I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 482

Mizuki didn't feel anything about the dolls, and at best he reluctantly played with Hinata as a child.

But what she likes is keeping pets. Now Xiaoba Fengte pretends to be dead, which kind of reminds Mizuki to think of the three-dimensional world, an orange cat raised in her own family.

Orange cat~ Everyone understands.It's dead fat and very lazy. It can lie in the nest for a day without moving. The water tree just likes to hold it and play with it all the time.

This is why, when Mizuki used to play Akimaru, he said that he prefers kittens, but he likes pets very much.

Xiaoba Fengte thought that he would not be moving, and he would naturally let him go after Mizuki had beaten him.But I didn't expect that not only would this not let him go, but it would hold him tighter.

"Hey, you little guy, do you want to be my pet?"

Keeping pets, cats, dogs, is too common.Raise a demon, it's so cool!

It is said that there are psychic beasts in Naruto World, and there are no animals that can speak human words, such as Kakashi's Ninja Dog Parker.So there's no need to be afraid that someone will be suspicious, just say it's your own contract beast.

But it looks like this minibus is a little bit unhappy: "You just spanked my butt, now you want me to be your pet?"

Mizuki said indifferently: "This matter is one size and one size. I beat you for peeping, not beating anyone? I want to accept you as a pet. This is because you are pretty cute. Why do you pay? Not willing?"

When he said this, he squeezed his fists, and the scared minibus shivered.Hurry up and cover his butt, for fear that it will be opened.

But even if it was threatened, the minibus relentlessly said: "No, I still can't be your pet, because you don't have the'Devil Summoning Book' so you can't sign a contract with you."

Demon Summoning Book, this is the pet catching prop of "Ragnarok", it is a special prop for catching this minibus.Where can an in-game item appear in Naruto World?

This made Mizuki very unhappy: "Dead-headed, it seems that I won't beat you again. You can't see the situation clearly!"

After that, he was about to push the minibus to the big ass on the ground, and what scared him was wow, crying and screaming, struggling unwillingly, and said: "I have a master, you can't do anything! "

"Is there a master?" Mizuki was stunned subconsciously when she heard Xiao Ba Fengte say this, because it made her suddenly think of one thing, that is, her own Asura role in the game happened to have raised a minibus Feng. Specially made pets.

Suddenly there was a guess in my heart, and he subconsciously said to Xiaoba Fengte: "Let me guess, you should have another name called'Little Honey', right?"

In the game, Xiaoba Fengte's pet, his favorite food is honey, so I gave him this name.

When Mizuki called out his name, the minibus asked in a daze, "Hey, how did you know that I still have a name called'Little Honey'??"

This question is very simple!Mizuki said: "Because your favorite food is honey, so I named you Little Honey, and I also have a little devil pet, because he likes to eat'Sprouts' and I will name it'Little Vegetables'!"

Use the food you like to eat as the name, and the level of naming is no one.

However, "Legend of Ragnarok" is a cute style, a typical two-dimensional style, so it has such a name.It shouldn't be ugly, right?

"Xiao Cai Ya, do you know it too?" Someone in the minibus said incredulously, "But how is it possible? You are not like my master!"

Regarding this question, Mizuki couldn't help but shook his head and said, "It's not Prondra?"

Prontera is the main city of "Ragnarok", the alias in the game: the capital.

In fact, it is now also certain that this guy is his pet.

Xiao Ba Fengte couldn't believe it: "You are my master, how is this possible? Is there anything to prove it?"

Proof?This is hard to say.Because this is not a game world, where can Water Tree find proof that he is himself?

"Master, isn't there me?"

A sound is transmitted into the brain of the water tree.

With an idea, Mizuki thought: "Oh, I almost forgot, ghost girl, come out!"

The gloomy cold wind blew through the hair, and there was a vague figure with a disheveled hair like Sadako. Fortunately, Mizuki was accustomed to seeing it, and there was no one here, so there would be no trouble.

Seeing the fuzzy shadow appearing next to Mizuki, the one who just came out was shocked, but after seeing clearly that it was a ghost girl, she immediately exclaimed: "You, are you the exclusive sister?"

I was dizzy and almost forgot. I remember that when the ghost girl was her pet, she didn't recognize her as her pet. The method was to ask if she had any other pets.

It's a coincidence that the ghost girl said that in her Asura career, she has a pet of Xiao Ba Fengte.I think that since the ghost girl knows Xiaoba Fengte, surely Xiaoba Fengte also knows the ghost girl?

The two of them just recognized each other, so it is an indisputable fact that the water tree is their master.

Text volume 821. Minibus

This time, the trip to Yunokuni was not in vain. First, I had a good look and then got a little pet.Not to mention here, the minibus is not very tall, so that the water tree can be easily hugged in his arms, and it feels as particularly comfortable as holding a plush toy!

But on this question, there is actually a small episode, that is, not long after they met, Mizuki held Xiaoba Fengte in his arms to play, but this little thing is very cunning, and it’s really a bit too glamorous. Actually, he kept drilling into his arms.

At the beginning, Mizuki thought it was this guy. He was too excited to see his master, so he didn't take it seriously.

But I felt the squeezing sensation of my chest, so I quickly recalled that when I chased out from the female bath, I just covered my body with chakra.Isn't the place where the minibus is rubbing against his chest?!

What was even more annoying was that Mizuki heard vaguely, this guy murmured comfortably: "Master's breasts are so soft!"

It turned out~ The angry water tree didn't hit one place, it just slapped the minibus out!

I really never thought that my pet would be so beautiful?

But let's not say here, the ghost girl comforted the leader and fan of the flying minibus, and faintly complained to the water tree: "There is a master, I need to pet. I don't know who it is every night, and always pull people to engage in lilies. ?"

Uh!?Okay, so color is inherited?

When you return to the hot spring hotel, put on suitable clothes, and applaud a table of delicious food, the food is really comfortable!

The minibus is the same as the setting in the game. His favorite is to eat honey. For his hobby, Mizuki specially asked for a game of "honey bear paw".

Seeing how this little guy was eating happily, Mizuki couldn't help but smile and said, "Your preference for honey really hasn't changed at all!"

For the temptation of delicious food, this is more effective than anything else, but I don’t know that this little problem that I love to eat is also inherited from the water tree?

Alas, no matter what so much, Mizuki asked some more things: "Minibus, how did you cross?"

The minibus gnawing on the big bear's paw, hummed, hummed, and uttered a little unclearly. "Chasing a butterfly. When I was chasing a butterfly, I saw the butterfly ran into the Rainbow Bridge. Followed in."

The Rainbow Bridge and the water tree know this thing. The Nordic mythology of the three-dimensional world also has the explanation of the rainbow bridge. It is said that the gods come to the earth and other mortal worlds through the rainbow bridge.

There is a rainbow bridge in "Ragnarok", which originated from the opening of a version: Expedition to another world.Mizuki remembers it very clearly, because it is the last open version. Note: Expedition to Different Worlds and Unknown Realms are both EP13 versions.

This answer made Mizuki a little strange: "How can you remember what happened when you crossed? But I asked the ghost girl, she doesn't know anything?"

While eating, the minibus replied: "I can't tell, I just saw butterflies flying around. I thought it was fun and chased after it. As for what happened later, I have already come. In this world."

Really convinced, after hearing what he said, it turned out that he still has no clue?

Mizuki reluctantly thought of his own crossing, as if there was a gap in the memory, and there was no way to connect with it. As for what was going on, it was impossible to know, but from all kinds of signs, it would definitely not be a good thing. .

Forget it, I can't figure out this question, so I just don't think about it.

Now I have found the minibus, so next is to look for Bafengt?So Mizuki asked again: "You little guy, you can still be really fun. I don't know your father, but have you been looking for you all the time?"

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