However, in front of the classroom, the two conjoined twins still separated. There was no way. They were in different colleges. If they were not together when the classes were divided, they would not be able to attend classes together.

This class was the Defense Against the Dark Arts class for Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. Although Voldemort's curse was still there, Carl's teachers were changed every semester, but the quality of the teachers was not as uneven as that of Harry's class. At least they all had something on them.

Carl was generally satisfied with this course, as he didn't have to smell garlic every day, listen to fantasy novels, or wave his wand at all. Although it was a little uncomfortable to adapt to new teachers every semester, it was really good that he didn't encounter any weird teachers.

"What is this class? Last class we learned..." James looked around the classroom, trying to search for some information.

"Don't think about it. You skipped class last time. Have you completely forgotten? Or was it me who covered for you?" Carl wanted to roll his eyes. The persona he had established for himself since the beginning of the school year made it impossible for him to skip classes unscrupulously.

For example, if James skipped class, Professor McGonagall would be like this. She would scold James angrily and scold him.

Although it was uncomfortable to be blamed, at least he didn't have to suffer the condemnation of his conscience. If Carl skipped class, Professor McGonagall would look at him with disapproval and ask if he had encountered any hardships or psychological problems.

Who can skip class with such a loving look from an elder? Even if there is a little conscience, it will be unbearable.

"Oh, I forgot, I thought I was in class, but what is this wardrobe used for...", it is obvious that James's skipping class made him forget some theoretical knowledge, and his absence from the last class also made him forget that this class was a practical class.

"I said why it's so strange, it turns out that there is no other reason, children...", a woman with black straight hair and oriental appearance suddenly appeared from behind everyone.

She has round eyes and a little baby fat on her face. She looks quite young. Perhaps it is the unique age-preserving technique of Asians. If she is not wearing the clothes that professors often wear, people will almost mistake her for a student.

"Oh, Professor Zhang... I can explain..." James seemed to be controlled and immediately replied. This professor looks gentle, but in fact she is not so easy to deal with. She can do some very cruel things with a smile.

And because she smiles very gently, even if she is punished, she has no emotion at all.

Otherwise, James would not need Carl to cover for him, and he would just run away.

"There is nothing to say. Remember to copy down the school rules about class discipline, five times each." The professor still smiled like that, and then sentenced James to life imprisonment.


"Do you need to add five more times?" The professor still smiled like that, but James didn't say anything else.

Carl thought he could probably get away with it, and was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but the professor picked him up, "And you, Mr. Carl, I'm very disappointed in you, your behavior is worse than James, you are a good kid..."

"Ten times, in case you do it again next time." The professor did not show any mercy to Carl because he was more well-behaved, but gave him a more severe punishment because of Carl's usual performance.

"Okay professor, I got it." Carl nodded. He didn't expect that he couldn't escape the Chinese-style punishment of copying in the UK, but the teacher's face was inevitably a little nostalgic...

I haven't seen Asian faces for many years, I miss them a little, and a little...

Forget it, don't think about it.

"The professor actually punished you too..." James couldn't believe it. Many professors would ignore some of Carl's other minor flaws based on his usual performance.

"So whose fault is this? I was punished for covering for you." Carl punched James on the shoulder. Actually, he should have hit his head at this time, but Carl only hit his shoulder at most. He needed to stand on his feet to go up.

"I will copy it three times for you?" James did feel a little sorry for Carl, so he suggested, "Forget it, you have to imitate me... I'm afraid that Professor Zhang will punish me to copy it ten times..."

"So what is this wardrobe used for? You didn't even bring a book..." James was actually still in a state of confusion.

"Today is a practical class. I thought Sirius told you..." Carl pointed to Sirius who was chatting with the girls next to him.

"Shouldn't this kind of work be given to you? I thought you said it..." Sirius said goodbye to the girls and glanced at James.James was carrying a thick book.

"Why didn't you remind me in the morning?" James thought they were sincere. After all, there was so much time in the morning, Sirius and Carl could have told him before that.

"Maybe you have your own ideas... Well, I was too sleepy and didn't notice that you still had a book in your hand..." Sirius said.

"You were sleeping all morning and didn't talk to me at all. Don't blame me..." Carl replied. He felt that James had no reason to say that to him.

"Forget it, it's useless to tell you, but what is this wardrobe for..."

James has always been a curious baby. Just like now, there is no class yet. Although the professor has come, everyone is chatting together, and James suddenly jumped out of the crowd, and then like a curious cat, he secretly rubbed his hands, trying to see what curious things are in the wardrobe.

This made everyone even forget to stop him. After that, the incident became very common, almost every day. Professor Zhang's stop was too late. James opened the wardrobe directly, and then it was obvious that the Boggart appeared.

However, James was familiar with the person who appeared in front of him. He was not someone else, but Lily Evans.

"Lily, why are you in the closet?" James asked this question stupidly. He didn't react at all. Lily was just chatting with Alice and had no time to run to the closet.

And this "Lily Evans" glanced at James, raised her head and said with some contempt, "Goodbye, James Potter, you idiot, I'm about to be with a smart person, and I will never like you."

After "Lily Evans" finished speaking, a man with his face covered by hair appeared next to him. He took Lily's hand affectionately and said affectionately, "Let's go, Lily, let's not talk with idiots."

James was stunned, pursed his lips, and almost fainted from the shock. There was still some shining water in his eyes, as if he could cry in the next second.

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