On Tuesday, after asking for leave from the school, Lin Yu came to the gate of No. 14 Middle School, ready to go in and find out.

In the name of returning to school to see the teacher, Lin Yu easily deceived the security guard and entered the No. 14 Middle School. In order to avoid attracting attention with a too ostentatious look, Lin Yu brushed the yellow hair that covered half of his face behind his head and pressed it down with a baseball cap bought outside the school.

Wearing a mask and sunglasses, Lin Yu walked towards the teaching building of No. 14 Middle School.

Lin Yu first wandered around the corridor on the first floor, which was the grade of the first-year students.

Through the glass of the corridor window, Lin Yu quickly found the boy in the photo, Xia Yueshan, Xia Muzhu's younger brother.

He was in Class 3 of the first-year junior high school, and his seat was one of the few people at the back of the class. He looked sloppy and had a stinky face. He didn't listen to the teacher's lectures, and looked like a very standard bad student.

Seeing Xia Yueshan himself, Lin Yu was a little confused.

This guy doesn't look like someone who will be bullied?

It feels like he should be the bully in the bullying incident at school!

After carefully observing through the window for a while, Lin Yu soon found something wrong.

First of all, Xia Yueshan didn't have a deskmate, he sat alone.

And he didn't interact with the students in the last row or the back rows.

If Xia Yueshan was doing well in the class, he wouldn't have sat alone in this situation.

Obviously, the students in the last rows with him were having fun with each other.

One or two of them were laughing silently with their big teeth bared when the teacher couldn't easily notice them, and some of them buried their heads to eat candy secretly.

Looking at this scene in front of him, Lin Yu had an idea in his mind.

Was he isolated?

Soon, the next scene verified Lin Yu's guess.

The student who was sitting against the wall and eating candy secretly took out some candy from the candy bag, and then secretly threw the candy to the students who were sitting by the window and in the back.

Perhaps because he was afraid that the teacher would find out, the student who threw the candy didn't dare to use force and threw the candy very low, which resulted in all the candies not reaching the designated location as he wished.

Several pieces of candy fell down halfway, and one of them happened to hit Xia Yueshan's face.

This candy was like a bomb that fell into the crater of a volcano, instantly detonating Xia Yueshan, who had a stinky face.

He quickly bent down to pick up the candy, then raised his hand above his head, bent his arm backward to accumulate strength, and threw the candy heavily, hitting the face of the person who distributed the candy.

Good guy.

Lin Yu was stunned by this scene.

I thought it was the people in the class who isolated you, but it turns out that you are isolating the whole class?

"Xia Yueshan!"

"What are you doing!"

A loud rebuke sounded, and Xia Yueshan's behavior attracted the attention of the lecturer, who shouted:

"Go stand behind!"

Xia Yueshan stared at the man who threw the candy with resentment, and then glanced at the lecturer. He kicked the stool, stood up with a bad attitude, and walked to the back of the classroom and stood against the wall.

Looking at Xia Yueshan's gradually reddening fierce eyes, Lin Yu shook his head and clicked his tongue twice.

It was really aggrieved.

After a preliminary understanding of Xia Yueshan's situation in the class, Lin Yu left the first floor and walked to the second floor.

After finding the school's dean's office through the doorplate, Lin Yu took off his mask and sunglasses and knocked on the door gently.

"Come in."

A strong voice came from behind the door.

Lin Yu pushed the door open and saw that there was only one middle-aged man in the office. Lin Yu asked:

"Is it Director Zhang?"

"It's me."

The middle-aged man nodded and replied.

"It's like this. I'm the brother of Xia Yueshan from Class 3, Grade 1. I heard that he was bullied in school recently, so I wanted to come and find out about the situation."

Lin Yu said modestly.

"Xia Yueshan?"

The middle-aged man frowned, obviously he had some impression of this name. He thought about it, his expression became strange, and there was a hint of weirdness in his eyes when he looked at Lin Yu.

"Did he tell you that he was bullied in school?"

The middle-aged man asked in a deep voice.

Lin Yu nodded and said solemnly:

"In my opinion, it is like this."


Hearing Lin Yu's words, the middle-aged man sneered and said in a mocking tone:

"Is there anyone in the school who can bully him?"

"At least half of the people in their class have been beaten by him!"

"It's obvious that he is bullying others!"

The middle-aged man slammed the table and said angrily.

"No, no, no."

Lin Yu looked at the middle-aged man's angry eyes calmly and said faintlySaid:

"You can't say that. If Xia Yueshan often beats one person, or a few people, then he might be bullying others."

"But you also said, teacher, he beat nearly half of the class."

"What kind of person would bully half of the class alone?"

"There is no such lunatic in the world."

Lin Yu shook his head and continued:

"If you ask me, maybe my brother Xia Yueshan is the one who is bullied, but he is not as weak as other bullied people. When he is bullied, he will only hide and cry by himself. He is more inclined to fight back."

"Fight back against everyone who bullies him."


The middle-aged man sneered, obviously thinking Lin Yu's words were heretical, so he asked back:

"So what you mean is that half of the class bullied Xia Yueshan together?"

"Why did they bully Xia Yueshan?"

"What reason did they have to bully Xia Yueshan?"

Lin Yu looked into the middle-aged man's eyes, smiled kindly, and said lightly:

"So this is why I came to you, teacher."

"I hope to borrow the school's surveillance to see what happened."

"Sorry, the school's surveillance is not open to the public."

The middle-aged man said coldly, then turned his head back to continue looking at the computer screen to handle official business, looking like he didn't want to pay attention to you, and hoped that you could be more sensible and get out of here quickly.

Looking at the middle-aged man's cold appearance, Lin Yu's mouth showed a helpless smile.

You don't understand what I'm saying, right?

You meowed!

I'll talk to you with a big account!

Lin Yu took off his cap, then shook his head gently, letting his yellow hair fall down and covering half of his face again.

Arriving opposite the middle-aged man, Lin Yu reached out and knocked on his desk, saying coldly:

"I hope I can watch the surveillance now, instead of waiting until the next day after the Black Blood Gang has a friendly negotiation with you tonight."

Watching the middle-aged man's face gradually change from anger to panic, Lin Yu added:

"How about I ask my uncle Li Yuan to come and talk to you in person?"

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