I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 453

Mizuki probably knew the reason, as if he wanted to stop the soil, but he did not want to see him die.This is from the three-dimensional world, and it is the same thing that many mid-traversers want to change.

But Payne here reminded her that such behavior is meaningless, right?If this can have a result, then the soil-carrying matter should be resolved.

Now I understand it, it seems that what I did was actually the intervention of a third party.It can be regarded as the intervention of the "small three", unless the original plot is shaken, it is absolutely difficult to achieve effective results.Unless it can be done: the junior is on top and can kill the original ration.

But to change the premise of the plot, this requires the strength to speak, if Mizuki wants to make Payne consciously leave, unless it is to be able to show the strength that is enough to make him jealous!

After understanding this in his mind, Mizuki's heart was stunned, and he said to Payne: "If you don't accept my opinion, if you leave consciously, I will beat you back. This way, I will kill Master Jilaiya. I will avenge Naruto-san and Hokage-sama!"

After all, Mizuki made up his mind to give you a chance to leave. This is your own way to heaven and you don't go, and hell has no way to die by yourself.So don't blame me for being rude!

Immediately strangled the neck of Hungry Ghost Road, and twisted directly to the side. This is not a twisting of the neck, because Mizuki knew that Payne had the ability to resurrect, so he pulled his head off.Can you be resurrected like this?

It was just after the water tree drew a Payne, several Konoha ninjas appeared behind him, the same special operations team that had just been formed, they were the people who had just been replaced before they said that there was a battle here, so they rushed Come and support.

Unexpectedly, they came a step late, just to see Mizuki alone defeating an invading enemy.The head was a Shinobu. He couldn't help feeling a chill when he saw the twisted head in Mizuki's hand, but he respectfully said, "Miss Mizuki, is the battle over here?"

Mizuki glanced at him and threw the head in his hand to him: "What do you think?"

With the help of his head, he took a look, is this the enemy?Although it was a torn off head, it seemed that this Shangren should be someone who had experienced the world, and there was nothing to be afraid of.

So Mizuki asked him to put his head away: "This is Payne's corpse. It should be of great research value. Maybe it will be a little secret. Send this head to the dark part and they will know how to do it."

The body of a ninja is a huge treasure, not to mention a corpse made by Payne.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he saw that Shang Ren did not execute his order. Mizuki felt a little strange and asked why he didn't act immediately.

I only heard this Shangren replied: "In fact, when we arrived a minute ago, we heard that the Anbu had been dispatched. The interrogation department and the secret signal department were all attacked by the enemy."

"What?!" Mizuki was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly stepped forward, asking the specific situation: "What happened, how could even the Anbu be attacked?"

The interrogation department and the secret signal department are all intelligence departments of the Anbu. The two places were attacked by the enemy, and the purpose should be very obvious.

Mizuki quickly recalled the plot, and immediately realized that it should be the Animal Dao, and the Human Dao, through its perception of Chakra, found the body of Penn that Jilai had also seized before, so he launched an attack, right?This is absolutely true!

Thinking of this, Mizuki hurriedly ordered: "I understand, Anbe has important information. The enemy attacked this place because he wanted to regain the information. We must not let him succeed. We need to support it immediately!"

Shinobu nodded in response. Of course he understood the seriousness of the matter, and he beckoned all the members to follow Mizuki and head to Anbe for support.

But before arriving at the intelligence department, I saw three Anbu ninjas fighting with a giant dog with many heads. Needless to say, they were also the summoned creatures of the Animal Dao.

The three Anbu ninjas cooperated perfectly, the first is an Anbu ninja Yuyin: "Wind Dun: The Art of Wind Cut!!"

Feng Dun cut off the giant dog's feet, temporarily incapacitating it.

The next Anbu ninja, Jieyin uses Lei Dun: "The Four Pillar Binding Art!!"

Four pillars that discharge high-voltage electricity suppress the giant dog in place.

But here is far from over. A space appeared in the sky, and a dark red clay descended. This is also the earth escape among the three dark ninjas.

While the clay was wrapping the giant dog, the dark ninja who had just used the thunder escape technique used it again and said, "Thunder escape: the sixteen pillars bound!!"

The huge giant dog is locked in a cage made, not only is a powerful thunder escape attack, but also a fire escape technique to complete the kill: "The technique of unburnt!!"

The connection of ninjutsu is impeccable, worthy of the ninja of Anbu, and the coordination is perfect.

The water tree fell by their side and looked at their finished masterpiece: "Is it over?"

It should not be so simple, right?In other words, the strength of the Beast Dao is not the strongest of the six realms, but it is just a summoned beast, and the Beast Dao will not disappear without death.

Asking hurriedly what happened, the ninja in Anbe answered truthfully: "An enemy has attacked Anbe, and Ms. Silent has moved away."

It seems that there is nothing wrong, presumably they have got the information, they will report it to Hokage, but thinking of the next thing, knowing that silence will be dangerous!

I wonder if I should go to the rescue and mute, so as not to be extracted by the human world. Although Naruto will save Konoha in the end, no one will want to die, right?

It was at this time of hesitation that the water tree perceives the existence of chakras. It is true that there is a kind of chakras. It is this giant dog that has not been killed!

Mizuki quickly reminded: "Be careful!"

Order the ninjas of the special operations force to support the battle.

Ibizi had been injured, the split dog broke the restraint, and roared and rushed out.

These are not all counted. Penn’s Beast Dao Jiyin uses psychic techniques, and the entire Konoha Village suddenly becomes a zoo, with rhinos, chameleons, and birds, which should be lobsters that were aquatic creatures.

It seems that Payne is really unscrupulous, or is he intending to destroy Konoha Village?

Anyway, since it is an intruder, Mizuki has a reason to come forward and approach. She has already killed one person, so just kill one.

After all the remaining penny is killed, go find the body of Nagato!

Text Volume 774. vs. Payne [4]

Payne's animal dao ability is mainly used to channel various creatures to fight. It doesn't use ninjutsu or illusion. In theory, it is better to deal with water tree than the hungry ghost road just now.

Because as long as the animal path is defeated, the creatures that come out of the channel will immediately disappear.So Mizuki's attention should be aimed at the animal road!

Mizuki came to the injured Yibixi. Just now, Beast Dao was directly on his body and used psychic art to summon the flying bird, causing him to suffer serious damage. Fortunately, the slug was treated in time. It seems that the injury is not serious. hinder.

First, he asked about his injury, and after getting a "no problem" answer, Mizuki said to him: "You can leave now, just leave it to me here!"

Ibizi knew that he was injured, and staying here would be of no use, and if Mizuki fights against the opponent, it will inevitably affect others.So he nodded very clearly and said, "Then please."

Ordering the support ninjas who came along with his subordinates, covering the wounded and evacuating quickly, Mizuki directly faced Penn Beast Road.

If it is compared with the Hungry Ghost Dao, the Animal Dao should be a better deal for Water Tree, but looking at the appearance of the Animal Dao, Water Tree is a bit unable to start.

Because this animal way is cognition, it is the rain country ninja encountered in the Zhongnin exam. Even though he knows that the hydrangea is now the animal way of Payne, Mizuki sighed helplessly from the bottom of his heart.

There was a bit of emotion in his eyes, but it disappeared quickly, and replaced with a firm expression. Mizuki said to Payne: "You want to destroy Konoha, I will never allow it!"

When Konoha collapsed, Mizuki's companions used their lives to protect the peace and tranquility of Konoha Village.Now whoever wants to break this peace will be the enemy of the water tree!

Payne looked at her expressionlessly, just spit out two simple words from his mouth: "Come on!"

Angrily let out a low drink, Mizuki squeezed a fist to gather Chakra, and the figure was like an arrow with his feet, rushing in front of the animal road in an instant, and hit her body with a fist.

Animal Dao’s ability is psychic, which can summon a large number of psychic creatures. These creatures are very powerful. For example, the giant dog just now has the ability to split. The attack will not only be invalid, but will split more bodies.

But the same is true where the animal dao is strong, the body's strength is the weakest place, as long as the animal dao can be killed, these psychic creatures will also disappear.

Therefore, the water tree here concentrates all its strength on the body that kills the animal road. According to her strength, as long as it hits, it is enough to penetrate the target's body!

But at the moment Mizuki's fist hit the opponent's body, a huge figure rushed forward. This was the rhino that was trapped by Ibizi and buried underground.But now that he got rid of the shackles, he rushed out of the ground!

It happened that the rhinoceros horn was against the water tree, and at the same time it was connected to its owner. Such a blow was very unpredictable, but fortunately, although the rhinoceros horn was in the top, the water tree's body was not injured.Instead, they simply took advantage of the momentum to hug the rhinoceros horns, and threw them together with the rhino and the animal road sitting on it.

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