I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 502

Several people are screaming at the case. They have no way to control their bodies, but they think this method is very good.

But here is another question: "Shuishu, you are here, won't you get hurt?"

But the water tree here replied: "Don't be afraid, my chakra attribute happens to be thunder. And armor is a material that absorbs chakras, not only will not hurt me, but it can also increase my strength."

After the affirmative answer, there was a ninja who knew how to escape from thunder, stood up neatly, and at the same time Jieyin shouted: "Lei Dun: Go!"

Electricity radiated from their hands and led into the water to make several people hit at the same time. The most direct feeling was that they were paralyzed by the electricity. Even the water tree with the thunder-dance attribute, plus the armor worn on the body, still can’t stand it. I was numb and convulsed.

Nima, this is the feeling of being charged!

Mizuki had heard about it a long time ago that there is a criminal law called electrocution, and the United States is the electric chair for execution of prisoners. It is said to be disgusting and scary.

I can feel it now, but there is no way. Who said she asked for it?Can only be said to be self-inflicted.Fortunately, this tactic seems to be very effective. Anyway, a few people have been recruited, but it is considered a success.

After the release of Thunder Escape, several people fell at the same time.

There are no exceptions to the water tree. He sat down on the ground and said weakly: "Next time I see who is upset, use the current to adjust it to ensure that I can be honest."

I thought about it this way, but it didn't happen on the scene. I expected it to be better.

It turned out to be the reincarnation technique of the unclean soil, because this technique makes the resurrected people no longer have the possibility of death. The powerful electric current can only make them temporarily paralyzed and unable to move, but it is not enough to make them lose their combat power.

Seeing this situation, they stood up one after another, Mizuki couldn't help but yelled: "Damn ninjutsu, if I catch the user, I have to break the bones of this guy and make him a human being. No!"

But it's not the time to say this, because they have stood up, and there is another problem. The head of the Otoninmura Ninja, who was blown to the head by Mizuki just now, has grown back, and now he has stood up.

Unexpectedly, this is useless, the windy Konoha ninja is already anxious: "What is this, can you die if you want?"

Seeing his angry mood, Mizuki said helplessly: "The art of reincarnating from the filthy soil, Konoha collapsed a few years ago, or the three generations of Hokage sacrificed himself and used the forbidden technique to kill the ghoul to stop it. I can't die There is no way to free you from this forbidden technique of Guijin Sealing."

The solution to the reincarnation of the dirty soil, the water tree knows a little bit.In addition to the simplest sealing methods, such as the sealing technique of the seal class, and the top sealing technique such as the ghoul seal.

If there is an illusion like another god, it can also release the control of the caster.As well as those who are reincarnated from the dirty soil, the willpower is strong enough to get rid of the control of the soul and ascend to heaven.

Finally, if there is a Yin-Yang escape technique, if Uchiha doesn't know Jieyin, he can get rid of control and unfettered.

But it is a pity that these are basically of no reference to these people.Now only relying on Mizuki himself, can defeat a few of them, and then let the people in the sealing class seal them!

There was a stalemate on the scene, and seeing that they were about to attack Mizuki again, even though they were very unwilling, they could only force the fight.

Teacher Zhong Zhengnan and the ninja from Shayin Village joined forces to fist against Mizuki from the left and right. One used the fire escape technique and the other used the earth escape technique.

The scorching high temperature turned the soil into magma, and even another water escape technique could not resolve it, but a large amount of water vapor evaporated, making the entire battlefield filled with smoke.

There is no way to land on the magma. The water tree can only retreat. Fortunately, there is the help of the ninja behind. A ninja who knows how to escape from the earth created a stone wall to block the lava, so that the water tree can have a place to stand .

"Be careful, my wind escape!"

Hearing this reminder, the water tree subconsciously hid behind the wall, but the wall was broken in the next second, almost flying the water tree out.

At the same time, the newly resurrected Otoyuki Village Ninja attacked Mizuki with a cold expression. Chakra was condensed in his hand, forming a knife-like shape.

If it wasn't for the water tree to hide quickly, borrowing the knocking power of the wind escape technique, and withdrawing one step backwards, it would happen to have avoided this one and wiped the throat. If it were a little slower, even if it was half a shot of his head, the most At least his throat is about to be cut!

Seeing the sharp edge in the enemy's hand, it was just as soon as I saw it.Mizuki used a backhand with a grappling technique, and a beautiful shoulder throw came.

But just as he hit this guy, the guy from Shayin Village rushed back, and saw his hand hit the ground. When he lifted it up, there was an extra stick in his hand. This is a rock stick made from soil: " Rock thief!!"

He swung a stick at the Mizuki who had just fallen Otonin, because he didn't have time to defend, the hit hit the waist and abdomen.Fortunately, the armor and King Kong are not bad, but I just feel some pain.

His body was hit by an enemy with all his strength, and he had to let Mizuki retreat a few steps in a row to remove the strength of the blow to avoid injury, but this is not the end, because I saw this guy forcefully rob the rock club and insert it. After reaching the ground, he shouted: "Tudun: Diliu cut!!"

The earth shattered from the feet of the water tree, causing her body to fall into it accidentally.

Mizuki's reaction was very fast, he was about to pull away at the first time, but at the moment when he was so immortal and about to completely break away from the crack, the ground was closed by this guy again!

It happened that one foot was stuck, and the ground was instantly rocky. Even if it was a person who hit it again, it would take a lot of effort to pull it out, unless the rock was broken first.

But the worst situation appeared. A familiar voice came from the top of the water tree. I don’t know when my teacher had already come above me, and he completed Jieyin and released ninjutsu: "Fire Drain: Dragon The Art of Fire!!!"

Text Volume 851. The Fourth Ninja World War [16]

This is a B-level ninjutsu. Compared with the average ninja, this is already a very strong ninjutsu.Condensing the flame into the form of a dragon and rushing towards the enemy, the power naturally goes without saying.

Even more terrifying is the teacher's proficiency in fire escape. This powerful fire dragon technique is not a single dragon, there are actually nine dragons!Nine fire dragons swarmed out and rushed towards the water trees below.

Because the foot is still stuck, there is no way to get out, even if it is a bow, you can only watch the fire dragon on the head fall.Fortunately, for the first time, the water tree released a large amount of chakra from the body to fight it!

Borrowing the skills he had learned, Chakra was like forming a barrier, successfully blocking the flame to protect himself.But although the flame can be blocked, there is no way to high temperature. Using chakra to isolate it, the burning of the flame is extremely painful.

The three-dimensional world, the torture of ancient China: cannonball, and the copper bull, which the western world likes to use, is to put people on the fire and roast them.There is also a common practice in religion to execute heathens, and Copernicus was burned alive!

What's more, as a ninja who is proficient in fire escape, he can create nine fire dragons from a B-level ninjutsu, which shows the purity of fire escape!

This kind of pain is beyond words. Although it is said that a ninja on his side will promptly use the water escape technique to extinguish the fire, but the water tree that is subjected to high temperature and scorching screams, no one is not affected Her sound waves and the shocking eardrums were a pain.

In order to resist this kind of pain, the water tree exploded with a stronger force, and the body responded instinctively.Suddenly, the left eye of the water tree flashed, blooming with a bloody scarlet light, and a seductive flower from the other side bloomed!

Chakra was boiling and began to surging uncontrollably. The water tree let out a long roar up to the sky, releasing all its power and directly rushing to the sky through the clouds.

The nine fire dragons twisted their bodies, trying to suppress the power of the water tree, but when fighting against the red light, they were obviously eliminated strongly. With the release of the power of the water tree, they seemed to have exceeded their capacity. !In the end, just a few struggles, it turned into sparks and disappeared in the air.

Finally, with a powerful force, the temperature dropped a lot after the fire dragon was shaken away. This somewhat made the water tree feel better and his sanity was restored.But her left eye was red, and there was a flower from the other side printed on her pupil, which was as beautiful as life.

This kind of change was seen by everyone present. When she used this eye to scan the audience, everyone who had been seen by Mizuki’s eyes shuddered from the bottom of her heart, and her body was involuntary. Trembling.

"Water tree?"

Teacher Zhong Zhengnan called out the name of Water Tree.

Suddenly Mizuki's gaze locked her, and the mysterious red pupils flickered.

But fortunately, Mizuki's self was still there, and he replied to his teacher: "Teacher, do you have anything to do? If you want to apologize, you don't need to talk about it. I know that your body cannot be controlled by yourself."

Here is when she is talking, she seems to feel that her eyes are a little abnormal in seeing things?The eyes looked a little blurred.

At first he thought it was his right eye, because Mizuki just knew that his right eye was evolving.But when I touched my right eye, I found that it was not this eye, but my left eye!

The fascinating flowers of the other shore reflected in the pupils, releasing a poignant red light, as if there was life.

Now that there is no mirror, the water tree cannot see his own appearance, but through the other eye, looking inside his body, he can still find something strange.

Because I can clearly see that my left eye has obvious power that is not my own.Although I don't know what it is, it doesn't seem to be harmful to myself.

I tried to close my right eye and chose to only use my left eye to see things. As expected, I found something unusual in the vision of this eye.

The teacher confronting him in front of him, as well as the other three filthy reincarnations around him, could actually clearly see their souls bound in their bodies.

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