After receiving the news that Xia Muzhu wanted to meet, Lin Yu rushed over as soon as possible.

Using his fingerprint to unlock the fingerprint lock, Lin Yu opened the door. As soon as he stepped into the room, he felt a sense of panic that something was wrong.

Following his sixth sense and looking in the direction of the sofa, Lin Yu's inquiring gaze collided directly with Xia Muzhu's cold gaze.

Looking at Xia Muzhu's red and swollen eyes and the cold blue eyes without any emotion, Lin Yu's heart tightened and he thought it was not good.

Damn it!

Why did Xia Muzhu cry like this?

Could it be that he failed, and the second erotic plot had already happened without his knowledge?


Lin Yu reacted quickly.

If Xia Muzhu was defiled by someone, she might cry like this, but she had no reason to treat him with such a cold attitude.

He didn't owe her anything.

She looked like he had defiled her now.

Lin Yu stopped thinking about it. The person in question was right in front of him. Why not just ask?

"Sister Zhuzi, what do you want me for?"

Lin Yu asked with a smile in her usual gentle voice.

Xia Muzhu said nothing. She just kept staring at Lin Yu. Her emotionless gaze seemed to be able to see through the seemingly cheerful smile and see the soul of the person in front of her.

Just when Lin Yu felt a little uncomfortable being stared at, Xia Muzhu retracted her gaze. She lowered her head and slid her white fingertips across the screen of her mobile phone a few times. Then she raised the phone and the screen was facing Lin Yu. She sniffed and said calmly without any expression:

"Come and take a look."

Lin Yu walked over in confusion.

He stopped in front of Xia Muzhu and bent down. When he saw the picture on the screen of the mobile phone clearly, his pupils suddenly dilated. For a moment, he felt that the blood in his body had solidified.


Where the hell did this ghost photo come from! ! !

The empty living room suddenly became quiet when Lin Yu's eyes widened, so quiet that the rapid breathing of the two people was a little noisy.

Xia Muzhu stared at Lin Yu with her azure eyes. Seeing his astonishment, her conjecture that could not be refuted was completely realized at this moment. Her eyes gradually became crystal clear, and her voice was trembling and difficult to conceal. She asked:

"Don't you have anything to say?"

Lin Yu looked at the photo on the phone screen that had exposed too much fatal information, and was speechless for a while.

What to say?

What can I say?

Say it again to Xia Yueshan?

Say that I have the ability to predict the future.

Say that I know you may be killed next, so I deliberately arranged all these scenes, just to get close to you and protect you better?


In this case, I am afraid that even a fool would not believe such a statement, right?

In the silence with only the sound of breathing, Lin Yu lowered his eyes as if by default, no longer looking at the irrefutable evidence photo on the phone screen, not to mention Xia Muzhu's blue eyes full of crystal tears.

"So all this is fake."

"Is that right?"

Seeing Lin Yu's expression that was almost equivalent to default, Xia Muzhu's tears in her eyes finally burst, and big tears rolled down from the corners of her eyes. She sniffed, but still couldn't stop crying and asked,

"The bravery that night was fake."

"You were robbed of money afterwards, which was also fake."

"You didn't call the police at all."

"Is that right?"

Xia Muzhu's words with tears floated in the silent living room, and every word seemed to hit Lin Yu's heart like a heavy hammer.

Lin Yu was full of bitterness, but he couldn't say anything.

How can I explain it myself?

This is simply a dead end that cannot be explained.

After a series of questions, the living room returned to silence again. In the silence that was so long that it was unbearable, Xia Muzhu finally spoke and sentenced this relationship to death.

"Go away."

"I don't want to see you again."

"And Xiaoshan."

"You are not allowed to contact him in the future."

Listening to the resolute words in his ears, Lin Yu slowly straightened up, and only then did he muster up the courage to look at Xia Muzhu.

Seeing Xia Muzhu turn her head to look out the window, leaving only half of her profile, Lin Yu felt a little relieved.


I don't have to look into her eyes.

Otherwise, my heart would hurt...

Looking at Xia Muzhu's wet and red eyes and the tears rolling down her cheeks, Lin Yu exhaled inaudibly and said softly:

"I'm sorry."


The door closed.

Xia Muzhu turned her head sharply and when she saw the empty entrance, she couldn't help but cover her face and cry...


Going downstairs, Lin Yu lit a cigarette and took a deep breath.

The spicy smoke entered his lungs, and Lin Yu felt his head clearer.


Something is wrong!

Absolutely wrong!

How could it be such a coincidence?

I had that meal with the white-haired gangster, and it happened to be photographed?

And the photo happened to be seen by Xia Muzhu?

Something is wrong!

There is a ten thousand point difference!

Is it the dog-day destiny that took action?

Lin Yu looked up at the blue sky above his head and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Beast, I won't let you succeed."

After cursing in a low voice, Lin Yu walked towards the gate of the community while thinking about the next plan.

I am afraid that I will not be able to hang out at Xia Muzhu's house every day like before.

In this case, I can only focus on Xia Yueshan.

Let him continue to protect Xia Muzhu and implant in her the idea that this world is very dangerous.

In this way, only...


Lin Yu suddenly stopped and looked at the familiar residential buildings, street scenes, and green trees in front of him. A trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

What was that feeling just now...


Lin Yu frowned slightly, trying to recall the fleeting strange feeling just now.

Is it...


Not really.

Is that the familiar feeling when entering the plot?

Not really.

Lin Yu recalled the indescribable feeling just now, and his brows were frowned tighter and tighter.

First of all, it can be confirmed that the feeling is not the strange familiarity that only occurs when entering the plot of Huangman.

I have experienced that strange familiarity three times.

Whether it was the first time on the school playground, the second time when I met Xia Muzhu in the first encounter tavern, or the time when I met the unknown third female protagonist.

The duration of that strange familiarity is generally between two and three seconds.

And it gives people a very strong feeling.

It's like there is an insurmountable high wall rushing straight towards you, a strong feeling that people can't ignore at all.

And the strange feeling just now, which can't be described in detail, probably lasted for less than one-fifth of a second.

More importantly, compared with the strong sense of oppression from the high wall when entering the yellow comic plot.

This feeling is like a breeze with mist, blowing lightly around you.

It is a feeling that will be ignored if you are a little distracted.

The most important thing is.

The strange familiarity when entering the plot gives people the feeling that the whole world appears step by step like a puzzle where they should appear.

There will be almost no mistakes.

And the feeling just now did not have the sense of puzzle step by step.

That feeling is like...

It happens occasionally, but it is normal.


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