Alice was very excited when Carl came out of the Quidditch playground. She paced back and forth nervously and looked at Carl with expectant eyes.

"How is it, did Senior Longbottom agree?" Alice's eyes seemed to burst with stars, and Carl didn't know how to answer her.

"Well... how should I put it... I agreed, but... but, maybe..." Carl spoke hesitantly, and Alice was very anxious, "Tell me what happened, I can handle it."

"Well... it's not quite the date you imagined." Carl pointed at his finger, and then as if he had finally made up his mind, "Probably..."

"Senior Longbottom agreed to your invitation, but he expanded the content of the date." Carl's words were very clever, but also made Alice confused.

"What do you mean by expansion?"

"He expanded the date between the two of them to about 20 people, probably the Gryffindor Quidditch team plus the Ravenclaw Quidditch team. He said it was rare for them to go out together, so it would be better to find a few more people."

"And he said he was training these days and had no time, so we should go out together after the Quidditch game." Carl expressed his condolences, because Longbottom's behavior was obviously a rejection.

But he didn't say it directly, but rejected it without leaving a trace like he rejected the senior sister last time, without hurting the girl's face, and he also kept himself out of trouble.

It can be said that he did a very good job.

But sometimes Carl really suspected that Frank Longbottom was not a man but a Tang Monk, and Quidditch was the true scripture he wanted to obtain. Zhang was so handsome and played Quidditch, just like a handsome guy who studied sports and played basketball well in school.

Is it reasonable that there is no girlfriend who handed over mineral water? When the girl handed over water, he directly took out a kettle and laughed cheerfully, saying that it was okay, I brought it myself, so don't bother.

Is this reasonable again?

But it was so strange, it seemed that I had never heard of Longbottom liking anyone or dating anyone.

Alice fell to the ground like a deflated balloon when she heard this. Carl subconsciously wanted to support Alice but was stopped by Nanako.

Fortunately, there was a lawn around, Alice did not fall, but just sat down gently, so she would not be injured.

"My condolences, Alice, but think about it on the bright side, it will be happier if there are more people at the party."

"Oh, Carl, don't comfort me, I'm out, he didn't even want to give me a chance to have dinner together." Alice said a little depressed.

Seeing such a depressed Alice, Carl felt that it shouldn't be like this, so he opened his mind and wanted to find some people to comfort Alice.

After thinking about it, he decided it was you! James Potter! Hurry up and use the super trick of being rejected by Lily a hundred times and still moving forward, persevere!

James: It's redundant to say that Lily has rejected him a hundred times.

"Think about James. He has been rejected by Lily several times." Carl shook his finger. He felt that poor James would definitely make Alice feel better.

"Come on, they are only one opportunity away from falling in love. Although they are not together, what's the difference between being together and being together?" Alice recalled that someone pursued Lily and James pretended to be a green tea to fight against the pursuer, and that she knew James was pretending but still doted on James unconditionally and cooperated in acting.

Alice suspected that they simply liked this ambiguous atmosphere and were not together. It was just a trick of young lovers. Didn't they give each other candy on Valentine's Day this year?

Alice felt even more sad when she thought of this. Love was for others, and she had nothing.

"Think about it again..." Carl wanted to find a loser who failed in love to step on Alice to make her feel at ease, but found that there seemed to be no one.

Remus couldn't possibly fall in love rashly because of his situation, but Sirius, the playboy, had no chance of losing, and finally he played with others in his hands.

"Think about it again..." Carl repeated this sentence over and over again, but the words went around in his mouth for several times without being spoken. Who should he think of...

For example, I was also...

In short, you can't get discouraged easily...

But Carl couldn't say this. He could make fun of any other shortcomings of his and comfort his friends, but this one seemed impossible.

Alice certainly wouldn't get discouraged so easily, but the girl's little thoughts made her a little entangled.

She sat on the ground and sighed, scratching her hair in boredom. She didn't intend to continue talking. Seeing Carl's hesitation, he knew what happened. Happiness really belonged to others.

But for some reason, Alice suddenlyHe paused, then looked up at Carl and asked inexplicably.

"Like you, Carl?"

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