Did I win?

I should have.

I successfully helped Xia Muzhu avoid the tragic plot in the comics.

She is fine now.

She has no injuries.

She has not been insulted.

So, the fight with that fate...

Did I win?



Lin Yu frowned.


Lin Yu turned his head and looked at the man lying on the ground again, and his almost crazy roar echoed in his ears.

"The gangster with dyed yellow hair comes to your house every night, and he doesn't leave until nine or ten o'clock every night!"

"Do you think I don't know?"

"Do you think I don't know what they are doing?"

The crazy roar seemed to be right beside his ears. Lin Yu listened to the words full of resentment, and his eyes were empty for a while, and he fell into a vortex of thoughts.

If what this man said is true.

That means.

Since I made up my mind to help Xia Muzhu avoid this second erotic plot, I have been silently pushing all this to happen under the drive of fate?

In other words.

If it weren't for me.

This guy in front of me wouldn't have become so crazy.

Xia Yueshan wouldn't have been beaten with blood all over his face.

Xia Muzhu wouldn't have been nearly raped.

Everything that happened today wouldn't have happened?

Lin Yu suddenly felt a little funny.

Recalling the things he had done with great effort in the past month and a half, he felt very funny, so funny that people couldn't help it.

He didn't restrain himself and laughed along with the emotions in his heart.

But soon, the corners of his grinning mouth trembled twice, and the smile on his face instantly turned into a collapsed expression that was about to cry.

It was a kind of self-mockery after being played by fate, a collapse of powerlessness to the extreme.

Sitting on the sofa, Xia Yueshan was inexplicably excited. While his wounds were being bandaged, he frequently turned his head to look at Lin Yu's back, and was often scolded by Xia Muzhu.

After his wounds were simply bandaged, he stood up impatiently, ran to Lin Yu excitedly, and asked in a low voice excitedly:

"Brother Lin Yu!"

"Did we win?"

As Xia Yueshan spoke, he pointed his index finger upwards, his pair of black eyes were full of energy, as if he had just won a great victory.

Lin Yu adjusted his expression when he heard Xia Yueshan's footsteps coming towards him.

At this time, looking at Xia Yueshan, whose eyes were full of expectation and excitement, he controlled his trembling mouth and grinned stiffly, raised his hand and patted his head and said:


"You successfully protected your sister."

"You won."

Xia Yueshan laughed even more happily. Just when he wanted to say something, a chaotic sound of footsteps sounded outside the door.

Lin Yu turned his head and saw a group of people in police uniforms appearing at the door. They were holding batons and explosion-proof shields, and they were all ready.

Behind the police, there was a woman who was timid and poked her head.

Lin Yu recognized her at a glance. She was a neighbor who lived upstairs in Xia Muzhu. It seemed that Xia Yueshan made too much noise, and she heard something wrong upstairs, so she called the police.

After a brief exchange, as expected, everyone was taken to the police station for record.

After explaining everything that needed to be explained, Lin Yu chose to leave directly without waiting for Xia Muzhu and his sister.

Lin Yu stopped a taxi at the police station, opened the door, bent down and sat in the back seat.

At the same time, the figures of Xia Muzhu and Xia Yueshan, brother and sister, also appeared at the police station.

Xia Muzhu's eyes were still red. After this incident, her eyes were more swollen and she looked far less beautiful than usual.

She stood beside Xia Yueshan, her eyes never left him, and from time to time she reached out to touch the white bandages on his forehead and neck. Just by looking at her, you can guess that she must be nagging Xia Yueshan whether it still hurts or if there is anything uncomfortable.

Xia Yueshan still couldn't feel the charm of Xia Muzhu, the super beauty, as always. He had a bit of impatience on his face. When Xia Muzhu reached out to touch the bandage on his forehead, he turned his head to avoid her, as if he was annoyed by her.

Lin Yu looked at the two people coming out of the police station through the car window. At this time, he was exhausted physically and mentally, and finally showed a knowing smile.

Forget it.

What wins and losses.

I hope they are both fine...


Time is undoubtedly the most vicious poison in the world for women. It will make women's elastic skin loose, make their curvy figures start to lose shape, and easily take away theirYouth is the most precious thing in life.

But for some women, time is just an eyebrow pencil. It will not hurt them, but even add a different mature charm to them.

Tang Manman's mother is such a woman.

Even though her daughter has grown to be a few centimeters taller than her, she is still very charming.

Her skin is tight and fair, and there is no fat on her beautiful oval face. Her red lips are naturally beautiful, and her beautiful peach eyes are full of experience and maturity that Tang Manman does not have.

Time seems to have left only the good side of her.

She seems to be favored by God.

Not eroded by the steel knife of time.

"Is that so?"

At this time, Tang Yun was sitting on the sofa, her unpainted eyebrows were tightly locked, and her expression was extremely solemn.

"That's the aunt!"

Sitting opposite the sofa, the handsome boy said indignantly:

"Those two times of saving the beauty must have been planned by Lin Yu behind the scenes!"

"It was just to deceive Manman's favor!"

"Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence?"

"He showed up at the right time when Manman was bullied twice?"

"That's right!"

"And there's more!"

Speaking of this, the handsome boy suddenly became excited and said loudly:

"Auntie, you didn't see it!"

" Before Lin Yu showed up, the hooligans who bullied Manman were so fierce!"

"When he showed up, those people suddenly became more cowardly than quails, and they didn't fight back when they were beaten or scolded!"

"And every time there were several bad guys, Lin Yu was alone."

"In this situation, they didn't resist at all. Do you think they were hired by Lin Yu to act?"

Tang Yun didn't say anything, but her brows were visibly furrowed tighter, and it was obvious that she trusted Yu Kai's reasoning in her heart.

After thinking for a moment, Tang Yun nodded. She was no longer solemn, but put on a gentle smile of an elder, and said to Yu Kai with a smile:

"Thank you for telling Auntie this."

"Auntie knows everything."

Yu Kai nodded excitedly and said excitedly:

"Auntie, you must persuade Manman to open her eyes, and never let her be deceived by bad people!"

"I know."

Tang Yun nodded seriously, she looked up at the time on the wall, stood up and said:

"It's getting late, Auntie will go back first."

"Thank you for telling Auntie this."

"No, no."

"Auntie, I'll take you."

Yu Kai said with a smile.

Leaving Yu Kai's house, Tang Yun looked at the crowded street, she slowly exhaled a long breath, narrowed her beautiful peach blossom eyes, and whispered softly:

"Lin Yu..."

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