Carl picked up the crystal shoe and looked at it. It was very beautiful and delicate, and very hard. At least it didn't break even after falling from such a high train. Instead, his head almost broke and lost half of his blood.

I can't wear one shoe. Can I use it as a weapon? When I was chased by the Death Eaters, I took out the crystal shoe from my chest and gave them a physical bite on the head.

Carl stuck it on the crystal shoe for a while, and a pop-up window automatically popped up on it, [+3 defense, +5 immunity]. Carl looked at this immunity buff and fell into contemplation for a while. The immunity here is used to exempt negative buffs, which is also easy to understand. Ten immunities can be 100%, and five is 50%.

Can this thing be immune to the petrification of the basilisk? Ah, it's useless. Even if you can be immune, you can only be immune to petrification. After all, killing with eyes is not included in petrification. Besides, there is only a 50% probability. Who dares to bet on this 50%...

Carl picked up the crystal shoes and compared them with his own shoes. They were the same size as his own shoes. When he took them out, they should automatically change to the same size as his real shoes, just like the meteor sword. After all, such a small person can't hold a sword that only adults can hold, but...

"0025, why is there only one? Shouldn't there be a pair?"

[Sorry, the host is a bug, because there is actually only one map in the game. I didn't pay much attention when I was rushing to transfer the data. However, this is good for the host. After all, the attributes can be superimposed after testing, so 0025 did not ask the headquarters to make changes. ]

Yes, the headquarters system has a problem and a bug has been created. What does it have to do with him 0025? After all, the host is the beneficiary.

In addition, according to the terms of the management bureau, if they don't take the initiative to change the bug, even if there is a problem, it will not be punished by him 0025.

"It is good, but if you can't get a pair, wouldn't it be weird to wear different shoes stacked together?" Carl looked at the crystal shoes and expressed his thoughts.

[You think too much, host. Even if they are not a pair, it doesn't matter, because it's weird enough for a boy to wear high-heeled crystal shoes. ]

"Thank you..." Carl touched his chest and felt a mouthful of blood rushing up. 0025 is really good at talking. Is he talking so much that he doesn't care about his life?

"Wait, hiss... the most useful thing for me..." Carl didn't touch his chest for long before he immediately returned to his home in the game, took the sculpture and then turned off the system to return to reality, "It's almost twelve o'clock..."

If it is a shipment of something that I need most, last time I got a Nanako, will I get a pair of shoes directly this time?

Carl sat upright on the bed, feeling that his body seemed to be somewhat different. To be more precise, he felt that he could beat Sirius + James by force?

In the past, he could only beat one at most?

Sirius, James: Thank you :)

But now was not the time to persecute James. He pulled the bed curtain again to ensure that it was completely light-proof. Fortunately, the curtain was thick enough. It was hard to explain if it was not the light from the sculpture.

At twelve o'clock, the sculpture emitted a faint purple light, and then there was a muffled sound, and a heavy object fell on Carl's bed as the purple light disappeared.

Carl fiddled in the dark and felt a cold touch. This shape seemed to be quite lucky? At least it made an integer for himself?

Although it was strange for a boy to wear small high heels, he had already worn women's clothes, so this was still slightly acceptable. Just treat it as an upgraded equipment for the magic boy.

This pair of shoes can solve the problem of petrification when looking at the basilisk indirectly, but what should he do when looking at it directly? Although it is a solution to keep my head down, it is still a bit inconvenient.

I can't look the basilisk in the eye...

Hey, wait, can't I just make the basilisk unable to see his eyes? That doesn't count as looking at each other, right?

Carl thought about it and immediately took out a pair of sunglasses from his backpack. They were the accessory sunglasses that came with Stardew Valley. Ordinary sunglasses are always a bit transparent.

But the second dimension doesn't make sense to you. The sunglasses from Stardew Valley can't show the outline of the eyes at all, so the basilisk can't see his eyes at all.

Wow~ Siguo Yi Nei~

In fact, the one thing that Carl is more afraid of the basilisk is his eyes. If the basilisk didn't have the buff of eyes, he could barely pass the level even if he took potions and swung the meteor sword.

After all, his years of experience in killing monsters gave him a little confidence. After all, no matter how scary the basilisk is, is it scary to have dozens of bats take turns to beat him when there is red fog in the mine?

Seriously, he was in the mines for too long and he even had some physical fear when he saw Sif.He is afraid of anything that comes into contact with him.

I don't mean to target you, Severus is very much like the bat Snape.

Almost everything is ready, Carl even thinks that he can go to the Chamber of Secrets to beat the basilisk tomorrow. In fact, he has decided so.

Originally, his idea was to exercise his body first and go to the mine to kill more monsters, but now Mr. Qi gave him a pot of iridium snake milk, and he would probably only do so in the short term.

In the morning, Carl's other diligent roommates almost all went out to roll inwards. Carl took Nanazi out of the cage. The little guy was a little angry and was using fasting to face Carl.

Carl knew why he was angry. He started to be busy after going to school. He practiced spells, went to class, and ran back and forth between being a trainer every day. He had almost no time to take care of Nanazi, and of course he had no chance to take him to look out.

It was okay when he was still a chick, after all, the space was like a basketball court. When he grew up, the owl cage seemed a bit narrow.

"Don't be angry, I'll take you out to play, it's fun." Carl smiled and picked up the cage to leave. The young and innocent Nanako had no idea what Carl was going to take him to do.

Nanako thought it was a lookout, so she went to the grass to catch insects happily.

Carl's lookout was to break into the secret room at night and kill the basilisk alone.

Carl turned on the navigation and found a way where he would not run into anyone else. After all, he was wearing a pair of crystal shoes, which was too strange and would inevitably attract attention. He hurried to the women's washbasin where Myrtle was.

Myrtle was still completing her daily target today, crying. She was not as sensitive as other ghosts. She would not do anything else except complaining and crying every day.

This kind of "big" nerve was perfect for Carl. As long as he sneaked behind him, it would be no problem.

"Confundus Charm!" Carl skillfully cast a confusion spell with magic, and then walked into the bathroom.

"Myrtle?" He greeted Myrtle naturally. Myrtle ignored him and just floated there blankly, taking a few steps from time to time.

The plan was perfectly successful. After all, according to Myrtle, if it didn't work, Karl would come out directly, and she would definitely start her daily performance, crying, making a fuss, and even hanging herself.

It's no wonder that this bathroom has been abandoned for so long. No one wants to come. Who can see the crying Myrtle go to the toilet without changing their expression? They will hold it back...

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