After getting on the train, Sirius at least stopped having a cold war with Regulus in person, but how to say it...

After being criticized by Carl on the spot and beginning to realize that he had a problem.

He inevitably felt a little embarrassed. Occasionally, Regulus would greet Carl and him, and Carl nodded in response, but Sirius was stunned for a while before he could say a few words.

Today was still the same.

The History of Magic had just ended, and the little wizards of Gryffindor and Ravenclaw finally endured the ghost professor's unskilled hypnotic teaching, and ran out of the classroom in a swarm.

The first grade seemed to have just finished class, and it was Slytherin and Ravenclaw. The classrooms were not far away, and they just met across the street when they went to the restaurant after class.

Regulus saw the people here with sharp eyes, and out of politeness, he stepped forward to say hello. In fact, he had more questions to ask Carl. Since the era was wrong, how to correct it.

In fact, he had some expectations in his heart. Years of family education made him understand the philosophy followed by the Black family, but it was obvious that these philosophies made everyone miserable.

His brother, himself, and even his father and mother, although they were proud of following the philosophy of pure blood supremacy, were they happy?

No, they were also very miserable. The family was like a coffin, trapping everyone. Even if the coffin was extremely gorgeous and extremely valuable, it was still a coffin. A coffin was still a coffin no matter what.

A coffin would not make people happy.

He had never been able to find the direction he should have before, but it was obvious that Carl could say one or two things that could be used as a reference. He could talk to him and find something he could use, perfect what he could accept, and change the Black family.

Thinking of this, Regulus' eyes brightened a little.

If this person was a little wizard born in a pure-blood family, they would probably be more compatible, and it was not discrimination.

But people outside the wizarding world could never fully understand the various information and problems in it like them.

Although Regulus thought so, it was actually a paradox. Even though Carl came from another world and his brain had some ideas, the involvement of his original family had already washed away most of the things he had shaped in his previous life.

Leah and Ceci helped him build too many good qualities. Now he trusts his friends enough and loves everyone around him. If he changes his growth environment, no one dares to say how things will turn out.

"Sirius, stop whistling over there, and say hello to your dear Ou Doudou quickly. It looks a bit like Gryffindor." Seeing Sirius who was about to escape, Carl stretched out his evil claws and grabbed him.

"Well... Good morning." Sirius said to Regulus.

Carl pursed his lips, then looked at the bay window in the room. Obviously, the sun was hanging high in the center, "Whose morning is noon..."

Carl was a little speechless. Sirius, do you want to listen to what you are saying? Sirius can tolerate other things, but why can't noon be morning?

"It's yours! Hey! You said that several times on weekends!" Sirius said the wrong time because of embarrassment, but so what? Carl would stay in his room until noon every weekend, so what he said was really right.

Carl is the one who has no right to say whose noon is morning.

"...... Yeah." Carl was a little speechless, and then his eyes gradually drifted away, "I have something else to do, so I'll leave first~ Bye~"

Carl said briskly, took his books and ran away, leaving the few people behind. In fact, he ran away now not just because Sirius had exposed his past.

Carl passed several corridors and ladders and came to the Room of Requirement. As usual, he made a wish for a hidden utility room, and then opened the door and walked in.

Yes, Carl left mainly for the training of the dog in the House of Requirement.

As for what to train, it was of course the Confusion Spell. 0025 agreed to help him train, but this kind of high-level spell was not easy to train even if he was not a real child at heart.

Training to the point where he could confuse ghosts would be more difficult, so Carl finally thought of a more reliable method.

After training the Confusion Spell, Carl wanted to find someone to practice with, but people were definitely not an option. What kind of person should he be...

He couldn't find a Goblet of Fire or something like that. After thinking about it, the only high-end items in this castle seemed to be the Sorting Hat in the principal's office and the Crown of Requirement that a certain Dark Lord hid after failing to apply for a job.

When he first found the Room of Requirement, he tried to find the Crown after James Sirius left.Crown, after all, the sooner such a dirty thing is found, the sooner it will be at ease. Besides, there is no protective magic on the crown. Voldemort is too conceited and thinks that no one can find the crown.

Moreover, even if there is any unexpected danger, there is always a slap in the face [reminder] at 0025, so it is not completely defenseless.

However, the final result of the search was a failure.

But how can this be difficult for Carl? Recently, he thought of a more damaging way. Since navigation can find Lily, why can't navigation find the crown?

In the past, it was really useless to think that it would cost 10,000 gold to find someone, but then I thought that since it is inferred by computing power, then anything can be used. Since anything can be used, in addition to finding teammates, can it be used to find enemies?

Thinking about it this way, it is simply a magic weapon! It's like playing a game with a perspective plug-in.

After searching for a while, he finally found the crown of Ravenclaw in the Room of Requirement. It was hidden in a statue. It was quite difficult to find this thing. After all, there are so many things in the utility room, and there are similar silverware.

After that, it was time to practice the Confusion Charm. The Ravenclaw Coronet was a Horcrux split from Voldemort. As a wizard who was recognized by Dumbledore as more talented than him.

Even though it was a split Horcrux with some remaining consciousness, Carl still had a headache when performing the Confusion Charm. Not only did he have to be skilled enough in casting, but he also had to be firm enough, otherwise he would have the idea of ​​wearing the coronet in his mind.

However, this coronet obviously did not have the strength of the later notebook. The notebook only started to plan after controlling Ginny.

Carl cast another Confusion Charm, and the coronet was silent for a while as usual, and his brain no longer had the urge to wear the coronet.

But it was useless. This period of time did not exceed one minute, and the passing line set by 0025 was about five minutes.

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