"I don't know how I, who came last in the Quidditch Cup, can be so arrogant!" Alice covered her face and shook her head.

"If it was Alice, she might win. After all, Alice worked hard. Everyone is praising you, right?" Carl comforted her. He believed that Alice would win first place. It was just a matter of time. She was a very talented girl.

"That's not the point! You should think of a way for me! I just want to invite Senior Longbottom to Hogsmeade for a drink. Ah, ah, ah..." Alice wanted to grab Carl's collar and shake it constantly to ask him to think of a way for her, but Nanako on Carl's head was blocking him with a look of readiness, so Alice could only sit down and cry.

"I think it's okay, at least there's no real confession, right? Otherwise, you'll probably get a word from Senior Longbottom." Carl showed Alice the scene he saw a few days ago, and imitated Longbottom's appearance perfectly.

"Senior Longbottom, I like you!"

"Really? Me too, thank you."

"You too..."

"Thank you for your love, I like myself too."

After Carl finished imitating, he raised his eyebrows and looked at Alice, "That's probably it."

"Oh, no, that senior sister was rejected even though she's so pretty, it seems I have no chance..." Alice fell on the table and groaned.

"Don't think so, maybe Senior likes your type, I'll ask him out for you later, if you really can't open your mouth." Carl smiled.

Alice got up instantly, her eyes were bright as if stars could come out, "Really?"

"Really, I never lie...", Carl was interrupted by a bird's nest that suddenly appeared before he finished speaking.

"Hey! What are you talking about!", James suddenly appeared from behind Carl, but before he finished speaking, Nanako came to him with a heavenly justice, perhaps because James was standing too close, "Hey wait wait wait, Nanako, why are you pecking me! It hurts!"

James's originally messy hair became even messier at this moment, and there were even some abstract art.

But Nanako is a little rooster after all, who would care about a cute and ignorant little rooster?

No one would care, right?


James Potter,

He would!

"You useless guy! It's ok that you eat a lot! How dare you sneak attack me!" James grabbed Nanako and started a battle of wits and courage with him. Nanako, who was blessed with love buff, was extremely excited at this moment. She waved her wings and was about to fight. One man and one chicken actually started a duel in the auditorium.



James, you kid, really is...

Well done!!!

I actually attracted hatred and let Nanako leave me for a while. Even if it's only for a while, I will remember this kindness.

A good emergency rescue, love comes from Carlos Coster.

Carl secretly gave James a thumbs up behind his back.

After a series of arduous PKs, James Porter successfully controlled Nanako. James held Nanako's wings with one hand and smiled particularly insidiously.

"Hehehe, you damned chicken... I'll have the house elves stew you right away, just wait for death...", James seemed to have grown some devil wings behind him, and his face was even more evil than Sirius.

Although this behavior is probably okay, after all, everyone does this in private, and James has treated Nanako like this more than once, but in parentheses, that was all done behind Lily's back.

James, who was attacked by Nanako, was so angry that he had forgotten that this was a place to eat, and now was the time to eat, and at this time, Lily had an 80 to 90 percent chance of walking in from the door.

And if she came in, what she saw was naturally...

"Ah... James, what are you doing." Lily showed a confused expression. After all, she woke up in the morning and saw a mess of chicken feathers and James smiling like a villain. She was really confused.

Although Nanako had taken the love potion by mistake, it was obvious that his memory and IQ were still there. He turned his head and glanced at James, with a look of planning in his eyes.

Then, he quickly stopped flapping his wings to fight, and slowly drooped his body, as if he was bullied.

"? You still have two faces, right!" James collapsed and shouted. It was as if he was bullying the weak. How shameless a chicken must be to do this.

Sure enough,Do pets always follow their owners? James looked at Carl fiercely, while Carl whistled and turned his face away innocently.

In the usual situation, Nanako would have thrown herself into Lily's arms if she showed weakness, but today, it was different. After James was stunned for a while, he subconsciously let Nanako go. Nanako did not run straight to Lily, but tidied her blue feathers and then returned to Carl's arms happily.

"What's going on? Shouldn't this damn guy run to Lily's arms to show off in order to make me more angry?" James' face was full of question marks.

Lily was also a little strange. After all, Nanako's usual rebellious look... He should prefer to stick to girls like Alice, Lily and Penny. What happened today?

"I accidentally took the love potion..." Carl sighed, "Now I want to have a love affair with his old father all the time. Alas, I am a rebellious son with a confused mind..." Carl sighed and explained the current situation for the second time.

James suddenly got something and narrowed his eyes. He quietly approached, but not too much. After all, Nanako was still standing guard in Carl's arms. James felt that if he approached, he would be beaten again.

"You made it." James thought it was likely that it was. If it was given by someone else, Nanako should be obsessed with the person who gave Carl the love potion.

"I guess so...", it was given by my grandfather, how could it not be considered as made by myself, "Anyway, it doesn't matter. The important thing is how I should go to class next..."

Carl sighed and expressed helplessness.

This topic was temporarily revealed, but James' pupils were indeed shaking in his heart.

Why is this so? It is obvious. A potion idiot calms down to make a love potion. What does this mean? Who is he going to give it to?

So according to this reasonable guess, who will he give it to?

But no matter who it is, Severus Snape will be the first one to be removed. After all, these two people don’t need love potions at all.

There is a big problem. The relationship between the elder brother-in-law and the younger brother-in-law has broken down. They won’t disagree with me marrying Lily because of this.

Sever: Hahaha, you think too much. No, I never agreed. Spirited boy, back off!

Let me test it first and see the situation, for the harmony of the family, for the love between people, so that he can pass the test smoothly and be with Lily.

James Potter, started the great agent plan!

Carl was a little absent-minded when eating today, because Sever didn’t come for some reason. Of course, this is only one of the reasons, and there is another reason.

James Potter, for some reason, was eating across from him, and while eating he was looking at him with a determined gaze.

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