The helpless feeling with a little teasing in his heart turned into regret.

Lin Yu sighed and prepared to take action.

He couldn't let Tang Manman be bullied like this. With the temper of those little girls, who knows what kind of beastly things they will do.

If nude photos were taken, Tang Manman's life would be over.

Just as Lin Yu was about to take action to end the bullying, he suddenly saw the profile of a person in front of him.

He looked familiar.

It was the handsome boy who helped at Tang Mama's snack stand yesterday.

It was Tang Manman's childhood sweetheart.

He was also the number one male protagonist in this yellow comic! (Although he was the one who was bullied by the Minotaur)

Lin Yu recognized him and was relieved to see that he was also in the crowd.

Fortunately, he didn't have to take action himself. It was better to have less contact with Tang Manman, especially things like being a hero saving a beauty that could increase favorability. You must do less!

While waiting for the handsome boy to make a move, Lin Yu felt something was wrong, as if he had forgotten some important details.

He looked at the handsome boy's profile, and a strange feeling emerged in his heart.

It's not right!

Lin Yu suddenly woke up!

The handsome boy was so close to the front, even closer than himself, which proved that he had come here before him.

Then he should have seen Tang Manman being bullied a long time ago, right?

Then why didn't he save Tang Manman until now?

Could it be...

Looking at the handsome boy's timid eyes, Lin Yu was shocked and a little collapsed.

As the childhood sweetheart of the heroine, the official male lead in the yellow comic.

Can you just watch Tang Manman, who is only a layer of window paper away from becoming a girlfriend, being bullied like this?

Are you still a man? !

Thinking of this, although Lin Yu felt angry, he did not act rashly.

Maybe something delayed him from taking action?

Maybe he just arrived?

Or maybe he has something to hide...


I can't find an excuse!

He didn't dare to fight back when his girlfriend was bullied like this.

What a coward!

Just as Lin Yu cursed the handsome boy in his heart, the purple-haired little girl who bullied Tang Manman also made a new move.

She looked at the bustling crowd around her and was a little annoyed. After cursing a few words, she grabbed Tang Manman's school uniform collar with one hand and dragged her to the girls' bathroom.

The little girls surrounding Tang Manman dispersed.

Now everyone in the corridor saw that the person being bullied was Tang Manman.

Tang Manman's sight was no longer blocked by the little girl, and she naturally saw the crowd watching outside, and also saw the handsome boy in the crowd.

When she saw him, a light flashed in Tang Manman's eyes full of pain and fear. She reached out to her childhood sweetheart, as if hoping that he could save her from this painful abyss full of thorns.

In this situation.

The handsome boy finally stopped cosplaying as a coward.

He stood up with a determined look and took a step forward.

But that was all.

One step later, he was stopped by a short bad boy with red, yellow and green hair.

"What are you doing?!"

Three-color Potato Thunder shouted in a bad tone.

The handsome boy was not short, and could even be considered tall. Compared with the three-color potato thunder who stopped him, he was at least a head taller than him.

But the boy who had such an advantage in stature was stopped by the hand of the three-color potato thunder at this time. He didn't even have the courage to go forward and talk back, and just stopped like a cat scared by a mouse.

The courage and impulse in his eyes before also turned into timidity and cowardice at this time, a coward.

The three-color potato thunder seemed to see the boy's weakness. He took a step forward and slapped the handsome boy in the face, cursing:

"Get lost!"

The boy stood still and was slapped. After being scolded by the three-color potato thunder to get lost, he looked at his childhood sweetheart behind the potato thunder, who was dragged to the women's bathroom by a group of bad girls with eyes filled with fear and timidity.

Finally, he lowered his head in shame and retreated back to the crowd without saying a word.

After slapping the boy, the potato thunder shook his numb hands complacently and taunted the boy's back:

"Who do you think you are? You are worthy of being in the limelight?"

Seeing this scene, Tang Manman's eyes were full of despair. Her beautiful eyes were now dim, like a broken piece of gray glass.

At this time, Lin Yu, who was leaning against the wall and hiding in the crowd, was really speechless.

This B is really a coward.

No wonder people NTR!

Seeing that Tang Manman was about to be dragged to the women's bathroom by the group of bad girls, Lin Yu knew that he could no longer hide, it was time to take action!

Pushing aside the crowd in front of him, Lin Yu strode towards the women's bathroom with the door closed.

As Lin Yu moved forward, the three-color potato thunder seemed to be still immersed in the majesty just now. Seeing a pair of long legs rapidly stepping towards him, he subconsciously stretched out his arms to stop them, wanting to replicate the heroic move just now.

But he didn't expect that the legs had no intention of stopping at all and instead lifted one foot after rapidly approaching, and the dirty soles of the shoes kept rapidly enlarging in his shrinking pupils.

As his eyes gradually became terrified, the big foot was firmly imprinted on his chest, and the terrifying force kicked his feet off the ground and flew several meters away.

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