I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 480

By the way, Mizuki checked Yamazaki’s work and found that his speed was very fast, which was assigned to him in his own task. When he returned from a trip to the Water Country the next day, he found two large transport ships and one A medium-sized merchant ship.

Ben's is a responsible attitude, and he is ready to sign a charter contract and needs to meet with the captain of the other party.But I didn't expect to meet an acquaintance: "Tanikawa?"

Back then, I was a pirate, and now my subordinates already own it, the captain of several ships, this kind of change is meaningless and huge.

Tanikawa’s attitude to meet Mizuki is also very good: "It’s been a long time since I saw it. It’s been two or three years, right? It’s really thanks to you that I got a relationship with the customs. After two years of hard work, it’s finally a small achievement. Up."

This guy actually said he was only a small accomplishment?Almost never let Mizuki fall.However, it became clear later that Tanikawa's ambitions did not stop there. He wanted to be a trading company monopolizing shipping!Such a big ambition is really just a small achievement compared to just a few ships now.

Because they are all familiar people, although they are not very emotional friends, it is much easier to talk when they know each other.

Water tree simply went straight to the topic: "You should have heard of the Five Shadows Convention that you entered? I won't say much nonsense. Because you need to be prepared for war, especially when it involves the transportation of large amounts of materials, shipping is the lowest cost. It is also the way with the largest carrying capacity. So I need to rent it from you!"

The Thunder Country is in the northeast corner of the mainland, and it does not border the Fire Country, and is separated by several countries.Naturally, land is not a good choice. The most direct problem is that the transportation cost is relatively high, and there are more drawbacks, such as carrying capacity and safety.

Because the east coast of the country of fire and the country of thunder both have coastal areas, and there are direct interoperable routes, so there is an opportunity for shipping.And the water tree is the area that remembers the war, probably in the north of the country of fire, the east of the country of thunder and its northern coastline, so that the shipping of the two countries will become the key to logistical materials and supply lines.

After calming down the chaos on the villain's island a long time ago, Mizuki considered the Fourth Ninja World War, so he had already thought about it a long time ago.Now tell the people of the villain's plan of your plan, believing that if you make a fortune in the war, they will not miss it short-sighted?!

Anyway, the eyes of Tanikawa here brightened, as if seeing the opportunity, he said on the spot: "The land of thunder is in the northeast of the mainland. If the enemy's base is in the north, I think maritime navigation is indeed the best logistics supply line. The best choice!"

Three of the five major countries are in the south. The country of water itself is a country on the sea. In addition to having sufficient ships, in fact, the country of fire and the country of wind all need to rely on shipping to transfer their country’s logistics Material, sent to Thunder Country for replenishment over long distances.

Tanikawa has already seen that if he can take this order and help the country of fire and the country of wind win the war, he will definitely win the good looks of the two countries, not only for his own development, but also for his own name in the future. It will become more prominent in the ocean!

The mental abacus sounded, and he immediately stood up and said: "Miss Mizuki, don't worry about that, I will promise to complete the task."

Mizuki glanced at him. She still didn't know the ambition of this guy, but she could only guess what he couldn't wait to see.

But now that he has expressed his stance like this, of course the task is for him: "Let's sign the contract then? Black and white can be more effective!"

Two contracts were signed to complete the tasks that Hokage had assigned to her. As for what this guy thinks, Mizuki doesn't care very much. Anyway, as long as it does not harm the interests of the country of fire, especially the interests of the village of Konoha, she will There is nothing to object to.

This is the bottom line of the water tree, right?For what kind of person, whether it is a good person or a bad person, as long as it does not touch her bottom line, such as Konoha or her own sister, she doesn't care much.

After the signing of the contract between the two parties was completed, Mizuki just reminded one more sentence at the end: "Because this time is about war, I don't want any problems."

Mizuki will write a letter back to Konoha Village to give Tsunade the situation of the completion of his task, so that the next thing is to Tanigawa and go to the country of fire.

Because next is a private matter, Mizuki needs to go out on his own: "I'm going to the country of Yuno, and then you have to go to the customs of the country of fire. I want to wait for you to pass. Someone will be sent to contact you."

Tanigawa didn't think there was a problem, and he understood that the mission of the ninja was definitely a very important thing, especially in the current state of affairs. A big battle was about to break out. It was possible for the ninja to perform any classified mission.

Of course, in order to facilitate his own itinerary, Mizuki borrowed a boat from Tanigawa to go directly to Yunokuni.

There is no problem with this. It happens that there is a boat under Tanigawa, which will go from the country of water to the country of thunder by passing through the country of Yuno. Mizuki can take a ride down the wind.

Text Volume 818. Hot Spring Village in Yunokuni

The task of buying food and medicinal materials in the country of vegetables, and renting boats on the villain island have all been completed.The next thing is to do your own thing, take the downwind boat under Tanigawa, Mizuki once again comes to Yunokuni.

"It's really a peaceful country! Let the task go to hell!"

Mizuki's character is like this, he likes unfettered freedom with his own sex. The tasks have been completed, and they have all written to the village of Konoha, and the next step is to hand over to the people afterwards.

I am now in Yunokuni, a country that claims to have forgotten the war, and the environment is really beautiful and charming, and there are beautiful places everywhere, making people here feel better.

Hand out a piece of information: "Is it the hot spring town of Tangyin Village?"

This is information from the minibus Fengte, but I didn't expect it to be in such a place.

I have to say that I can really pick a good place. You must know the origin of the word "Tang" in Tangyin Village, because this country is the most famous hot spring.

spa!spa!!spa!!!Say the important thing three times!I have to say what I think of three times!

Soaking in hot springs, this is Mizuki's favorite thing. For example, after frequent tasks are over, you will want to go to hot springs to relax your body.

It's not that you love hot springs and water trees. If you just look at hot springs, doesn't it feel much more comfortable than hot baths?But this does not hinder the water tree, the reason why he likes to soak in hot springs, what is the reason?Can anyone think of it?!

Walking in the hot spring township of Tangyin Village, you can see everywhere on the street, the signs of various hot spring hotels, and the water vapor from the hot springs, a smoky fairyland.

Mizuki is still remembering that when he first came, he seemed to accompany the eighth class to do the task. By the way, he ran through the hot spring here.

Every time I think of a hot spring, countless mosaic images fill the mind of Mizuki, and it can't be dispersed.

"Can't be like this, I'm here to do things! I'm still looking for a minibus Fengte!"

Trying to wave away, the YY distracting thoughts in my mind.

But at this moment, the water tree seemed to be faintly, as if hearing the voice of Yingying Yanyan, his heart couldn't help but move.

Unknowingly, they gathered Chakra quietly, opened their eyes, and suddenly countless beautiful sights filled the water tree's horizon.

It's definitely a beautiful picture. What made Mizuki's mouth dry, he swallowed and moistened his throat: "It's so beautiful! I haven't seen such a beautiful picture for a long time."

This is the ability to roll eyes. Thanks to being born in Hyuga's family, Mizuki feels that he has come to this world, and he is really right.If you were born in the Uchiha clan, you would not see such a picture!

Uh, of course, if you think about it, I was born into the Uchiha clan. In fact, I used illusion techniques to seduce a girl and go to bed directly.

But now that I am a girl, I want to have sex with my girl, which is obviously no longer possible.But this is not bad, at least it is always better than in the three-dimensional world, only being able to find seeds on the Internet!

Seeing countless beautiful pictures, it really made Mizuki's psychological side a little itchy, and thought: "It's hard to come to Yunokuni. If you don't experience the characteristics of this country, wouldn't it be a hundred times? That's it! Anyway, I already know that the minibus Fengte is in the town of hot springs, so I can find it slowly in the future!"

Put aside all the random thoughts, and the distracting thoughts that are holding back.

I took a look at a hot spring hotel with the most beautiful women, and ran over to get a better room, and then ~ walked into the women's bath in an open manner!

That's right!It's so upright!

This is something that is completely conceivable. After all, for boys, now it is a girl's water tree, and it must be used well. It is also a characteristic of girls.

Originally traveling into this world, Mizuki was very uncomfortable and repulsive when he turned into a girl. The tomboy character he showed when he was a child should be such a "resistance" performance, right?

However, as I grew up, after I had adapted to being a girl, I began to borrow my identity as a girl to get close to young and beautiful girls and beauties as much as possible.

Mizuki's favorite thing is to appreciate their posture.I remember that there are many beauties with attractive bodies and open-minded characters. After noticing Mizuki's "envious" gaze, not only will she not shyly block her, but will confidently hold up their lovely pair of babies.

What about finding a minibus Fengte~ You can find it slowly in the future, but such a rare scene is definitely not allowed to be missed!Mizuki thought to himself: "Today, let's relax for a day, let the task and everything go to hell! Beautiful women, wow, what a big breast!"

Anyway, Hokage's task was completed by himself, and I will talk about it later on the matter of finding Xiaoba Fengte.

Now Mizuki has been immersed in the beautiful picture.I saw a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl playing with her companion. Every time she moved, the cute little white rabbit was joyous.

Soon I saw a beautiful woman dressed up as a young woman who was 26 or 17 years old, who seemed to be leaving after taking a bath.When she stood up from the water, it should be the fullness of the nurtured baby, bouncing up and down in the air.I have to say it is really very attractive!

There are more Yanfu here. Shuishu saw a little loli who should be about twelve years old, but she is already a little developed. She seems to be learning to swim. She is surrounded by one of her mothers. There is a bit of genetic inheritance. When the little loli splashed water and wetted her mother's body, it was really a perfect "wet body"!

No more, no more, I feel like it's going to work!Mizuki almost felt that his nose was bleeding.

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