I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 430

Finally, after I explained everything, the things that the Taketori clan gave to the Hyuga clan were installed, Mizuki finally left the Taketori clan, and a friend of the Taketori clan escorted him to the border between the country of grass and the country of fire. , There is no problem in the last time.

Finally, after a few days' journey, I finally returned to Konoha Village again. Mizuki gave this mission and the gifts from the Zhutoi clan all to the Japanese Foot Test.

Hyuga Nissa was very satisfied. He accepted the letter from Mr. Kubo and checked the content after opening it. He laughed very happily for a while, watching Mizuki's eyes change a little.

At this time, the Japanese foot said: "Shuishu, do you know why I will leave this diplomatic mission to you?"

Mizuki glanced at the sun, and in fact immediately guessed what he was trying to say, but he said: "Isn’t it going to deepen the relationship with the Taketori clan? Our Hyuga and Taketori clan are family friends, now we With this generation, it is necessary to continue to maintain this good relationship."

The answer is very formal, and the Japanese football player should be very satisfied.But the look in the eyes of Shui Shu actually expresses what you should know.

Of course he already knew it, and Mizuki must be very clear about his true intentions of sending her, but since she chose not to mention it, there is no need for Nippon Football to talk about it.Instead, he said: "Well, you have been out for a few days, and now you are back, you can rest for more time."

Mizuki is so happy to have such free time, of course, it is used for sleeping and resting. It feels a little too wasteful, and this is not in line with her habit. After all, she is a person who can't live.

Fortunately, Hinata had just returned two days ago and was working on a new technique with great concentration, but let Mizuki set aside a day to accompany her to contact the new technique.

It can basically be concluded now that the new technique previously envisioned by Hinata was the ninjutsu that later appeared in front of Payne: Roubu Shuangshiquan.

However, it was still a rudimentary form at this time. The chakra was condensed into a change in form, which was expected to be a source of inspiration for Naruto's spiral shuriken.

The two simply fought each other, and Mizuki used his empty-handed fighting technique to fight Hinata's new technique, and the effect was very obvious.When the two fists collided, the hands without any protection were damaged by the erosion of Chakra, which was similar to the effect of a burn.

This is a damage addition with fire attributes, and if it is not for the water tree's body, it is protected by the undamaged King Kong and protects its acupuncture points and meridians, it may have more damage.

Of course, it is also possible that this technique is still in the state of research and development, and the effect is far from reaching the maximum value. Otherwise, the trick that can hurt Penn with a punch should not be able to catch it empty-handed.

Mizuki deeply admires this: "This is a good ninjutsu. It should be based on the soft boxing, combined with the nature and changes of the chakra, which can cause the effect of swallowing the meridians and the chakra when attacking."

It is still the research and development stage of ninjutsu. If it is completed, it will definitely be strong or not weak!But it seems too early, after all, Naruto learns to use the spiral shuriken, he still borrows the experience of the shadow clone, if it is a groping like Hinata, let's say two or three months less?

Seeing that Hinata had begun to develop her own new technique, so that Mizuki would not be able to waste time, she ran to find Tsunade the next day and asked her to guide her in the practice of "creation and regeneration".

The art of creation and regeneration, but the forbidden art that Mizuki has coveted for a long time, has the immortality ability comparable to the original Hokage fairy model, that is, heals immediately after being injured. This is a type of cell reconstruction that can regenerate organs and tissues.This is not a kind of recovery ability, it is a kind of regeneration!

Of course, it is for this reason that in fact there is a great harm to the body.According to medical terms, the reproduction and regeneration of human cells are limited to the number of times they are used, which will affect their lifespan. Therefore, unless it is unavoidable, they can never be used at will. This is also the reason for being classified as a "forbidden operation"!

But for the current water tree, there is no need to worry about this. One is that the current water tree is young and does not need to maintain a young appearance like Tsunade, and can quickly resume using the price of "creation and regeneration".

Furthermore, she has been doing high-intensity physical exercises all the year round, and the cell activity is far beyond that of ordinary people, which can maximize the performance of ninjutsu and minimize the damage caused to herself.

When Mizuki looked for Tsunade again, she was still doing business, and it was said that it was about the tail beast and Akatsuki's organization.It may not be the best time to ask her for advice and practice now.

Tsunade in the office was leaning on his forehead when he saw Mizuki coming in, and heard that she wanted to ask for advice, her face showed a bit of bitterness: "You really know how to choose time. I've been very busy recently. !"

Of course the distress is the distress, but she also knows that she has not taught the water tree practice for a long time, and she is really incompetent as a teacher.

So after thinking about it, I reluctantly agreed: "I can only teach you to get started now. As for the practice, you can only rely on yourself. There are too many things at these times. I can't always be by your side. But if there is If you don’t understand, you can come to me to answer."

Text Volume 737. Getting Started

The art of creating regeneration is a ninjutsu that Mizuki wanted to learn a long time ago, but because it is classified as a forbidden ninjutsu, it is not easy to teach and learn, and even if it is learned, it cannot be easily used.

The water tree now is much stronger than it was two or three years ago. Whether it is physical quality or Chakra's control, it can be said that all of them are quite outstanding.

Because of this premise, Tsunade will begin to teach Mizuki and teach her the key to "creation and regeneration".Speaking of the difficulty of this ninjutsu, the main thing is the division of one's own cells.

There is a word in medicine: metabolism, which means that cells will repair and replace themselves with the passage of time.For example, the human skin known by the water tree is replaced every one month or so, and all the cells in the body are replaced every few years.

Here the water tree must learn: create regeneration.It is to use chakras to stimulate the formation of proteins, rapidly accelerate cell division, and achieve the effect of cell reorganization.

However, each person's body cells have a limited number of divisions in a lifetime, which is equivalent to losing their life after each use. This is the reason for being set as a "forbidden operation"!Unless it is a last resort, it must not be used.

It is also for this reason. There is no direct practice method for this ninjutsu, and it can only be practiced in other ways. Tsunade briefly introduced: "You should know medical ninjutsu? The principle of medical ninjutsu for healing trauma is the same. It is to stimulate and speed up cell metabolism, which in principle is connected to creation and regeneration."

The way to get Mizuki to practice is very simple, that is, let her enter the Konoha Hospital and constantly treat the injured.To comprehend the art of creating regeneration through medical techniques, and have direct medical experience, it will be much easier to use in the future.

But here is a question: "How long does this practice take?"

Tsunade replied bluntly: "It takes at least three years for a person to start from scratch before he can be considered an entry point."

Three years!Does it actually take three years?Fortunately, it is a theoretical value, and it is cultivated from scratch.

Mizuki understands medical ninjutsu and has read a lot of medical books. What is lacking is a lot of practice, so this time the main task is basically focused on the level of practice.

Is this good news?Because according to Mizuki's impression, all the experience that needs to be gained through practical actions, as long as you can diligently do it in a large amount, you can definitely complete it quickly.

The most direct example is Naruto, who uses the technique of multiple shadow avatars to practice, and through multiple people to do the same thing, to gain continuous stacking of experience levels.You can gain more experience accumulation in the shortest time.

It is said that when Mizuki was practicing steel boxing, he should have had such experience, punching the boxing over and over again throughout the day, forming an "impression" thinking in his mind, and then a long habit. Sexual exercises gradually make oneself have muscle memory and make boxing a habit, so that every time you punch, you will have "habitual" movements.

It stands to reason that this is very feasible, but after Mizuki came to Konoha Hospital, he discovered that this may not be as simple as he thought, at least it cannot be compared with his own boxing practice.

The reason is simple. The patients in the hospital are not always there anytime and anywhere. Although there are always a few people injured every day because of various things, and the ninja is injured when performing tasks, but there can be two or three in a day. Ten people, this is already very busy.

In fact, it is very busy, because the injured will not get better right away. Some will be hospitalized for a few days. Doctors and nurses have more time to look after these hospitalized people for follow-up observation and treatment at any time.

However, for the water tree that requires a lot of medical practice, it feels too little.Without staying in the hospital for a few days, she found Tsunade impatiently and suggested: "The number of patients in the hospital is too few every day, and it is not enough for me to accumulate practical experience!"

This reason sounds so ridiculous?Unless it is a doctor in a hospital, how many people in this world would want to run into the hospital all day without having to do anything?

What Tsunade took for granted was Mizuki. He made a very severe criticism: "You only stayed for a few days? Kozakura has been in the hospital for three years. Why do you even have such a little patience? No!"


If possible, Mizuki certainly hopes that he can have more time, but now he has heard that Sanwei's capture mission failed, so he must be known.

Such a time from Penn’s attack on Konoha may not be out of reach, maybe in the next month, even the next week is not impossible!How much time do you have?

Shui Shu’s psychological aspect is bitter, but in this case, she can’t say it straight, because it’s not easy to explain, so she can only find another reason and say: "Didn’t I think of my own practice? Master, you know me The temperament, is there someone who can sit still with me?"

Since turning into a girl, although she still behaves very violently from time to time, it doesn't matter if she uses the privileges she should have when she needs it.

Tsunade glanced at her helplessly, then sighed and said, "The patients in the hospital are all Konoha residents, or injured ninjas. How many people treat you every day?"

Konoha's population is now so large, and there are only so many ninjas. This is not a time of war, and there will never be a scene of wounded everywhere.

Of course, in such a situation, you may not want to have it!

This should be regarded as a no-brainer, right?But this made Mizuki very depressed. Thinking of the increasingly pressing time, God knows when Penn will attack Konoha.

After Penn had attacked Konoha, it was the fourth Ninja World War that followed, and he had to find a way to improve his strength as soon as possible!

Mizuki gritted his teeth and said, "Master Tsunade, would you give me a task? A task that allows me to fight!"

This is a very stupid way that I thought of. I hurt someone first, then helped me with the treatment, then I had another meal, and then healed it again. Wouldn't it be possible to smoothly increase my practical experience by going back and forth?

But such a method~ ahem~!

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