Two weeks passed quickly, during which Carl studied day and night, and in the small test two weeks later, he successfully obtained a relatively excellent score [compared to the past].

"As expected of me, I can tell whether I have it or not at the first try, hahahahaha!" Carl wore a pair of sunglasses and tried to look arrogant. He slapped the report card in front of everyone and laughed wildly.





What Carl got was the same silence from the four people, "What do you mean by this?" Carl was very unconvinced.

"Carl, forget it, take off your sunglasses." Alice patted Carl's shoulder, "I know you are in pain, so don't pretend anymore."

"Is it really okay? Actually, it doesn't have to be like this." Remus also patted Carl's other shoulder.

"Ha? You underestimate me, but you don't even see who I am. I can easily do anything, okay?" Carl continued to look ignorant. Although it was the same as usual, there was always a kind of...

James even stepped forward and took off Carl's sunglasses directly, "Let me see your true face!" Looking at the panda eyes under the sunglasses, James slowly put Carl's sunglasses back, "Haha, I knew it."

"Although I asked you to attack, I didn't ask you to attack your life. Can you see clearly what number it is?" Sirius stretched out four fingers in front of Carl with some concern.

Not very harmful, but extremely insulting.

"Enough, I'm just sleepy, not dead." Carl grabbed Sirius's fingers with one hand and bent them back directly. Sirius's fingers were ruthlessly grasped by Carl, and he wailed in pain.

"Hiss... How could you do this to me? Carl!" Sirius accused.

"Ahahaha, you deserve it." Carl, who was sleep-deprived, was very irritable, looking like a dead man with fatigue, and now he looked a bit like usual.

"So what was it just now?" Remus also spoke up. For some reason, Sirius' words had a strong sense of sarcasm, but if it was Remus...

"Just now it was four, don't worry, it won't be difficult for me at all." Carl gave a thumbs up, as if to prove that he was good, worthy of being a famous double standard in Hogwarts, but of course Carl couldn't be blamed. Think about who made this double standard grow.

Xixi [referring to Sirius], Zhan Zhan, do you two have any clues?

"Okay, I'll be relieved if you can still beat Sirius. We both have a bright future." Alice nodded and said with peace of mind.

"Why is it worth being relieved if you can beat me?" Sirius couldn't believe it. James was rarely out of the storm, so he felt a little gloating.

But just when he was gloating, Sirius changed the subject, "At least beat up James, right?"

"Are you polite, Sirius? You have to drag me down with you, right?" James didn't even look at how often he dragged Sirius down with him.

"Oh my God, James, I really find it incredible. To be honest, how can I count you as a scapegoat? If you continue to wrongly accuse me, I will kick you into the Black Lake. Thank you, thank you very much." Sirius spoke in a very pretentious tone, with a hint of yin and yang.

"Don't you look at what you usually do?" This sentence seemed very cold, and the previous sentence formed a sharp contrast with the next sentence, which made it even more yin and yang.

"You are so cruel." James seemed to have thought of his usual dead appearance, and he didn't say anything else.

"Okay, stop arguing, do you remember what you should do?" Alice pushed Sirius and James apart, who seemed to be about to fight. If she didn't look at them for a while, they would have a showdown.

"I know, it's just a lozenge for a month, right? I have no problem at all." James patted his chest, looking very confident.

"Don't worry, I have no problem at all." Sirius was also very confident.

"Is it really okay?" Alice was not sure, Alice felt that they were unreliable.

"I don't think so." Carl chimed in.

"I think it should be okay." Remus was kind after all, he felt that he should say a few words for his little friend.

"If James Potter can do it, then Mrs. Norris should be able to do it." Alice didn't look too confident about James.

"If you ask me..." Carl knew what James wanted to say as soon as he opened his mouth, "Don't bring trouble to me, you know when I said something and didn't do it, you should worry about yourself." Carl stood with his hands on his waist, looking very proud.

"But reallyI am very curious about what our Animagus will be. It is said that it will be consistent with our Patronus. I hope it is a cute little animal. ", Alice held her face. She must hope it is a super cute little animal. Furry ones are good. Well, it would be even better if it is more convenient.

"I think handsome ones are better.", James would of course like the taller and more gorgeous animals. He switched back and forth between various animals, trying to find the most gorgeous one.

"For me, it might be a black dog.", Sirius said after a pause.

"That's true, after all, it's little 'Sirius'.", Carl teased. In fact, he also knew James' Animagus, but seeing James's excitement, he would definitely show off if he got better, so he should give him a chance to show off...

"What about you, Carl? Do you prefer handsome or good-looking ones? ", James was also very curious about Carl's intention.

"I'm very different from you guys, I'm more greedy, I...", Carl pushed his sunglasses, clenched one hand into a fist, and then slowly opened it, maintaining a grasping posture.

"All!", of course, he kept a handsome and beautiful look. When he went back, he would look at the animal encyclopedia and must find the most handsome and beautiful animal!

"Okay, then we will divide the leaves. Remember to hold them under your tongue when the moon comes out, so that it is less likely to be eaten by mistake. Don't swallow them or spit them out within a month, otherwise all your efforts will be wasted. ", Alice said, looking at the full notes she made.

"In order to avoid accidents, Remus, we won't send you off today. We will swallow the leaves in the dormitory. Now let's get familiar with the dormitory to prevent big movements from causing discomfort and swallowing by mistake. ", Alice assigned the work and nodded, "Did everyone remember it?"

"Remember, boss! ", James Sirius bowed exaggeratedly.

"Okay, I'll remember it, boss!", Carl also bowed with a smile.

It was Remus' turn, "Um...Okay, boss."

"Just remember it for the three of you.", Alice nodded, completely adapting to the new identity of the boss, after all, this plan was planned and implemented by her from beginning to end.

So why can't she be considered the boss?


It was getting darker, and at the same time, several people in the dormitory began to prepare to put a leaf under their tongues.

"James, how do you say this leaf? Should it cover the middle half or cover it completely.", Sirius gestured with the leaf, thinking about it bit by bit.

"Definitely cover it completely, Alice doesn't listen to anything she says.", James expressed his disgust.

"No, I still remember it, but I think I have to ask you to confirm it, after all, there is only one chance a month. ", Sirius said, and then he looked up at the window to make sure the moon was not out yet.

"James, Sirius, what are you doing?" Peter couldn't help asking, looking at James and Sirius who were always talking nonsense by the window.

Today Remus went to treatment again, and only Sirius and James were left in the dormitory. Peter was not very good at getting along with them. If Remus was there, it would be fine.

He was a very good person. Every time he was left behind in the dormitory chat, he would try his best to lead the topic so that he would not be left behind.

He was really grateful to him.

Remus was a good person.

Sirius and James looked at each other and said in unison, "Nothing, we are looking at the moon." Although it was strange for two grown men to look at the moon together.

"Okay... okay. ", Peter actually regretted talking to Sirius and James as soon as he opened his mouth. He was not suitable to get along with them. Every time he talked to them, he had to raise half of his heart, which was really uncomfortable.

James and Sirius saw that Peter was no longer talking, and shrugged at the same time. There was no way. What happened today was a secret. They also bumped into it accidentally. Remus said that the fewer people knew about this kind of thing, the better.

James even kept his mouth shut about Lily. It was not that he did not trust Lily, but some things were based on principles. Once broken, some things became vague. For example, Lily actually told everything, so should Severus tell it? Since Severus told it, should Peter tell it? Since Peter told it, should Regulus tell it? Since Regulus knew it, then...

Since everyone will know it in the end, just tell Headmaster Dumbledore and announce it to the whole school.

"James, don't think about it, the moon is rising. ", Sirius pushed James, and when James looked up, he saw a full moon hanging in the sky. The two looked at each other and pressed a leaf of Mandrake under their tongues at the same time.

At the same timeIn the lobby of the Ravenclaw common room, Alice and Carl also pressed down the leaves of the mandrake.


When Carl woke up in the morning, he clearly felt the leaves under his tongue. The foreign body sensation was too obvious, and Carl felt a little uncomfortable, but fortunately, he felt that he should be able to adapt to it, and there was no big problem in speaking, and he would not have a big tongue.

"Ahem...", clearing his throat, Carl was ready to go out for dinner. I don't know how James and Sirius are doing...

It shouldn't be too bad...

The first person Carl saw when he came to the common room was Alice. Alice looked in good condition and greeted Carl happily, "Good morning, Carl."

However, Alice still spoke a little slurred, probably because she was not used to holding the leaves in her mouth.

"Good morning, Alice, I think you are pretty good, and you are not too uncomfortable." Carl nodded and praised.

"Carl, aren't you uncomfortable?" Alice admired Carl, who looked calm. How did he do that? She couldn't do it at all. Being able to say two sentences was already her limit.

"It's okay. I was a little uncomfortable at first, but I'll get used to it." Carl's adaptability was still very strong. Although he was not as eloquent as before, he was still articulate.

"How about we go to eat?" Carl suggested. Alice nodded in agreement. The two of them came to the restaurant one after the other, and then saw a magical scene.

Please see the classic episode below, the beautiful boy who eats breakfast elegantly, James Potter, Sirius Black!

Carl looked at the Gryffindor long table, which should have been noisy, but now there was a quiet place. Sirius and James, who ate slowly, were like two cranes mixed in a flock of chickens.

The two sat together, and next to them sat Remus, who was relatively quiet, like a barrier, isolating them from other Gryffindors.

Elegant, really elegant...

Extremely elegant...

And when Carl thought that this was Sirius and James, he became even more elegant. You know, Sirius and James are the typical kind of people who are good but have a big mouth. Now that they are quiet, it is simply a critical hit.

Carl almost couldn't believe his eyes.

"Who are those two handsome guys? They look a bit like Sirius and James..." Alice couldn't believe her eyes. She rubbed her eyes exaggeratedly and said.

"I think according to common sense, they are Sirius and James..." Carl said affirmatively, but there was an inexplicable hesitation in his tone.

Mainly because it was too strange, Carl almost suspected that they were cast under the Imperius Curse.

"Go up and say hello?" Alice looked at Carl, Carl nodded slightly, and the two went up together to say hello, but Carl and Alice were discovered by Sirius and James before they went forward.

The two put down their knives and forks and ran over pitifully. Both pointed at their mouths and groaned in pain.

They almost fell to the ground and crawled in the dark. It was really heartbreaking.

However, Alice and Carl looked at each other and saw certainty in each other's eyes. Was it just an illusion? The people in front of them were definitely James and Sirius...

It was definitely true...

"Speak human language!" Carl said with a hint of indifference. To be honest, they were a little embarrassed. Carl didn't want to recognize them...

Isn't it just a mouthful of leaves? It looked like their mother had died.

"Let me translate for them. They said that because it was too uncomfortable to hold the leaves, they couldn't speak clearly, so they planned not to speak for a month..."

"Ah?" It's you, James Potter. Carl still didn't have any emotional waves.

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