"I studied the records about werewolves." Alice opened her notebook and began to speak in a very low voice, "I found some relatively unconventional things, including that werewolves will not attack animals, and wizards can transform into animals through magic..."

Alice explained bit by bit, but looking at Sirius and James's eyes gradually brightening, she still added a lot of Animagus's shortcomings, "Think carefully, although you can accompany Remus, but this magic is very dangerous. The Ministry of Magic has stamped it, and if there is a problem, you have to start over..."

Alice talked about at least a dozen shortcomings, of course she had no other meaning, she hoped that Sirius and James could think it over rather than making a decision on impulse.

Of course, she must have made a decision.

Remus also nodded, yes, this is a very dangerous thing, he is much better now than before, and does not need his friends to take risks impulsively for this.

If it was just James and Sirius, they might have done it secretly behind his back. Now that Alice is here, it's great. I believe Alice can stop them...

"Of course I know and understand all the theoretical knowledge. I'm sure there's no problem."

Stop them?


What are you doing? Why did you become like Sirius and James? You weren't like this before?


Remus' heart turned into a cry.

If it was the old Alice, she would definitely not dare to do it. Before going to school, although she liked Quidditch and knew a lot of theories, she was completely unable to do it when she really got started.

But being influenced by so many lions and atypical eagles around for a long time, it's so scary.

At the beginning: the king of theory, but afraid to get started.

Now: The King of Theory, eh, interesting, let me poke it and see if I can poke out something good?

"I think it makes sense. If Alice and I have thought it through, then we have really thought it through. As for James and Sirius...why don't we talk about it after we are done with the transformation?"

"I think you need to think about it again." Carl said. You know, it is often difficult for people to succeed when they are impulsive. Alice is a calm child and she knows that it is not easy to get carried away, but the two lions next to her...


It is difficult to evaluate.

"Carl, don't respond to Alice like this."

"The dagger is revealed, Alice, Carl!" James looked like he saw through Alice, and he stood up and shouted loudly.

"Huh?" Alice and Carl looked surprised, and they said "huh" in unison and looked at James over there.

"You actually wanted to do such an interesting thing without our knowledge!" James shouted loudly, and then his eyes seemed to jump and blinked non-stop in a place where Remus couldn't see.

It was like a cramp.

What did James want to express...

Well... Alice was a little confused for a moment.

Carl immediately followed up, "Ah no, James, how can you slander me? But you and Sirius are both aggressive in doing things..."

"That's as it should be." Carl's expression was a little teasing. It can be seen that he probably felt that it was a dangerous thing after all. If all the bets were on Remus, he would be a little nervous, but if there were, I think, I like, the elements I want to play, it would be better.

Although James is very carefree, he will also pay attention to such small details.

"Right, right, let James and I go first. Since we said there's danger, we must be the first to do it. Hehe..." Sirius added. He also fully understood what James said, but he thought more about it. It would be better to let them set an example first.

At the same time, his eyes began to blink, as if he was learning from James and conveying information with his eyes.

How should I put it? One person blinking can be called conveying a message, and now these two people are doing it together...

How weird is Carl's look...

I want to laugh... You two have done enough. Do you think Remus is a fool? One person can still cover up, but what about two people together!

"Alright, James, you two are so smart, stop blinking your eyes. You're going to cramp, right? Do you think we are stupid or Remus is stupid?" Carl slapped Sirius and James on the head with both hands, one for each person.

"You two, please stop making such a fuss."

Remus wanted to stop them, but Carl had no intention of stopping Sirius and James this time, so he patted Remus' shoulder gently.

He whispered to him, "It's okay, Remus. Look at them. Let them do it. They will do it even if you try to stop them."Do it quietly, otherwise they wouldn't be Sirius and James. "

"In that case, why not provide them with more help." Carl's tone was a little helpless, but mostly, Carl still admired this spirit.

Carl would often look back and forth when encountering dangerous things. Although he would continue to do it after thinking about it, he would never have the same drive as the two of them.

Remus nodded helplessly and happily. Because he turned into a werewolf, he had never made normal friends before coming to Hogwarts. Even when he came to Hogwarts, he was thinking of going to school normally. He never thought of making any close friends, but now...

"But the process of becoming an Animagus is indeed cumbersome, and it takes a lot of time and things. Let's not talk about anything else..." Alice started to "point and point" with a book, and Carl responded. He thought Alice would definitely criticize James and Sirius, but the next second the style changed.

"For example, you, Carl! ", Alice pointed at Carl, indignant.

"Huh?", Carl was confused for a while. He thought Alice must have pronounced his name wrong, otherwise why would she say that to him?

Look carefully at the direction Alice pointed her finger at. She must be pointing at James and Sirius. After all, how could it be him? He was so...

Carl hadn't made up some words for himself, but he found that Alice was pointing at him?

"No? What's wrong with me? How could there be a problem with me?", Carl was incredulous, shocked.

"That's for sure, Carl...", Alice looked helpless, "The most important thing about Animagus is to have a good foundation in Transfiguration and Potions. Your Transfiguration class is good enough, even comparable to seniors, but what about your Potions class? Is it the last one, right?" Alice mercilessly took away Carl's family background. That's right, her Potions class was the last one...

But how could Carl admit that he couldn't do it?

"How can a scholar's work be considered the last one? I just didn't study hard enough!" Carl argued and tried to defend himself, although his defense was very weak.

"Ah, I didn't expect it, Carl, the worst among us is you? How about we three set an example for you, and you learn Potions class first?" James originally thought that Alice was going to "point fingers" at him, but Carl was the one who was hurt, and he instantly became energetic!

"I think what James said makes sense." Sirius also nodded. It's a rare opportunity to encourage Carl, it's really a poke.

"My Transfiguration is good enough! It should be able to make up for it! ", Carl knew that he was making a pale rebuttal, after all, a bucket is never filled with water from the longest board.


"...", Carl was answered by everyone's silence and... disapproving looks.

"Okay, okay, I'll find Sever to review, he's the best at potions, I'll make up for the potions class as soon as possible, right...", Carl was helpless.

"That's good, we won't wait for you too long, you catch up with us quickly, so that we can be together.", James said, although he wanted to set an example for Carl first, he would still wait for Carl.

"It can't be too long, the next full moon is only half a month away, just take the small test in the potions class next week, not to mention the best, at least get a score that's not too bad.", Alice set a time, she has a plan.

"Don't worry, it will definitely work. ", Carl replied. Although it was a bit rushed, he felt that there was no problem with the two-week rush.

At worst, there was a month of mandrake in the next month. Carl was still quite confident in himself.

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