I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through Naruto World Chapter 504

This makes people stunned, because they don't remember, when Mizuki would perform ninjutsu?

But they were still in a daze, and a scream awakened them.It turned out that Mizuki used it again, and the bullet shadow moved to the back of the ninja in Sandy Village, and used the "Raptor Exaggeration" skill to beat him down.

It seemed that the fighting power was lost, and in the end there were only two people left.

After Mizuki took a look, it was obvious that the corners of his mouth were gritted teeth. After all, the next two people were both heroes defending Konoha Village, and it was a bit unbearable to attack them.Especially since one of them is his own teacher, how can she do this?

The appearance of this kind of emotion was obvious, and it slowed Shuishu's movements, but at this moment, Zhong Zhengnan's voice came: "Don't hesitate!"

"You are a ninja. You need to know how to control your emotions. As your teacher, I can see your current growth. This has made me very content. Hurry up and do it!"

Teacher Zhongzheng and the Konoha Ninja around him, unable to control their bodies, took the initiative to fight Mizuki again.

[The new eyes that I consider, there are two main abilities: to attract the soul, better insight]

[It is a bit similar to writing round eyes, copying the feeling of ninjutsu.

[Here I will explain. In fact, the previous foreshadowing, the water tree gained the power of Asura, so that it has more power, I think it is to evolve to the trap of blood.However, it is not yet complete, and I will write about it soon.

[There is no restriction on Chakra's attributes, and Chakra's control is good enough, so as long as you learn mudra, you can use ninjutsu.

[Finally: The left eye is the eye of the other shore flower, and the right eye is the setting of the reincarnation eye.

Text Volume 852. The Fourth Ninja World War [17]

Because the two enemies have already been dealt with one after another, now it is one-on-two with physical skills, which is much easier than the previous battle.

Mizuki's physique is one of the best in Konoha Village, especially the practice of specializing in strength, so that she can be said to have the advantage when using physique to fight the enemy!

If it weren't for the two people in front of him, they were all sacrificed for Kimha Village, and one of them was her teacher, and it is very likely that they would have made a heavy hand long ago.

But the problem lies here. After all, it is her own teacher. They are all protecting Konoha and thus sacrificing her own heroes. How can she be ruthless?

Don't even think of it as Mizuki alone, who can easily fight with two people, but Mizuki's teacher, Masao Zhong, can see Shuishu's moves at a glance, and it obviously feels like releasing water.Most of them are based on block and defense, and occasionally make an instinctive counterattack, and the fist of the attack is also very soft, no longer the power of the previous punch.

Although Mizuki's face did not show any flaws, the attacks of the tricks could be reflected.Teacher Zhong Zhengnan said to her: "Are you still hesitating? Where was the momentum just now? Where did you go!"

Mizuki's eyebrows twitched, but he didn't say a word, he just blocked another ninja's foot with a block trick, and then used a grappling technique to counterattack that was all!

The teacher slammed a punch, instinctively to make a defense. After blocking the punch with his arm, he used a shoulder throw motion.He smashed his teacher to the ground, and then instinctively wanted to punch him.

According to the power of Mizuki's fist, it is enough to blow a person's head, and it can faint even lightly.This should have been an opportunity, but just as the fist was about to fall, the fist that fell subconsciously froze.

There was a momentary loss and struggle on his face, and he missed a good opportunity to defeat the enemy. Teacher Zhong Zheng Nan kicked Zhong Shui Shu in the waist and kicked her several meters away.

At this time, the ninja on the side did not know when to complete the seal: "Feng Dun: Fa Feng!!"

A hurricane descended from the sky, and Mizuki was hit on the spot, and the strong wind made her unable to move.

At the same time, Mr. Zhong Zhengnan also got the seal, and when he saw the handprint he had made, he immediately yelled to let Mizuki go quickly: "Run, this is the art of fire walking!!"

The ground instantly ignited a blazing fire, combined with the wind of the wind escape, the fire tornado formed to engulf the water tree.

The scorching temperature scorched the body, and the pain made Mizuki's brain sober. Using the powerful Chakra to disperse the fire tornado, the situation of the injury does not need to be considered, at least it will not die anyway!

Mizuki shook his body and stood up from the ground, facing his teacher, and said: "I never thought that one day there will be today."

"When Konoha collapsed back then, if I could be stronger, if I had my current strength, I thought I would be able to change something."

"But now I am very strong, but what is the result? I still can't change the destiny of the teacher's death again. What is even more difficult to face is myself, the teacher's funeral!"

Originally, Mizuki thought that his xinxing was quite mature, and as a ninja, he would definitely be able to control his emotions.

But just when the punch just now was about to hit her teacher's head, she saw the familiar face of her teacher, and it was still inevitable to have too many emotions.

Because I once lost my companions, I have a lot of experience in this taste.Now if you want to say it again, it is tantamount to another blow, not to mention asking her to do it herself?

If it is possible, Mizuki really wants to make the practitioner who reincarnated from the dirty soil, how good should he simply erase the teacher's will?This way, I can feel better in my mind.

Facing Mizuki's struggle and hearing her inner voice, Zhong Zhengnan seemed to understand, she didn't know she wanted to kill herself, but she just couldn't face the pain of losing a relationship, right?

Zhong Zhengnan was also silent for a while, but he understood that his current self cannot be a burden on Mizuki's mind, so he was simply cruel: "If you don't kill me, the dead person will be you!"

The mudra is constantly switching one after another, ten mudra, 20 mudra, and 30 mudra. There is still no end to it. Obviously this is a very large-scale ninjutsu, and it is very likely to be quite advanced. .

"This is my year-round practice experience of fire escape. I have researched out a kind of fire escape ninjutsu. I regret that I have never used it, because the power of this technique is too great. Once it is used, even the caster himself I can't bear it. But now I am an immortal reincarnated from the dirty soil, I think I can finally give it a try!"

With the formation of the mudra, the temperature of the surrounding environment is getting higher and higher, even if there is a water escape ninja, it is impossible to lower the temperature, and the water will quickly evaporate!

Mizuki's left eye can clearly see that there are a large number of chakras gathered in his teacher's body. There is no doubt that the next ninjutsu to be performed will be quite terrifying!

Is this persecuting yourself?If you don't kill him now, even if this technique is used, not only will the dead person be himself, but also all his subordinates will be killed, right?

"Teacher!" Mizuki understood, his eyes were a little red, but he held back his tears and made his determination firmly: "Well, since the teacher has used them all, I am the strongest one. So I can't let go. Let the teacher see what I have learned in recent years!"

The power of the thunder was released, and the body of the water tree and the armor bullets passed the electric light, which has entered the "explosive" state!

Because a large number of chakras were stimulated, the left eye burst out with scarlet light at the same time, and the mutation of the right eye was also accelerated to complete, releasing a dazzling white light.

The light of the two pupils complemented each other, stimulating the stronger power in the water tree, including even the power of Ashura.The bones and muscles are making crackling noises, which are strengthened by the baptism of their own strength, so that when they attack, they will not cause too much burden on the body.

"It's terrible, the Chakra in the captain's body is showing geometric growth, but it is all compressed in the body. If this is released, the power is simply unimaginable!"

Ninjas who already have perception systems can perceive powerful forces.

Teacher Zhong Zhengnan should also be able to perceive that the power of terror is being accumulated within the water tree, but he has no fear at all, but a smile on his face, because he understands that he is about to witness that the water tree is about to hit the most Strong blow!And he was finally able to get relief.

At the same time, a fire bird was born, no, it should be said to be a phoenix, the legendary phoenix: "Fire escape: phoenix fire phoenix!!"

Text Volume 853. The Fourth Ninja World [18]

When a firebird was born, it was as if there was another sun above the sky, the scorching heat was released, and the forest was lit in an instant!

This is a teacher of Zhongzheng, who has studied fire escape for many years. Based on the inspiration of some ancestors in the past, he gave fire escape to have its own life. This is the form of this fire phoenix!

At the same time, fire escape has the property of burning substances. It can be said that this ninjutsu, in a sense, is already an advanced ninjutsu that achieves both nature and form.

But at the same time, the water tree was also ready, and he let out a loud shout: "The tiger climbs the mountain hard!!"

Mizuki didn't use the Asura Tyrant Fist, because he was on the battlefield now and needed to retain enough strength to deal with any unexpected situations.

The power of Ashura's Bahuang Fist is certainly incomparably terrifying, but the sequelae is very clear. It is the best policy to keep a hand on the battlefield in case of emergency.

Of course, the skills of the Tigers hard climbing are derived from the new skills learned after the advanced professional sense. They belong to the rear skills of the Raptors. Because Mizuki has already learned the Raptors to exaggerate, this skill is naturally Of course it turned on.

A firebird, a tiger, and two terrifying creatures collide with each other.

The fire escape technique and thunder escape technique stimulated brilliant light, and then everyone saw it, the light turned white and dazzling, and finally it hit a strong explosion!

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