I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through Naruto World Chapter 449

His words touched everyone. There is a sentence called: good teacher and helpful friend.Everyone can understand that Naruto, who lost his parents since childhood, also has a special position.

Mizuki can understand Naruto’s feelings, but there is still one sentence that must be said: "Naruto, I can understand your desire for revenge. After Konoha’s collapse occurred, I have more than one time and wanted to kill Oshimaru for me Revenge for his companions. But are you capable now? Can you defeat an opponent that even a native adult can't beat?"

Jiraiya, but the top ninja in the famous Ninja world, and lost to Penn in the fairy mode. Now that Naruto who doesn't have the fairy mode, how could he be Penn's opponent again?Does it rely on spiral pills?

Hearing Mizuki's words, Naruto suddenly hesitated, but still said, "Aren't you going to take revenge?"

"Of course not!" Mizuki said to Naruto, "You need strength to get revenge!"

The words have already been said here, but let Shenzuo speak: "The time to call me this time is just right. I am planning to pick up Naruto. Would you like to follow me and learn fairy skills?"

Practice immortality!

Mizuki's eyes suddenly brightened when she heard of the fairy technique. Although he seemed to have learned the fairy technique a long time ago, he couldn't learn it for various reasons.

But now Naruto has this opportunity. He and Toad have signed a contract to practice immortality in Miaomu Mountain.And only after practicing immortality, he has the ability to fight Penn!

"This is a good way!" Kakashi thought it was feasible.

It's the first time Naruto heard about Xianshu, and asked a little unclearly, "Is Xianshu very powerful?"

This idiot, Mizuki explained to him: “Of course it’s amazing. I’ve heard from the master that the first generation of Hokage will use the power of immortality, and the wounds can be instantly healed in battle, reaching the point of immortality in battle. I know that Master Jilaiya can also do immortality!"

After Mizuki finished speaking, Tsunade nodded, and then said: "Now Penn is defeated, summoning Lord Shensaku and Lord Shima's Jiraiya, which means that at this moment, I am afraid that there are few Konoha Village who can defeat that guy. Up."

I don't know if I can kill Penn with the Asura Bahuang Fist, but this kind of trick of killing the enemy and self-defeating is definitely not suitable for fighting against a few enemies.

If it is purely using physical skills, the Penn of Heavenly Dao has Shenluo Tianzheng, which is the most troublesome one.

Now Naruto is going to learn from Miaomu Mountain, and following Shenzuo to learn fairy skills. This is undoubtedly the best way, and it is said that to avenge Jilai also, Naruto is the most qualified one?

Text Volume 767. Before Payne's Attack [4]

In any case, Naruto went to Miaomu Mountain and followed Master Shen Zuo to practice immortality, which is the inevitability of the plot development.Needless to say the final result, Mizuki is the Konoha village that watched him leave.

So everything starts to count down!

In order to meet the upcoming attack, as well as the forthcoming Ninja World War, I have done my best to prepare.

Mizuki found the same thing before, which was a set of load-bearing clothes that Tsunade had customized for her in the Iron Country.It used to be worn for a long time, but after all, it was in the developmental period, and it was too early to wear.

But now it is taken out, and the water tree is handed over to the family members, so that they will be sent to the iron country to find the best blacksmith shop and let them help transform it.

Because there have been many things happening recently, along with the decryption of secret codes left by Jiraiya, silence the autopsy and analysis of the corpse, and Yamanakai used mind-reading on the ninjas caught in Yuyin Village at the beginning.With these happenings, Mizuki, who is familiar with the development of the plot, understands that the time for Penn to attack Konoha will come at any time.

So Tsunade made a suggestion: "Now that Jiraiya-sama is killed in battle, Akatsuki will definitely get rid of her fears. Konoha may become a target at any time, just like what happened in Shagakura village before. I suggest that it should be To strengthen Konoha's alert level, it is best to draw up an emergency plan to prevent it from happening!"

This suggestion is supported by Tsunade. It is necessary to know that Jiraiya, who knows Xianju, can be said to be Konoha's top combat effectiveness, but the enemy can kill Jiraiya. Obviously, Kimha village at this time has no power to match it. Enemy ninja.

Tsunade also said about this: "Actually, since I got the news of Jiraiya's sacrifice, I have arranged more teams to strengthen the patrol near Konoha. Order them to report to me immediately if they find an abnormality!"

This seems to be the only thing that can be done now. After all, the enemy is in a state of being dark and clear, and when the enemy will launch an attack, the active choice is also in the hands of the enemy, and Konoha can only respond passively.

Mizuki can understand this, so he said to Tsunade: "Master, if you don't mind, I can mobilize my ninjas. We must know that the white eyes of our Hyuga clan, but have the strongest vision and insight, and are responsible for guarding work. It's perfect."

Someone can fill the shortage of manpower, which is naturally very happy for Tsunade, and she has considerable trust in Mizuki, and she is quite relieved of this vigilant task.

Because Nissoku has already left Konoha Village, as the eldest lady of the Hyuga clan, Mizuki has the ability and qualifications to manage the big and small affairs of the family.And this is for the safety of Konoha Village, and several family ninjas have been approved by Naruto, even the elders in the family will not say anything.

When I finished talking about this topic, I also asked about the progress of several things.He got Tsunade’s answer: "The secret code department believes that the message left by Jiraiya should mean'no real body', but there is no evidence now. After all, according to Fukasaku, they encountered six The enemy of the reincarnation eye."

Here is a reminder from Mizuki. Later, after Naruto left, about the information left by Jiraiya, Mizuki and Shikamaru had some discussions with the people in the secret department.

A direct view from Mizuki: "If it is really the legendary reincarnation eye, it is impossible for this world to have six at the same time, so according to the information of the code, these people should not be Penn’s true body."

The answer is that the plot revealed by the water tree, in fact, must be so correct.However, Shikamaru and others still have doubts. After all, Penn has the eyes of reincarnation, and he has said that Penn has the ability to resurrect from the dead. The corpse that is being examined is a ninja who has fought against Jilai before.

Thinking of this, Mizuki had also asked about the progress of the autopsy. Tsunade answered: "I have silenced and made the autopsy a priority. There should be results soon, right?"

Because there are too many things to deal with, I am afraid that I am too busy now.

There is also a question here about the arrested Yuyin Village ninja, how the interrogation is going.Speaking of which, two days ago, Mizuki also went to the torture department once. I heard that after taking a lot of confessions, nothing was ineffective. According to Ibizi: "This person may have been subjected to forbearance. Surgery."

Mizuki has stayed in the torture department, knowing that the confession agent is a kind of hallucinogenic drug, and after taking it to the person who needs to be interrogated, it will make the person hallucinate, so that it is easier to obtain the desired information.

But I don't know who gave this person a ninjutsu defense to prevent leaks, so that the confession agent has no effect, so he invited Yamanaka to get into his brain with the technique of mind reading.But this is also time-consuming and laborious, and it needs to be cracked.

I don’t know if there is such a time, anyway, watching the passage of time day after day, Mizuki’s heart is rising day by day: "According to the information I have learned, there is also the information given by Tiandiqiao from Oshemaru. En's strength is absolutely beyond imagination, but I didn't expect that even Jiraiya would be an opponent."

It’s been more than ten years since I came to this world, and I know that Jiraiya’s strength is so strong that he had already been known as the Ninja World in his early years, with the name of "Three Ninja", and the word "Xianren" is not a boast. No need to say how strong the fairy model is, right?

But even so, they were all killed by Payne, which made Mizuki's mentality even more unfounded. He wasn't a celestial technique. If he faced Payne in this way, what chance would he have?

Recalling the plot of "Naruto", even Naruto in fairy mode was at a disadvantage when dealing with Payne, and later it was Hinata's injury that aroused Naruto.

The water tree here is self-aware, although she is confident of her strength, she will not lose easily.However, she has quite a few flaws, and she is easily restrained.Of course, if she knows fairy skills, she might be able to make up for the shortcomings, but unfortunately she can't!

When talking about this question, Tsunade also pondered for a long time, and said: "Miaomu Mountain’s fairy art, I have also heard from Ji Lai. If Naruto learns it, there is still great hope, but it must be tactically defeated. The enemy, unless it is Naruto beyond Jiraiya."

Recalling that when Jilai was about to leave, Tsunade's eyes dimmed a lot when he saw his back leave. Obviously she didn't have this confidence, and she was also afraid that Naruto would follow in Jiraiya's footsteps.

Text Volume 768. Before Payne Attack [5]

Thinking back to the time when Jiraiya was gone, Tsunade's eyes were a little lost when he looked at his back in the sunset.

The Mizuki here can understand Tsunade's feelings. The death of his brother and lover has left Tsunade's psychological pain.Finally, I finally accepted Jilaiya, but I didn't expect to wait for such bad news.

Now Naruto is her last spiritual pillar, a person who has the same dream with her brother and lover: "Become Hokage!"

Although Mizuki was only a teenager, she was already mature in her heart, knowing that Tsunade was a woman after all, and there was weakness in her heart.

However, she knows that Naruto will surpass Jiraiya and become a hero who saves the village of Konoha and the world, so Mizuki said firmly: "Master, I think you can take a gamble, but Naruto cannot surpass Jiraiya. Adults too!"

How does this sentence sound a bit strange?Tsunade said in a puzzled way: "Isn't it supposed to make me bet: Naruto will surpass Jiraiya?"

"Well~!" Mizuki smiled mysteriously: "This is my bet. It's for your old man. Will you lose every bet?"

Okay, after saying this, Tsunade's face collapsed.But fortunately, she understood that this was a kind joke, so she was not angry.

But again, Naruto practiced immortal arts in Miaomu Mountain, and it was a vacuum before returning.After all, Konoha had just lost Jiraiya's top-notch fighting power.

So just in case, Tsunade agreed. Mizuki increased the alert arrangement. After some discussions, the two gave an order: "I will fully support you and draw up an emergency plan. Konoha's safety It's up to you."

Mizuki certainly understood this, so after bidding farewell, he immediately returned to the Hyuga clan.

Considering that Penn will attack Konoha at any time, he must work out an emergency plan as soon as possible to prevent all possible accidents, so Mizuki is the first time to summon the ninjas of the Hyuga clan who are still in the village.

The ninja sitting in front of the water tree like this looks like a dozen people, but most of them are middle-level ninjas. Fortunately, the previous request is that there are a few upper-level ninjas left in the Japanese foot, and they are all water. Tree knows people.

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