I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 434

As soon as this sentence was spoken, I saw Ibisi's natural expression, and Mizuki immediately understood that this is a clever method!

He sighed helplessly. Obviously, this kind of mental attack is something that few people can bear, right?The physical pain can be tolerated, but the mental shock is really unacceptable.

But after hearing such a hypothesis like Ibuki, a figure flashed in Mizuki's mind: Itachi Uchiha!

Yes, if you remember that there is nothing wrong, isn't the tragedy made by Uchiha Itachi was influenced by Danzo and let him choose from the family and Sasuke?The result was not exactly for: Protecting his brother, what kind of thing Uchiha Itachi did.

Mizuki felt a little uncomfortable when thinking about this incident. In fact, when she was in the three-dimensional world, she liked Itachi Uchiha very much, thinking that this was one of Kishimoto's most successful characters.

The younger brother who loves him will be hated, and for his own village, he is like an abandoned son, trapped in the whirlpool of love and hate, and finally still has to die with a smile.

Now based on the rumors that have been detected, it has been confirmed that the Oshemaru has something wrong, and there are traces of hearing about Sasuke. It seems that he is recruiting a team. What purpose is temporarily unknown, but what reason is there. It can still be guessed.

The next plot: "Hunt Uchiha Itachi!"

The Oshe Maru incident has spread. As the mastermind of the "Konoha collapse" a few years ago, Konoha has never given up looking for him.

Now that such big news spreads, it is said that the izakaya in Konoha Village has been buzzing in recent days.Of course, some people feel annoyed that they can't handle this thief, such as the water tree here.

However, there is another person who is concerned about this matter, who has a different view from ordinary people. This person is undoubtedly Naruto, but he does not care about Oshemaru, but Sasuke who killed Oshemaru: "Oshemaru is gone. Why hasn't he returned to the village?"

This was the sound Mizuki heard as soon as he walked in, and the source was anxious Naruto.

Because he had to know the news about Oshemaru, the first person Naruto thought of was Sasuke. This guy was his friend, someone he recognized, or his own enemy.

But no matter what, now Osha Maru is dead, for Sasuke, he still wants to continue to do something?

Mizuki was standing at the door as soon as he came in, but he heard Jiraiya's explanation to Naruto from the side: "Sasuke wanted revenge and killed his brother Uchiha Itachi. He might choose to approach Akatsuki. ?"

This is something that can be thought of. When the Tiandiqiao mission met again, he actually knew Sasuke's intentions. Moreover, when the seventh class was first established, Sasuke clearly showed his willingness to revenge, right?

I saw Naruto gritting his teeth and saying: "That guy."

Psychologically, I can't help but sigh, because if we follow the development of the plot, Sasuke and Itachi will inevitably have a battle, a plot of love and death.

I don't know what Naruto thinks now, or he is worried about what Sasuke will do. At this time, everyone here also noticed the arrival of Mizuki.

After Mizuki nodded to them, he stepped forward and handed in the last document: "The information just got, at the same time that the three tails disappeared, there is also the fact that the four tails also disappeared, and there is evidence that it is the dry persimmon ghost, an accomplice of this guy. Who is it~ I don't think I need to say more?"

Uchiha Itachi, he is the one discussing now!

Naruto here saw Mizuki's eyes, and immediately understood what it was like, and said to Tsunade: "What are you waiting for? Let's act quickly! The task of capturing Akatsuki shouldn't be over, right?"

Since the incident in Shayin Village, Akatsuki has been included in the most wanted list, and Konoha, the alliance of Shayin Village, has also joined the hunt.

The idea is very simple. If Sasuke's target is Uchiha Itachi, then as a member of Akatsuki, it should be logical for them to use the name of arrest.

Of course Tsunade nodded and confirmed: "Yes!"

In this way, Naruto became more determined: "In order to find Sasuke, the most direct way is to find Akatsuki. In other words, our goal is: Uchiha Itachi!"

Such a "curve to save the country" approach, although it can be said to be very stupid, but it is not without reason.

"In order to meet Sasuke, do you aim at the Akatsuki member who is the most likely?" Tsunade has understood his thoughts and expressed certain approval: "Maybe this method will work?"

But to come back here: "But the opponent is Itachi Uchiha, what should we do?"

If it is to deal with the dried persimmon ghost shark, there are 100 kinds of water trees, no, at least a thousand ways, but against Uchiha Itachi, she has very low resistance to illusion!

Text volume 744. Proposal

There is no way to judge how strong Uchiha Itachi is because he hasn't directly played against each other.

However, based on the evaluation of the information we have learned, it is definitely much stronger than the Oshe Maru, and there is also "Suzano Nouga" which can be called: God’s power, powerful ninjutsu to judge, I think there will be a tail beast level strength!

If only this was the case, it would be good. Even if Shuishu had the capital for a battle, he would directly activate the technique of the Hundred Heroes, and then hit the Asura Bahuang Fist with a single blow.

However, the writing round eyes of the Uchiha clan have extremely strong illusion skills. Mizuki has learned this, and illusion is her weakness, and it is troublesome when it is illusion.

In this way, I was lost in thought, and the Sakura on the side tried to say, "I think as long as I can catch one of Akatsuki members, I can hand it over to Mr. Ibizi to ask about Itachi, right?"

It is difficult to deal with Uchiha Itachi directly, so I found other members of Akatsuki's organization to try. It is not impossible to find a soft persimmon.

Tsunade also thought: "It is indeed a way. I have also given orders to the teams to catch them alive if possible."

"But in reality, it is quite difficult!" The next voice came from the door of the office. Of course, this person was Kakashi.He said: "They will not easily reveal information, and judging from the guys who have played against it so far, their strength is too dangerous, it is not easy to catch alive."

Neither does this, nor does that work.Naruto became a little impatient: "Then what should I do?"

Such an attitude is definitely not advisable. Mizuki reminded Naruto: "Naruto, don't worry, let Mr. Kakashi finish talking."

Let Naruto calm down first, and then Kakashi continued: "I can only find Itachi before I can find it."

It's a meaningless sentence, but if you think about it, you still have to find a clue to Uchiha Itachi, so that you can make plans and plans for the next move.

"Should you follow Itachi to find Sasuke?" Jiraiya thought, and said at the same time, "But what happens after you find Itachi?"

Kakashi here said: "I have an idea about this, can you give me some time?"

I don't know what he wants to do, but now that he proposed it, Tsunade nodded in agreement.

So before the action, there is still more time to prepare. Kakashi means to find someone, right?Naruto left in a bad mood, and Jiraiya also left afterwards.

Seeing Naruto's departure, Mizuki sighed helplessly: "The desire to retrieve Sasuke is still so strong!"

Shuishu from the three-dimensional world, because the social rhythm is fast, the relationship between people is very cold, and she has been cheated by her dormitory classmates, so she has no deep opportunities for bondage. .

Mizuki can understand Naruto's experience when he was a child, making him cherish his friends very much and attach great importance to feelings.But in Mizuki's eyes, everything Sasuke has done so far can be described as betrayal.

The departure at the end of the valley is a departure from Konoha.The goodbye of Tiandiqiao also said those words that hurt Naruto and Sakura's feelings.

If you change to a water tree, you will definitely want to kill this guy, right?Anyway, in the three-dimensional time, Mizuki didn't have a lot of affection for Sasuke and always thought that he was a dark side character.

Of course, this does not rule out that Kishimoto deliberately, the purpose is to bear the front of the protagonist, but really Sasuke's will for revenge, as Nietzsche said: When you stare into the abyss, the abyss also stares at you.

While still thinking, Tsunade noticed Mizuki's expression and said to her, "Mizuki, what are you thinking about?"

Mizuki came back to his senses, because he thought of something, his face was a bit distracting, but it quickly passed away, and he was relaxed and said to Tsunade: "I'm fine, just thinking about Naruto~ Alas, you also know how he spent the past three years in order to find Sasuke."

This sentence caused a moment of silence from everyone, especially Sakura here was even more sad, because Naruto had worked so hard to find Sasuke, she felt that she should be her back then, it was too willful. That's why Naruto did it desperately, right?

Perceiving something wrong in the atmosphere, Mizuki realized that he had made a mistake, and hurriedly said, "Master, this time I have an idea. I hope I can get your permission!"

"Idea?" Tsunade asked involuntarily, "What permission do you want to get, can you introduce me first?"

I have to say this idea, and I don't think it is very appropriate. In fact, Mizuki's psychology is a bit unfounded.But thinking of the plot this time, I decided to take a risk!

So Mizuki looked around first, Tsunade immediately understood, and immediately signaled Silent and Sakura to go out first: "Now, just say what I want to say!"

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