After nightfall, Carl turned over silently in bed, and then his brain sank, and the whole person seemed to fall into a deep sleep.

However, his brain was still active at this moment. After all, he had not been mining for a long time, mainly because he was too unlucky.

Carl had a period of time when he knew that he could open the treasure chest, but since he opened the eighth lucky purple underwear in the treasure chest, his life fell into a dark place.

He didn't know why this was, why the mayor was so embarrassed about him! Isn't it just putting underwear in the soup to make soup for the governor?

Isn't it just putting his underwear on the display stand for the whole town to watch?

Isn't it just putting the purple underwear inlaid with gold and then going to find him and Mani?

Why did you do this to me!

Mayor: You said the reason yourself.

Well, it turns out that people should not commit too many sins. It is true that God is watching what people do. If he can play Stardew Valley again, he will honestly return the underwear to the mayor and calm his anger.

As for why Carl wants to try his luck today, it is because today is Christmas! Maybe his luck will be better during the holidays?

With this novelty, Carl once again connected to the game and planned to explore the desert mine. He did not expect anything else. As long as there were no strange things, even a random ring would be fine. If not, the automatic caressing machine would be great. At that time, he could give Lupin a soul SPA.

After all, according to Lupin, the defense coefficient of the automatic caressing machine is not ordinary. Every time he recovers from the werewolf state, almost everything around him will be destroyed. Only this thing is so strong for some reason that it almost broke his claws several times.

Moreover, the massage of the manipulator can soothe emotions very much. In the past, he almost suffered for a while because of the memory and the load of the body after the full moon, but now it is much better than before.

Although the root of the pain has not been eliminated, there is no medicine to cure the root cause, so it is also good to treat the symptoms first.

After several layers of exploration, Carl's luck is really good today. He slid down more than ten layers in a tunnel and just happened to encounter a treasure chest.

This treasure chest is very unusual. It is near a magma lake. It is all red. The eyes are gurgling and bubbling. Even if the hot air reduces a lot of perception, it makes people feel extremely uncomfortable.

The treasure chest is in the center of this magma lake. A small path made of obsidian extends inward, which looks like the kind of treasure chest that can produce good goods.

It's a fortune, there must be good things inside, Carl thought so, and 0025 also expressed affirmation.

[This treasure chest has an 80% probability of opening useful things. The host finally got lucky once. ], yes, after all, lucky underwear was opened eight times, 0025 thought that his host would never encounter such a treasure chest with good things.

"As I expected, my luck is still quite good...", eliminating the possible dangerous factors around, Carl rubbed his hands excitedly, and it turned out that going to the mine on Christmas was an extremely correct choice. This treasure chest proved everything!

Santa Claus will fulfill the wishes of every sincere child, the Holy Gate!

Carl rubbed his hands excitedly, wanting to see what good things will appear in it. With such good luck today, it is impossible for lucky purple underwear to continue to appear, right?

Carl opened the treasure chest with one hand, and the box emitted a shining golden light. Just when Carl was expecting something good to appear in it, a pair of purple pants suddenly appeared in it.

Now not only Carl, but even 0025 is down. Logically, there is an 80% chance of getting something good, and the purple underwear is in that 20%, and the proportion is very small. How did the host do it?

0025 can't figure it out. The computing power given to him by the main system can't make him understand why the host's luck is so bad.

Mayor - why don't you let me go even though it's Christmas! Article 9! No matter who it is, come and save me! ! !

Why didn't Santa Claus continue to bless me? Is it because I'm not sincere enough? !

[Maybe because you are not a child?], 0025 made a precise finishing blow, and Carl was stabbed in the heart.

Hahaha, I finally know why this treasure chest is in the center of the magma lake. It seems that he knew he was going to get this unlucky thing, so he was born by the magma pool. Painless, find me a trash can, right!

Are you useless? Come and try it too!

Carl threw the unlucky purple underwear into the lava lake nearby and destroyed it, then quietly left and planned to go to the next level to see if there was anything good.

At the moment when the underwear dipped into the lava and made a puffing sound, a blue shadow slowly emerged. He looked extremely pale.Old, with a thick beard, wearing a blue pajamas, and a nightcap on his head.

This aesthetic... can't be said to be very bad, it can only be said that it is completely not good. It is comparable to Deng Xiao, and even slightly taller than Deng Xiao. It is really exquisite, exquisite, and extremely exquisite.

But it seems a little familiar. Who is this?

"Ahem... my dear grandson...", the soul floated up and down and began to speak its lines.

Through the name, Carl quickly recognized who this blue old man was. In general, this old man is the grandfather of the main controller, and theoretically half of Carl's grandfather.

But why did he float up from the lava lake? Even if it is a ghost appearing from the lava lake, it is a bit too outrageous.

"Excuse me, is this the gold underwear, this silver underwear, or this ordinary purple underwear?" The old man looks amiable. If it weren't for the three underwear in his hand, he should be more amiable.

But now he looked a little funny holding underwear, whose good man would hold underwear! And he was holding underwear and rising from the magma lake!

Too weird!

And the moment grandpa spoke, Carl's brain made a ding sound.

Clicking on the panel, an achievement icon lit up, which was not an achievement in the game, probably added by the main system when tweaking the game system.

The name was chosen very carelessly, the lucky one was definitely unlucky, but it sounds quite appropriate, who would have thought that a waste product would be opened in a special treasure chest...

But grandpa... why are you also a part-time river god? Or the lava river god, shouldn't you stay in your shrine?

Then according to the story of the river god, Carl should tell the truth now, that he dropped ordinary underwear, and then according to the story outline he will get...

A gold underwear and a silver underwear...

No? What does he want this thing for!

Carl forced a smile and waved his hand to the old man, saying, "No, I didn't lose anything. You should keep these three pairs of underwear for yourself..."


After saying that, Carl planned to run away.

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