After eating and drinking, seeing that the rain outside had not stopped, Lin Yu was not in a hurry to go home, so he planned to go shopping in the supermarket in the mall.

After entering the supermarket, he strolled leisurely for a long time and purchased many daily necessities. Seeing that the rain outside had stopped, Lin Yu finally pushed the shopping cart to the cashier and planned to check out and go home.

Many items were demagnetized by scanning the code one by one, and then put into the shopping bag one by one.

After the last bag of snacks was put into the shopping bag, facing the barcode scanner extended by the cashier, Lin Yu took out his mobile phone from his pocket, pressed the power button, and prepared to pay...


After pressing lightly, seeing that the mobile phone did not respond, Lin Yu moved his thumb slightly and pressed it again.

? ? ?

This time the mobile phone screen was still dark, without any response.

Looking at the stunned face reflected on the black mobile phone screen, Lin Yu was full of question marks.

What happened?

Did the mobile phone run out of power and turn off?

Not really.

It was still 40% charged when I was eating just now.

Seeing the impatient look from the cashier, Lin Yu gave an apologetic smile and asked to wait for a while. Then he began to press and hold the power button of the phone to restart it.

After a few seconds, a white hammer icon lit up on the black screen.

Seeing that the phone could still be turned on normally, Lin Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the phone is out of power and automatically turned off. I will quickly call the payment code, pay and take a taxi home.

As soon as this idea emerged in Lin Yu's mind, the phone screen flashed for a moment, and then fell into darkness again.

Seeing this performance of the phone, Lin Yu's heart skipped a beat.


Something is wrong!

It doesn't look like it's out of power, does it?

Seeing the phone screen fall into darkness again, Lin Yu anxiously continued to press and hold the power button of the phone.

Ten seconds...

Twenty seconds...

Thirty seconds...

Looking at the phone that had no response no matter how many times he pressed the power button, Lin Yu couldn't help but think of the scene of the phone falling into the pool this morning.


Did the phone get soaked in water and burned?

Damn it!

Why didn't it break earlier or later, but at this moment?

Are you trying to embarrass me?

Lin Yu pressed the power button frantically for a while, but the phone screen still didn't respond at all, and Lin Yu's heart finally died.

He raised his head stiffly and looked at the cashier behind the cashier counter, who was frowning and impatient. Lin Yu showed an embarrassed, embarrassed, and humble smile that made him want to die at the cashier counter.



"My phone seems to be broken, these..."

Lin Yu pointed at the four large bags of goods on the cashier counter. No matter how thick-skinned he was, he didn't have the courage to continue.

The 40-year-old cashier obviously knew what Lin Yu was going to say next.

She gave Lin Yu a look of extreme disgust, then dragged all the four large bags of goods back and put them heavily on the ground at his feet, making a muffled bang.

Listening to the muffled sound, Lin Yu felt that those things did not fall on the ground, but hit his heart heavily, pressing him so hard that he couldn't breathe.


Lin Yu yawned awkwardly, then walked away quickly with a blushing face.

"Damn it!"

"Damn it!!"

"Damn it!!!"

"Why am I so unlucky today!!!"

Lin Yu cursed and stomped his feet in hatred.

What happened to me today?

Did I get into bad luck?

I couldn't be more unlucky!

Although he kept complaining, Lin Yu's feet did not stop at all. He quickly shuttled through the mall, trying to find a mobile phone store to repair his phone.

It was already past eight o'clock in the evening, and most of the mobile phone stores were closed. Lin Yu walked around the mall for a long time and finally found a mobile phone store that was not closed yet.

Entering the store, Lin Yu wanted to repair his mobile phone, but was told that the repairman would be off work at eight o'clock. In desperation, Lin Yu could only leave his mobile phone here and come back to pick it up after school tomorrow.

Carrying the umbrella he bought before entering the mall, Lin Yu left the mall. Penniless, he could only choose to walk towards the rental house...


A few hours of heavy rain almost washed the entire city.

Now the dark clouds have dispersed, and the rain has flowed into the sewer. Only the cold brought by this autumn rain is still raging in the city.

Because it had just rained, the cold air was mixed with heavy humidity, which made the air even colder and more unbearable.

It made people want to tighten their clothes and walk with their necks hunched.

Only Lin Yu was an exception.His zipper was open, and he was breathing out white hot air.

He felt hot all over, and his brain was about to explode.

Recalling the experience of the whole day today.

Lin Yu suddenly had difficulty breathing.

First, Tang Manman came to his door early in the morning, then he was disgusted by his teammates and opponents in Summoner's Canyon, and then he was soaked when he just got off the car, and his mobile phone was broken.

After that, he was severely despised by the cashier.

"Damn it!"

"Why am I so unlucky today!!!"

In the dark night, Lin Yu cursed in hatred, and by chance, there was a yogurt box thrown by someone at his feet.

Lin Yu, who was in a rage, didn't think about it, and stepped on it hard.


The yogurt box exploded under great pressure, and the yogurt in the box shot out along the crack of the yogurt box like an arrow, perfectly stained on Lin Yu's new clothes and pants bought today.

Even a few drops of yogurt splashed on Lin Yu's face.

The night fell silent at this moment.

After a few seconds, a hoarse sound of fucking resounded through the night sky, and even the voice-controlled lights in the distant community briefly lit up for a moment...


Lin Yu was like a mad bull with red eyes, stomping forward in the darkness with full of anger.

Today's unfortunate experience made him almost crazy. He was now like a walking bomb. No matter what dared to provoke him, it would pay the most painful price.

Lin Yu walked in this state for a long time, and when he passed a dim alley, he suddenly stopped.

Looking at the empty surroundings, his angry expression turned into surprise and astonishment.

This familiar feeling...

Lin Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

Am I entering the plot?


Screw your plot!

Why do I care so much about you?

Lin Yu's anger soared to the sky, and now he didn't want to care about anything.

Especially when he thought that the heroine he met this time would be the heroine No. 3 who scolded him, Lin Yu didn't want to care even more.

What a shitty world of yellow comics.

What a heroine in the plot.

All of them go to hell!!!

Lin Yu was furious and prepared to continue walking forward, intending to go home and sleep directly.

But he just raised his foot and put it down again. Looking at the brightly lit main road in front of him, Lin Yu's heart tightened.


He has entered the plot now, but he hasn't seen the heroine No. 3 yet.

If the original plot continues, he will definitely meet her next.

Since he has decided to ignore her, it is better not to even meet her.

In this case, he can no longer follow the original plan, and he has to change the way.

Lin Yu's thoughts were spinning rapidly. He turned his head to look at the dimly lit alley on the side, and his brows still showed no sign of relaxation.

This road is not an option either.

Although he didn't know what the next plot would be,

this dark and deserted alley was simply the official location for the hero to save the beauty. If he wanted to avoid the third heroine, he definitely couldn't take this road.

If he couldn't take both roads, how would he get home?

Lin Yu turned his head to look at the bright main road in front of him, and then turned his head to look at the dim alley on the left.


Lin Yu sneered. Since both roads had the risk of meeting the third heroine, couldn't he just go back the same way?

At most, he could go around the city and go home from Yanjiang Road!


I don't believe that I can still meet the third heroine like this.

No matter if you are fate or some other messy thing that is secretly guiding all this.

I'm going to fight you today!

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