I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 484

Text Volume 823. Family Meeting Part I

Back to the home of the Hyuga clan, there have been people waiting for a long time.

This is a family ninja, and said: "Miss, you have finally rushed back. The Japanese Footballer is about to hold a family meeting."

As the largest family in Konoha Village, when a war breaks out, it must be a force to ensure the prestige of the family.

Mizuki said he understood: "I see, when will the meeting be held?"

The family ninja said: "Immediately, Miss, you have just returned, so you can take a break first, and Master Ningci and Miss Hinata, someone has already called them."

When he said this, he saw the minibus next to Mizuki and asked, "Miss, is this?"

"My pet, you can understand it like this." Mizuki said, "By the way, please do me a favor in a while and go to the market to buy some honey. This little guy likes to eat honey. Just send it to my room. ."

The ninja nodded, and Mizuki took the minibus home.

Back to my room, it was the same as myself before leaving, but it was kept very clean, knowing that this must be the credit of Hanako.

This is not when I just entered my room to sit down and rest. The hips and the bench are not hot, Hanako walks in immediately: "Oh, miss, you are back, Lord Nizu is calling the family to Shinobu, ready Discuss the Fourth Ninja World War? Huh, you know?"

Mizuki nodded and said, "Yes, someone had already told me when I first came in. By the way, let me introduce to you, this is my pet."

Speaking of "introduction", he pointed to the minibus and said: "You can call it a minibus. You can also introduce yourself?"

The minibus waved his hand: "Hello, beauty. My name is minibus!"

He spit out human voices, like a child, although the human sheep's head looks like a monster, but the big round eyes are quite cute.

It must be known that it is a pet of the water tree. It looks a bit strange, but fortunately, there are many such psychic creatures in the world of Naruto, and there are not a few strange-looking creatures.

Speaking of creatures like minibuses, each of which is not tall and has big cute eyes, it is already considered cute.Hanako reached out and touched the head of the minibus: "My name is Hanako, and the people call me Ahua. Wow, it's so supple and soft, it feels so comfortable to the touch."

Sheep~ The fur is not soft, how can there be wool?

Seeing that Hanako couldn't put it down, the minibus was also very happy, pretending to be silly to hug, and then under Mizuki's eyelids, she brazenly rubbed Hanako's chest.

Mizuki's face became gloomy, and he said with a cold snort: "Hanako, don't touch its head, touch its butt, it feels very nice to hit!"

In a word, the scared minibus's hairs are standing upside down, because it heard it out. This is the owner who is warning him. He quickly covered his little butt, and said in a trembling voice: "Uuuuu~ you will be bullied. I!"

Hanako here doesn't know the appearance of the minibus, and feels that Mizuki's temper is too big, and she is not very happy and said, "Miss, how can you be so violent?"

I'm really speechless. How long have you known each other?Why did you turn your elbow out!You know I'm good for you!

Just when I was so angry and speechless, a voice came from outside the door: "Miss, please go to the front hall. Now that the personnel are all there, the Japanese Football Association will hold a meeting."

Mizuki yelled to the outside: "I know, I will go over immediately."

After answering the people outside, Mizuki also got up to leave. Before leaving, he reminded Hanako: "This guy is very charming, you have to pay attention, and be careful not to let him eat tofu."

"And I have sent someone back to help buy honey. This little guy likes to eat honey, and it should be delivered to my room in a while. At that time, look at him and don't let him eat it as a pig."

After speaking, he left, and quickly came to the front hall.

Time came just right, and everyone was just sitting down.

According to a ninja's guidance, Mizuki was sitting at the top of the Zong family. Originally, if the fireworks could come, this position should be given to her, right?

But most of what I'm doing now is Shinobu, and there is a clan like Hinata, just sitting next to me.Mizuki nodded to her and said, "This time the Fourth Ninja World War, but to protect Naruto from the battle, you must work hard!"

Being teased by Mizuki again, Hinata blushed involuntarily. She just wanted to say something, but at this time the Japanese foot had already arrived.

Everyone saluted the Japanese foot and saw him sitting in the seat of the Patriarch, and they said straightforwardly: "Everyone, the reason for calling everyone here this time, I must be clear."

"Our Hyuga clan is Konoha's famous door and plays a very important role. In the forthcoming fourth Ninja War, as Konoha's perception ninja, we will accept many tasks. Although their respective deployments are different , But if the situation is urgent, someone must lead the family."

"I'm instructed to stay in Konoha Village. Huahuo is still young and has far less practical experience. So this time I want to appoint someone who can lead our clan."

When Nizu talked about the latter, he glanced at Mizuki and Neji, and it seemed that he had already been selected.So he finally focused his gaze on Mizuki's body: "Mizuki, I know that when you were in Payne, when you attacked Konoha, you effectively unified the ninja's forces. It is quite experienced, so I want to ask you to be on the front line. , Can lead the Hyuga clan for me."

Me?Mizuki couldn't believe it.

The plot here is a bit of an impression of Mizuki, remember you should choose Nei Ci?It seems that the appearance of himself has changed the plot here?

But think this is the best result, right?Because in the original plot, Hinata was a ninja, but Neji was already a ninja.And speaking of talent, Neji is even better.

Even if you have the identity of the Zong family, if you say that the command on the battlefield still needs to be handed over to a more capable person, it is a wise move!

However, the current Mizuki is no worse than Ning Ci, and he has the status of Miss Zong Family, so it is not impossible to replace the original Ning Ci of the plot.

Thinking of this, Mizuki was just about to say yes, but when Muzhu flashed in his mind, he felt that he should not change too much of the plot.

So he said euphemistically: "Sir, I have another idea about the unified command. Maybe Ning Cilai is more suitable!"

Text Volume 824. Family MeetingNext

Mizuki's words were amazing, and many people did not understand.

In any case, Shuishu's talent can be seen by everyone, and the strength of facing Penn alone is definitely not weaker than that of Shadow.

The most important thing is the people of the clan, how can they give up their rights and let the people of the division take command?

When everyone was talking about it, I still understood Mizuki's character and asked, "Did you think of something, or is there any reason?"

Mizuki's answer is simple: "I don't want people to be dragged down. Everyone knows the strength of Akatsuki's members. What's more, the person in charge now claims to be Madara Uchiha. The Five Shadows can be in the Five Shadows venue. The trouble is under his nose, I am afraid that the strength is stronger than Penn!"

"Some of you here have experienced it. I know that in my battle with Payne, too much power has erupted. Let alone the possibility of accidental injury, if I really fight with the enemy, I will be overwhelmed. Have the energy to direct the battle?"

These words are a bit too much, it seems that all the people here are ants who can't help.

However, if you exclude the emotional part here, everyone still understands what Mizuki means, that is, her fighting style is extremely rigid, and she is good at fighting head-to-head with the enemy. If it is in a war environment, it is really hard to say. Energy to direct the battle.

After thinking about it for a while, it should be conceivable, and he nodded clearly: "Well, what you said is not bad. I will ask Ningci for the task of frontline command."

This arrangement was in an uproar again, because by Mizuki's side, Hinata was also a member of the clan, and those who crossed the clan were to be directed by the division of the clan. This was unprecedented.

Mizuki glanced at Hinata. Although he felt that going over her was a bit controversial, Mizuki stood up and said, "I think Neji's strength should be able to take on this task. This is my consideration. I have done several missions in the past. I have done it with him. He is a very minded person, and everyone knows his strength. This is a fact for all to see!"

Unexpectedly, even the eldest lady of the Zong family would say this, which made everyone a little bit quieter.

However, the dissatisfaction that should be felt is still very difficult to completely eliminate, but this is irrelevant. Anyway, when the war is tight, Hyuga will still come forward.

Because Mizuki remembered that during the defensive war on the North Shore in the Land of Thunder, the pharmacist was reincarnated on a daily errand, and he was fighting with the Japanese foot.

So what to say about staying behind should be the current order. If the battle on the front line is tight, more ninjas will still be mobilized.In this way, if the Japanese foot is on the battlefield, the command power is actually in the hands of the Zong family.

Recall the plot in Mizuki's mind. At this time, the sound of the Japanese feet interrupted her thoughts: "Mizuki, this time the Ninja World War, this is the first time you have been on the battlefield, right?"

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