"I had a quarrel with my brother..." Sirius suddenly said something while the train was running. Everyone was chatting with each other, but when they heard him say something inexplicably, they all looked at him.

"Regulus?" Alice asked.

"I don't think I have a second brother." Sirius looked up and sighed, all kinds of tangled emotions surged in his heart, and finally turned into a complicated sigh.

"Why?" Carl thought it was just some trivial matter between brothers, so he asked the omnipotent Carl to see what happened.

"Reason... reason..." Sirius grabbed his hair in a tangled way, feeling that he would scratch his hair into a bird's nest in the next second. Did he want to get the same hairstyle as James?

Carl said that Sirius would look better with straight hair. Once his hair was fluffy, combined with the unique villain look of the Black family...

he would look like a wanted criminal.

"You are wizards from Muggle families, it is difficult for me to explain it to you clearly..." After all, Carl and Lily are both young wizards from Muggle families, they may not even be able to distinguish the sacred 28 clans clearly, and it is a bit too confusing to explain those complicated relationships to them.

Of course, that is not the most important thing, the most important thing is...

Although he doesn't want to admit it, he can't distinguish those complicated relationships clearly, but he can slightly distinguish various positions and the like, and simply distinguish good from evil.

"In short, in simple terms, my brother is likely to join the evil organization and become a bad guy. I went to reason with him and he just left." Sirius waved his hand, he was helpless.

Carl felt that what Sirius said about reasoning was somewhat watery. With his personality, would he really reason with others?

I'm afraid that if Regulus said something, he would explode immediately, and then Regulus would remain calm, and he would continue to explode.

Ask Carl why he knows so much, because these two brothers always quarrel like this, Regulus is responsible for holding an icy face, and Sirius is responsible for explosive output.

But it is obvious that the temperature of the firecracker explosion is not enough to melt the glacier.

"Are you talking about... that person?" Alice's face is not very good. After all, it seems that there is only one person who can be called an evil organization and can influence the Black family.

Although Voldemort is still in the expansion period and does not have the deterrent power of absolutely crushing everything in the later period, his execution methods and ideas are feared, disgusted, and unacceptable to many decent wizards.

For example, Alice's family, her parents always mention it behind her back, probably because they don't want her to think too much.

But occasionally Alice would sneak behind the door to listen, so she understood a little.

The worry of mom and dad, that is something Alice has never heard of. In her memory, her mother is always calm and elegant, and she will not be nervous when encountering anything, and her father is gentle like spring breeze, and there is almost no excessive negative emotion.

"I think..." Before James started to speak, Carl suddenly covered his mouth. Carl said with a fake smile, "No, you don't think so."

James had a thousand questions in his heart, right? Where did he offend this old man again? He had been forced to mute himself twice today, and Carl only mute himself, which was basically targeted!

"Although I don't really understand..." Carl said after making sure that James didn't continue to speak. There was no way, James always liked to be a troublemaker.

"But Sirius, have you had a good talk with your brother? Did you listen to him carefully?" In fact, Carl shouldn't use a question to say this, because Carl knew that Sirius probably didn't listen to Regulus' explanation, or Regulus didn't explain at all and unilaterally endured his brother's unilateral output.

But no matter which one, the ending is the same, the two brothers didn't talk at all.

"Is there any need to talk about this?" James was finally let go by Carl. He didn't understand what Carl said at all, so he exclaimed.

After all, in his eyes, everything is probably black and white. As long as he likes or agrees with someone or something, he will give everything, but if he hates or disagrees with it, he will burst out with all the malice he can emit.

"Will others think you are dumb if you don't speak, James?" Carl regretted not continuing to cover James' mouth.

Sever, please quickly get some spells that can punish James, I can't stand his mouth! I really want to tear him apart, why is James like a chattering aunt at the entrance of the village.

Is he usually so annoying?

How can I carry out my speech therapy work like this?

James naturally saw Carl's moodIt was not pretty, so he made a gesture to seal his mouth, then quietly moved to Lily's side and said nothing more.

Forget it, rather than continuing to talk and then being covered by Carl's mouth, he should stick with Lily and see what he can say.

"Of course I had a good chat with him." Sirius didn't care. In his concept, as long as they had a chat, it could be considered a good chat. After all, he and his brother didn't say a few words at ordinary times. This was one of the few times he took the initiative to find Regulus. How could it not be considered a good chat?

Looking at Sirius's tone, he was quite confident. Before he wanted to continue speaking, Carl made a pause gesture, and then raised his tone, "Okay, okay, since you said you had a good chat, then it's time for questions~"

Carl looked into Sirius's eyes, "Sirius, I won't embarrass you. I only ask you two questions. First, please briefly describe what you said?"

After all, it was only a few days after the incident, and Sirius easily found the general words he said with a turn of his brain.

"I asked Regulus if he knew about the recent events at home. I tried to dissuade Regulus from standing on his mother's side. Then I quarreled with him and said..."

Sirius paused and didn't continue. After all, it was about a quarrel with his brother, and he didn't want to tell others.

"Anyway, we quarreled...", Sirius concluded.

Carl nodded, and didn't go into the topic of the quarrel, but continued, "So Sirius, what did your brother say? This shouldn't be difficult, right? You can also briefly describe it."

Sirius opened his mouth, but suddenly couldn't speak as if his throat was blocked. He searched his memory completely, but it seemed that he couldn't find his brother's face and what he said.

In the end, he barely found some things to make up for it.

"He said that he knew that this was inevitable... Then he didn't say anything..." Sirius stumbled and barely said a little.

"Then what? If this is all, it's not a good chat, right?"

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