I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 526

Text Volume 886. The Fourth Ninja World War [51]

The words bring back memories, and good memories will naturally make people miss.

At this time, the water tree's body trembled, and there was an almost undetectable fluctuation in his eyes, and into the depths of his consciousness, there was a villain exactly like the water tree, she was wrapped in the petals of the flower on the other side.

When such insignificant fluctuations penetrated into this villain, I saw her eyelids blink twice, and some pictures in the memory disturbed the depths of the soul of the water tree.

It was at the same time that Hinata, who embraced Mizuki, saw his sister's right eye, which burst into light.It turned out to be the reincarnation eye, and finally evolved from the white eye!

Because of the appearance of the rebirth eye, a check and balance between the two powers is formed. It is no longer possible for the flower of the other bank to control the water tree's body alone, and at the same time it begins to awaken the water tree's deep memory.

Such an external manifestation is that the eyes of the water tree release a red and white light, and the two forces are balancing each other, making the water tree uncomfortably hugged his head.

"Sister!" Hinata hugged Mizuki, she felt that her sister was back!

Feeling the warm embrace, it seemed that Mizuki's headaches were alleviated a lot, but his face was surprised. Seeing Hinata holding him, Mizuki said in confusion: "Am I not dead?"

It is a bit strange to say, but in the depths of the soul, it is actually not that simple.

The awakening of the two eye powers will undoubtedly bring about a power that Mizuki can't imagine, bringing her strength to a higher level.

But at the same time, the water tree had already sensed that something was awakening in his own body, and it was enough to affect his own brain and even his own behavior!?

Seeing Mizuki, he was in a daze, but Hinata was sure that his sister was definitely back to normal, even though she seemed a little confused.But this doesn't matter. Just imagine who you are, and come back to life after dying once. No one will react, right?

Hinata, who had found her backbone, threw herself into her sister's arms, and burst into tears.Yes, how could the worry about my sister be adulterated?

Mizuki hadn't even reacted yet, just instinctively hugged Hinata in her arms, softly trying to comfort a few words, but at this moment, there was an elegant female voice that sounded directly in her mind: "What a sister Deep love!"

This voice~?

I was stunned for only a second, and immediately realized what, this elegant female voice is definitely Russell!

Russell sneered, without hiding it, and said: "Yes, it seems that you recognize it. You deserve to be my contractor. How about living in this world, are you satisfied?"

Speaking of the crossing of the water tree, I already know that there must be a constant relationship with this Russell.But unfortunately so far, the water tree still lacks an important memory.

Now that I don’t know what’s going on, Mizuki asked: “Why are you in my mind? Can you directly enter my mind?”

Naruto World is not without this ninjutsu, such as the secret skills of the mountain clan.

But this is also a technique. When did Russell use this technique on himself?

Regarding the answer to this question, Russell’s voice came: "Don’t be nervous, I won’t hurt you anyway. Do you remember the contract? In fact, you’ve already understood that everything you have is thanks to me. So big Don't worry, you'd better get back to yourself and see the situation clearly now."

Mizuki regained his senses, returned to the real world, and saw Hinata in his arms, but the farther direction was to see the people who were fighting fiercely with the enemy.

It turned out that I didn't know when the battle situation had developed to a new stage. Several Hokage from previous dynasties were there, and I don't know what Sasuke was also here.

There are many clones in Togo, and the two sides are fighting like this. As for Uchiha Daido and Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Madara meets the original Naruto clone.But when I glanced at the audience, I didn't seem to see Uchiha with dirt.

So Mizuki asked Hinata: "What happened?"

It can be seen that Water Tree really has no impression of what happened just now.Hinata will briefly explain that after Mizuki lost consciousness at that time, the balloon that emerged from her body returned to Mizuki's body. Although the wound healed on her body was healed, the violent incident was said.

Regarding what happened here, Russell in Mizuki's mind roughly helped her restore the experience: "In fact, it is your left eye, the blooming flowers of the other side pass through your brain, some results of instinctive actions."

The plot that is happening now is already under her influence, because this is Mizuki herself, and cut off the connection between the two people and the ten tails.

The world changed afterwards, and the condensed tail beast jade, which is also the self-behavior of the flower of the other side.But there is a problem in this way, so why can your left eye actually control your body?

Mizuki wants to know this answer a bit, but Russell here does not have an answer to prove it. He just sounds very casual and said: "The other side flower blooming in Wangchuan, each flower is a soul, you have been there People who forget Chuan, this flower on the other side is your own soul."

I don’t know what Russell means, but it sounds like the flower of the other side should have its own soul, right?But vaguely felt that Russell did not tell him what was happening.

But thinking of Russell's identity, combined with her previous guesses, Mizuki had already thought about it, she must be planning something.

Mizuki pondered for a while, and wanted to ask Russell some questions, but from the direction of the battlefield, a roar of Ten-tails came, attracting her attention.

Wait, this voice isn't Juwei's roar, it sounds like a personal voice?

At this time, he focused his attention and found that it was Ten-tailed body, there was actually a person?Take a closer look, this person is Uchiha!

Suddenly Mizuki understood what was going to happen at this time, it seemed that Uchiha brought the soil, and it was about to become the Ten-tailed Manzhuli.That is to say, it will reach a level similar to that of the six immortals.

Knowing what was going to happen, Mizuki frowned involuntarily. At this moment Russell somehow seemed to have observed it.He chuckled and said to Mizuki in his mind: "This human being has good strength, and it will be transformed into a higher level. Would you like to try this human?"

Text Volume 887. The Fourth Ninja World War [52]

Yuanwang was about to become the Uchiha of the Ten-tailed Manchuri, which caused the sweat on Mizuki's face to fall, because she knew very well what the Ten-tailed Manchuli was, which was at the level of six immortals.In other words, it is much stronger than the current Uchiha Madara!

The Mizuki in front simply fought Uchiha Madara. With the help of the power of Hellblood Asura, it is indeed possible to fight vigorously, but it has been estimated that if you really want to win, it is actually still a little bit close.So if you want to deal with six immortal level soil, I'm afraid you have to use more hole cards.

But at this time Russell mocked in Mizuki's mind: "What's wrong? Are you scared?"

Are you scared?It's kind of!After all, facing someone stronger than yourself, who would dare to say that there is no timid mood?

However, Mizuki wanted a strong person, and she would get up if she fell, so she stood up from the ground and said cruelly: "Fear? If the enemy is really strong and dies in the hands of such a strong enemy, this is also one thing. Although this kind of defeat is honorable! But running away timidly is not my character!"

"Is it a glorious defeat?" Hearing Mizuki said this, Russell was a little interested: "Well, let me see it!"

Hearing the roar of Uchiha belt soil, and seeing his sister actually stand up from the ground, Hinata was a little surprised, but when he heard the sound, he seemed to realize something.

Hinata said to Mizuki, "Sister, what is this voice?"

Mizuki nodded and said, "Yes, it looks like there is going to be a problem!"

On the battlefield, when the Uchiha belt soil was abnormal, some people actually reacted, and Sasuke and Naruto rushed towards the belt soil.

However, the person who finally gave Uchiha a fatal blow to the soil turned out to be the fourth generation of Naruto's father, Naruto, known as the "golden flash" Hafeng water gate.

The speed of a man who deserves the name of "Golden Flash" is unimaginable. Even the water tree, who is paying full attention to him, has not captured his speed.

But it was said that the soil was killed, and it was indeed stabbed in the chest. There must be nothing wrong with the fatal place.However, what happened next was not as successful as imagined. It turned out that the entire ten tails were twisted together after the soil fell to the ground.

Formed into a spherical object, when the soil appeared again, Mizuki had already understood that he had become, the second ten-tailed man after the six immortals, Zhuli!

Hinata here must have seen it too, taking soil to absorb the ten tails into the body, including Chakra.Thinking of this kind of thing with my feet, I am afraid that everyone knows it is definitely not a good thing.

The first generation of Hokage Jieyin: "Mingshenmen!!!"

Use Myojin Gate to suppress the soil, and to suppress the power of the tail beast.But I wanted to see the soil now, and it was easy to smash the suppressed Myojin Gate.

Mizuki frowned, because she knew very well that the Mingshen gate of the first generation of Hokage was a very strong immortal seal.I can easily resolve this, and I can see that the strength of bringing the soil is definitely beyond my prediction.

Secretly gritted his teeth, Mizuki said to Hinata next to him, "I am afraid that the strength of this person has already reached the level of God."

When I finished saying this, I don't know why Mizuki felt that his heart felt cramps, and cold sweat came out from covering his chest.

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