I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 489

Finally, the preparations for the pre-war work were completed. In the evening, Mizuki summoned Shangren and briefly explained the defense of the border. The main thing was to explain: "Transfer all troops from the west of the border to the east. Especially the direction of Thunder Country."

This is Mizuki knows very well that what Akatsuki wants to capture is the tail beast. Now Naruto and Kirabi are in Yunyin Village, so they will definitely march towards the Thunder Country, and the focus of defense is naturally in this direction.

Text volume 831. Allied forces gather!For friends!

When Mizuki was actively deploying defenses, the elites of the Yunyin Village of the Thunder Country gathered, the ninjas from the five great nations formed a coalition army, and the warriors of the Iron Country. This was definitely an unprecedented event.

The Five Shadows are now all present, and a combat meeting is being held: "The place marked on the map has been determined to be the enemy’s lair. This is called the tomb of the mountain. You will pass through Tangyin Village and Shuangyin Village by land. An evacuation advisory should be sent to both Tangshuang and Ryogoku."

"According to the intelligence obtained by the infiltrated troops, the number of enemy troops will exceed 100,000. Considering the way the large troops move, there should be only a few by sea, unless they are afraid of being surrounded."

Several locations are marked on the map to the effect that the enemy's marching route can be judged.

Seeing this, the three ships of the Iron Kingdom expressed their opinions: "In this case, which side will make the first move?"

Start first to be strong, then start to suffer.

Now that you know the enemy’s lair, you must be the first to take the lead!

This idea was endorsed by Raikage: "Call up surprise forces, order the assembled combat brigade, and confirm their respective forces."

Lei Ying's identity is the general general of the coalition forces, and he has already spoken like this when seeing him.

Naruto thought for a while, and said to Lu Jiu next to him: "Similarly order the rear to support the medical force, bring medical ninja and all the items, and you can cooperate with them to confirm the intelligence route."

At the same time, Shui Ying also gave an order: "Contact the Qing who perceives the troops, so they must hurry up."

The three shadows' men rushed to each other one after another, ready to start combat missions.

The ninja coalition forces assembled in Yunyin Village are now changing in an orderly manner. The original guards from different Ninja villages are gradually being replaced with the coalition’s "forbearance".

Because the five major powers joined forces to fight together, this is an unprecedented time. No longer wear the protective headgear that belonged to Ninja Village. The new allied protective headgear is also to reduce the differences and gaps between several countries.

But is this really useful?

The coalition forces of the five major powers began to assemble. Counting the samurai forces of the Iron Kingdom, the total number is 80,000, which is roughly the same as the original plot known to Mizuki.

The first unit is composed of ninjas who are good at mid-range combat, and the main force is ninjas who are good at hidden weapons and weapons.The captain is the Yunyin Village called Raikage's right-handed man: Darui.

The second unit is a unit that specializes in close combat, and they will be the front line of battle in the brigade.The team leader is Yanyin Village: Loess.

The third unit is a short- and medium-distance support unit, and how big is a ninja with both physical strength and speed.The captain is Konoha Village: Kakashi Hagi.

The fourth unit is a long-distance unit, responsible for closely cooperating with the intelligence unit and supporting the remaining units.The captain is Feng Ying: Gaara, also command of the combat unit.

The fifth unit is a special unit that uses special ninjutsu and attack methods, and its duty is to deal with any emergencies.General of the Iron Country: Three Ships.

These are the elites assembled by the five major countries, and they are definitely the backbone of the world.But just as everyone was celebrating, there gradually appeared unharmonious voices.

Gaara is also the commander of the combat force, but he is quite young, almost the same age as Mizuki. Such a teenager, as the commander of tens of thousands of coalition forces, is not easy to convince the crowd.

A ninja from Yanyin Village said disdainfully: "Is it really okay to let such a kid be the captain?"

The captain of the above five units must be Gaara, the youngest one, and the "little devil" that this ninja said must refer to him.

Such a sentence happened to be heard by a ninja from Shayin Village beside him, and he responded very dissatisfied: "I am Gaara, you are not a kid. You don't know anything, don't talk here."

How are the ninjas of Yanyin Village convinced?Said: "Really? Who said that not long ago, we were still enemies here."

The people around them saw that they were about to fight, but instead of being dissuaded, more and more people became suspicious.

Who said that the contradictions between the five great powers before, the previous three wars of Ninja World, everyone has accumulated too much hatred.It cannot be calmed down overnight. The current alliance is just one of the high-levels of various countries in order to deal with Akatsuki. Who knows that after Akatsuki is defeated, can all countries maintain peace?

Suddenly, the coalition forces of tens of thousands of people suddenly became noisy and shouted, almost like a vegetable market.If you use any words to describe it, the most suitable one is "the mob"!

Kakashi sighed helplessly when he saw the noisy scene below.From a group of elites to a mob, does it seem like that?

But it was at this time that Gaara had already taken action, using sand to separate the commotion from the crowd to prevent the situation from continuing to expand, so as not to change from the vegetable market to the scene of a group fight.

Gaara stood at the top and began to speak as if saying: "For the benefit of their respective countries and their respective villages, in the first to third long wars, the ninjas killed each other, hurt each other, and each other Hate each other."

"Because of this kind of hatred, I longed for power. This is how I was born. I used to be a product of hatred, a human pillar of power. I hated the world and people, and tried to destroy everything. Akatsuki intends to do the same."

"But in Konoha Village, a ninja stopped me. He cried for my enemy. He regarded me as a friend who had hurt me. He saved me. We were once enemies, but he was also a human being. Because Bearing the same pain, there will be no grievances between the two who understand each other."

"There are no enemies here, because everyone is burdened with the pain left by Akatsuki. Sandyin, Iwayin, Konoha, Haze, Yunyin, it doesn't matter anymore, some are just ninjas!"

"If you still can't forgive Shayin even then, let's chop off my head after the war is over!"

Gaara's words changed everyone's expressions. This is what I said in front of everyone!

"Now the enemy is trying to catch and save my friend. Once the enemy gets him, the world will be over. I want to protect my friend and protect the world. But I am too young to do it. Such a thing, so please help me!"

Hatred cannot be rewarded well, only if you have love in your heart, you will be rewarded if you treat people sincerely.This principle is very simple. If you don't show others a good face, do you expect others to show you a good face?

Text volume 832. Troops

At the border of the Fire Country, the water tree at this moment has received the order to start war from Yunyin Village.

The surprise attack troops have now set off, heading to the tomb of the mountain to launch an attack. This counts as the fourth Ninja War, and the curtain of war has been opened!

Mizuki convened his hands at the same time, and all Shangren held a combat meeting: "The coalition headquarters has sent an order, and the surprise attack force has been dispatched."

While speaking, he was still making gestures on the map.

"The enemy's nest is in this place. You have already seen that the two countries separated by the coalition forces and the enemy have now become war zones."

"The northern border we are guarding happens to face these two countries. So everyone must be prepared, because if the enemy cannot find a breakthrough for the coalition forces from the front, it is likely to detour from our line of defense. Be careful and stick to it!"

All of you here are Shinobu. There must be minds. Naturally, they nodded clearly, and then responded: "Yes!"

Mizuki nodded with satisfaction, and immediately said to the ninja around him: "In order to keep abreast of the battlefield dynamics, we cannot rely solely on the intelligence provided to us by the coalition headquarters, but we also need to let more people from the intelligence team go out to investigate. My previous proposal How's it going?"

Tactical unit of the third unit, captain Tekuno stood up and said: "According to the command of the captain in advance, I have selected the most capable squad and are always ready to go to the place where the battle takes place to investigate.

The importance of intelligence is self-evident. Even Mizuki has never been in contact with war, but he has heard it in ancient times: "Knowing yourself and the enemy, a hundred battles are not dead!"

Mizuki nodded and replied with satisfaction: "Very well, the intelligence forces are our eyes and ears. Without ears and eyes, we are like blind and deaf people. We can never make any mistakes."

After speaking, he cast his gaze on Baiyunyeshan's body, and Mizuki said to him: "The selected team of Shangren is ready, right?"

Baiyun Yeshan nodded and said, "Yes, it was arranged yesterday. I also let everyone compare and try a few hands, and they already understand each other a little bit."

Because Mizuki knew that the enemy had a reincarnation coalition, either a member of Akatsuki's organization, or a ninja with blood inheritance, many of them were famous masters.

If you don't even have a Shinobi, it's almost impossible to get ordinary ninjas to fight.Therefore, the formation of a purely Shinobu team is to deal with emergencies.

Counting himself in Mizuki's hands, there are a total of eight Shangren, which means that for every one hundred troops, one Shangren will be used as the "captain" position.

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