I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 456

She feels that she has no strength. When she is about to fall, she will remember the mission she has not completed: If she falls, is it stronger?

Because of long-term physical training, long-term training of will, because of his own personality and obsession to become stronger, every time the water tree is about to fall, it turns into a motivation for every step, even in the end. When the body had already squeezed the last trace of strength, it still forced out a bit of strength.

"If I fall down, can I still be stronger?"

No, you must not fall down!

Text Volume 778. vs. Payne [8]

"No, I absolutely can't fall! I haven't lost yet!"

This was the only thought that appeared in Shui Shu's mind. This thought became obsession, just as she could continue to move forward every time she practiced and felt that she was about to fall.

Mizuki felt that at this moment, there was a kind of power in his body, he was being summoned by his own will, and he felt that his body seemed to be lighter?

No, this shouldn't be something stronger, but her own strength has become stronger, so she felt that the pressure on her body was diminishing, so she gave her the illusion of lightening.

At this moment, Mizuki's eyes emit a white light, and an abnormal change occurs in her white eyes. Chakra is no longer absorbed by the Hungry Ghost Dao, but is quickly closing and introverting.

Such a weird change should not have escaped Payne's perception, especially the human path that looked at the soul of the water tree, which already knew the source of the water tree's strength.

There are Mizuki's most doting sisters in this world: Hinata, and the companions who sacrificed for Konoha and her when Konoha collapsed.It is the obsession that is about to fall every time, and do his best to take another step.Everything becomes her source of strength, and the willpower that has been trained all the year round makes her fearless of any hardship.

Without time to find the information on the whereabouts of Uzumaki Naruto, Payne felt that he could not delay any longer, and could only take out her soul to prevent her from getting rid of her control.

But at the moment when the hand of the human world was about to lift the soul of the water tree, what he didn't expect was a hand that strongly pinched his wrist, even if he used all his strength, he couldn't tremble a bit.The human world is the master who saw this hand, and the strength of the water tree is surprisingly powerful!

The human world looked at Shuishu, and at the same time Shuishu’s eyes were already staring at him. The four eyes of the two people faced each other, and the corners of Shuishu’s mouth were cocked. They said, "This is my village, with my beloved sister. , This is also a place protected by life for my companion, and will never allow you to destroy this place!"

The moment the voice fell, Mizuki's hand made a simple force, easily crushing the human world's hand.

Looking at all of this incredible, maybe Payne couldn't think of it, the water tree that had been controlled by him actually had the power to fight back.

If that's the case, it's not over yet, because the next thing I will see is that Mizuki is starting to break free from the shackles of the Hungry Ghost Road.You must know that when Hungry Ghost Dao absorbs Chakra, it is equivalent to turning the opponent's power into one's own use.

But who would have thought that the strength of the water tree here is so strong that it can break the restraints of forcibly by relying on its own strength.He grabbed the hungry ghost behind him, made a perfect shoulder throw, and smashed his head on the ground.

Then he made up another fist and exploded the head of Hungry Ghost Dao on the spot!

Mizuki stood up from the spot, Payne saw her white eyes, it seemed to be emitting a strange brilliance, and a different power was being released from her body.

Fearing to be careless, Shuradao Payne opened the weapon system and released several missiles with trailing flames, bombarding the water tree indiscriminately.

Such a high-intensity bombardment caused a burst of smoke toss. It is impossible to imagine who would survive such an attack, at least if it was an ordinary person, it would have been blown to pieces.

But when everyone thought that the water tree would die without a place to bury, but when they saw the smoke dissipate, she still stood on the spot intact, and it was released from her, a kind of divinity The brilliance enveloped her.

This is a halo!Just in the game of "Ragnarok", when the peak of the second rank profession reaches level 99, there will be a kind of brilliance surrounding the character.

If it is a setting in the game, this brilliance is a level special effect, not a mysterious power, but as a way of level expression, the appearance of a halo means that the water tree at this time is already It is in a state of perfection for the second-turn professional level!

One more thing to say here is that in the game of "Ragnarok", the "reincarnation" task can only be run after the second job level reaches the full level, and then the "advanced" career can be opened.

It seems to be a setting in the game. What is still being determined in the dark. Obviously, the water tree that has been stuck in the bottleneck has not met such "requirements", right?

Now through this opportunity, the potential of the water tree is stimulated, and the state of reaching the second level of professional level is just like in the past practice process, every time when I want to fall, I will force myself to step forward again. One step, even one crawling step is farther than the last time!

The end of the second career: full level!

Shui Shu's eyes were extremely cold, and the mysterious light in his white eyes still appeared constantly, glowing with mysterious power.Staring at Penn in front of him: "Pen, come on, now I can take a look at your real strength!"

The moment the voice fell, Mizuki's figure disappeared in place and appeared in front of Tiandao Payne for an instant, asking him to punch him in the air without even giving him time to use the Shenluo Tianzheng.

Unexpectedly, Mizuki would attack suddenly, and the rest of Payne urgently shot at the same time.

The Penn’s seal of the Animal Dao slapped the ground to psychically produce a large rhino, and also used the amplification technique to bless it, making the rhino’s horns sharper and the skin becoming heavy like armor.

A phantom appeared behind Payne of Hell Road. This is the image of the legendary "Yama King", which can impose judgments on those caught.Possessing the ability similar to the human world, it can extract the souls of others, but it is sealed in the body of Yama.

Shura Dao’s head has two faces with the same length. He takes off his clothes and has two extra hands. It is a typical "three-headed six-arm" image. After his head is opened, he can fire laser cannons. It was a heavy blow to Liuwei Renzhuli.

One of the hands of the human world was crushed, the head of the hungry ghost was smashed, and the heaven was flew by a punch just now.So there are only these three penins, but even if it is a one-to-three, Jilai is not easy to deal with, but the design relies on Shensuo and Zhima's illusion to defeat the three penns.

If it were before that, Mizuki would definitely be very jealous, and it would be very difficult to deal with a few Penns in one breath.But now her strength has been adjusted to the highest level, and Hinata is thinking of Hinata, and her desire to protect Konoha.Even if it is facing the danger of an overwhelming enemy, she must fight one!

Text Volume 779. vs. Payne [9]

Without fear of the three enemies, the water tree is ready.

First came the big rhinoceros from the animal road. This rhino should be strengthened, the rhinoceros horns became thicker, and the skin on its body became armor-like. This made it possible to form a more terrifying impact after it ran at high speed.

However, Mizuki is also good at strength. He chooses the hard top with his strongest posture, bursts out the power of the whole body to hug the rhino horn, and hard to hold the rhinoceros!

At this time, Shura's head has been opened to gather light, and the weapon system of the laser cannon is about to be launched. It has a weapon that can severely injure the tail and beastly human column power. Is King Kong bad, I wonder if it can be prevented?

Mizuki didn't dare to guarantee, and of course he didn't dare to take it hard, exhausted his whole body's strength, hugged the rhinoceros horn, and slammed the rhino into the Asura Dao.Fortunately, with such a flick, the opponent didn't let the opponent hit him, because just after that, he saw that the body of the big rhino was blown to pieces by the laser cannon!

She couldn't help but horrified her secretly: "If the action just now was slower, I guess it was me who exploded into pieces?"

But now there is no time to rejoice, because soon Mizuki's eyes are already discovering the Hell Dao, and he is returning the wounded Human Dao and Hungry Ghost Dao to the furnace.

Seeing King Yama’s mouth chucking a few times, the Human World Dao and the Hungry Ghost Dao who had been beaten up just now appeared in front of them unharmed.

Mizuki's expression became cold: "I actually forgot, hell road has the ability to resurrect!"

But now it's too late to say anything, and seeing the Five Dao appearing in front of him again, it is estimated that the Heaven Dao that was beaten up in a while should be able to return soon, and it will still be one enemy six.

Don't look at the full level of the water tree here, the whole body is surrounded by a gorgeous halo, but water tree knows in his heart that the actual meaning of this full level is not great.

Because in the game of Ragnarok, it is divided into base level and job level. The former is the basic level and is mainly related to the attribute value, while the latter is the occupation level, which can increase the number of professional skills.

When the water tree reaches the full level, it is the basic level full level. In fact, the 98 and 99 full levels are nothing more than a few more attribute points, and the strength enhancement is very limited, and it has been said before: the halo has no special abilities. It's just a symbol of grade perfection.

One enemy six is ​​still very reluctant. Originally, I wanted to defeat them one by one, at least as before, first defeat a few less enemies, and one more point would be better.But now it seems that such an idea is bankrupt.

At this time, there is not much emotion. The Animal Dao, the Shura Dao, the Human World, and the Hungry Ghost Dao have surrounded the water trees from the four at the same time. The animal Dao’s channelling is the split dog, and the rocket fired by the Shura Dao. The soul-swallowing technique used by the human realm, and the hungry ghost road absorbs Chakra's evil spirits.

None of these four types of ninjutsu is easy to bear, and even one of them will be very troublesome!

The King Kong of the water tree is not bad and can resist the split dogs, and the physical skills can barely fight the evil spirits of the hungry ghost road, but facing the rockets of the Shura road and the soul of the human world, there is no way.Therefore, at the first time, choose the best judgment: "Bow body shot!"

Utilizing the ability of the bow and slingshot, instantly transferred to a relatively safe area.

However, she did not choose to escape, but appeared next to Hell Road, because he would summon King Yama and resurrect the enemy who was beaten down. If this guy is not killed first, she can't finish the fight. enemy.

Appeared behind Hell Dao for an instant. This is definitely a dead spot, but because Penn has the ability to share vision, Hell Dao is very cleverly reflexive to block, but even if he successfully defended it, he was still punched by Mizuki. Hit fly.

But Mizuki didn't let his plan go. After all, this guy didn't get rid of it first. Even if he lay down on other Payne, it didn't make much sense, and he might be resurrected by Hell.

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