi, who is writing round eyes, but he has not caught the sprint of the water tree, but only vaguely sees the blur of the body.

I can't believe how fast this speed will be. If an estimate is really to be made, I am afraid it will be faster than Xiao Li who opened five doors.

But this is still a theory, because in the Zhongren exam a few years ago, Xiao Li opened the fifth door and he could still be caught, but there was only one afterimage!

Of course, this is the speed that can only break out through year-round exercise. Otherwise, if you change to an ordinary person, your body's strength is not enough, let's not talk about it.Even if it is forced to reach such a speed, it will be a muscle strain in the slightest, and it may be a crack in the meridians!

Text Volume 713. Confrontation: Undead Duo [9]

This is a one-time burst of speed. If it weren't for year-round physical training, the physical fitness that had emerged long ago, it would be impossible for Water Tree to play like this.

Almost in the blink of an eye, her attack was like raindrops, hitting Jiaodu's body, making him have to parry with all his strength.But even if he could still block part of the attack, sometimes fists hit him in the body.

Whenever there is such a punch, he can feel the place being attacked, as if he is going to be pierced through.

"Damn little girl, did you hide your strength just now?" Jiao had noticed something, but he still roared desperately, "No matter what, you still die!"

The tentacles of grieving resentment appeared, as if to directly strangle the water tree, but now the attack of these tentacles was like a turtle speed in the eyes.

A perfect zigzag movement can avoid two attacks in succession.Then immediately after Mizuki's body, he leaned forward to the corner again, and whispered softly: "Do you think my strength is what you see? Ten years of daily practice, let me His body has become a perfect weapon, now let you taste the taste of being beaten!"

She did not dare to risk using the Asura Bahuang Fist again, because she had learned the lesson from the previous time, so she knew that her physical condition could be recovered, but her fatigue would be superimposed. If she is not sure that the enemy will be killed, it is best not to second Use nirvana this time.

The water tree uses the "linked whole palm" skill. Numerous attacks fell in an instant, and the horns wanted to defend, but soon discovered that the hands that blocked the defense would also be attacked and subjected to strange power. With blessing, the bones feel like they are about to be broken.

This kind of scene looks like Mizuki alone, beating violently.Naruto, who was looking at the back, couldn't help but swallowed, "Mizuki is really amazing!"

It is such a compliment, but it is estimated that psychologically, there may be another idea.For example, if someone married her in the future, if she accidentally angered her, would she be beaten up like this?

Kakashi looked at him in a daze, and quickly reminded Naruto: "Don't pay attention, there is a limit to such an outbreak. If she can deal with the enemy in this way, she will have to wait until now? And this is not enough. Defeat this enemy."

What I said is not wrong. Because of long-term high-intensity exercise, the physical fitness of the water tree is superior to ordinary people, and it has unimaginable explosive power.But since this is a kind of explosion, it is bound to be unable to last long. It is very likely that it is a cost in exchange for physical strength.

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