The two glittering people attacked almost everyone here indiscriminately. Although others didn't care much, James was absolutely pissed.

Although James said he wanted to learn dancing from Sirius, a few days would not help. To dance gracefully and not step on the shoes of his partner, he needed some tacit understanding and proficiency.

But Carl could see that James was working very hard.

Today was a day off, and it happened to be Halloween. The auditorium was decorated by the house elves early in the morning, but the Halloween party would not come until the evening. Carl curiously went through the decoration of the auditorium in the morning and took Sever to the cafeteria for breakfast.

Then he stayed in the library for a while and returned to the auditorium around the evening. Because they came early, there were few people around.

So they could even sit together and chat happily.

But their good mood didn't last long...

Not long after Carl and Sever sat down, James appeared with a pair of black eyes. Carl was being fed sandwiches by Sever at that time.

"I did it, I did it! I finally did it!" James appeared in front of Carl with dark circles under his eyes. He was obviously very tired but he looked so excited that Carl was shocked.

"What did you do?" Carl looked disgusted, and Sever was also speechless. He pulled Carl back without leaving a trace, and the two of them stayed away from James to prevent being confused by James.

"Dancing skills! I am really like a fish in water now. I didn't step on Sirius's foot when I danced the last dance just now!" James was very proud. He stood up with his hands on his waist and wanted to brag about himself again.

But Carl felt something was wrong in James' words...

"Wait, you said you didn't step on it during the last dance, but what about before that... the first two dances we practiced before." Carl's tone was full of uncertainty. He was not sure what terrible thing poor Sirius had experienced...

Sure enough, the next second, Sirius came to the auditorium with the help of Remus, "James Potter, you idiot! I hate you. I won't teach you to dance in the future!!!" The sentence was muted twice in a row, and the tone was so excited, which showed that Sirius was so angry.

"Don't say that I have been dragged by you these days and have no time to find a girl to dance with. Even if I find one! My feet can't dance an eight-beat now!" Sirius was so angry that he couldn't attend the dance today.

"Is that so? Hehehe, hehe..." James laughed, looking very stupid. It seems that staying up late really reduces human IQ...

"That's great..." James was still a little silly.

"How are you going to compensate me? You idiot who likes to step on my feet!" Sirius was stopped by Remus and didn't beat James up on the spot.

"Ah, I, I can't go?" James scratched his head and responded to Sirius with a sincere expression.

Sincerity is indeed a killer move. Sirius was knocked unconscious like a blow to the head. He raised his head and was about to fall back. Fortunately, Remus stopped him.

However, in Carl's opinion, Sirius could not be blamed at all. It was visible to the naked eye that Sirius's shoes should be one size larger. It seemed that they were Remus's because they did not fit Sirius' usual wear.

He just changed his new shoes last week, so there should be no problem that the shoes could not be worn within three days. It can be seen that James stepped on him really hard...

The swollen new shoes could not be worn.

"Fortunately I didn't teach him..." Carl felt depressed. He originally planned to help, but he was obsessed with the interpretation of ancient runes in the past few days and was always studying with the professor, so he had no time at all.

From this point of view, he is at least blessed because he doesn't need to change to a larger shoe size.

"Your decision is correct." Severus nodded.

Normally, James would have been anxious when he heard Carl say bad things about him, the kind of anxiety that would grab Carl's collar and accuse him, but today, he seemed to be fixed by something, just staring around blankly, nodding from time to time with Carl's words.

Just now, and now, James seems a little dazed, compared with before.

This is a bit unusual...

Carl put his hand next to his head and turned it around, which probably means, is he stupid?

Sirius shook his head and explained, "He's not stupid, but he hasn't slept for a whole day, and he took a few sips of vitality tonic during this period."

"So he looks a little excited in his fatigue..." Sirius was helpless. He asked James to go to bed, but he refused to sleep, evenHe even danced with Mrs. Norris who was passing by. Fortunately, Filch didn't notice, otherwise he would be confined and criticized again.

Whether he could come out before the Halloween party was unknown. After all, Filch liked to trip up the little wizards. If James and Sirius couldn't go to the party because of this, he would be very happy.

Sirius was really worried about James...

"So he won't go to sleep? This is more or less unreasonable. He will dance with Lily later and fall asleep in Lily's arms in the middle of the dance..." Carl was still very worried about James.

But James was obviously sorry for this worry. He didn't hear the first half of the sentence at all, but only heard the second half, "What do you mean by falling in Lily's arms? That's a happy event? Why not?"

There was a hint of naive stupidity in James' tone. Carl didn't know whether he was pretending to be stupid or really stupid.

"Do you think there is still hope?" Carl poked Sever's arm, and Sever shook his head as if to say that there was no hope, so bury it.

"Ah..." Sirius sighed. He was really worried about James' current state. His feet were swollen when he danced with Lily. If he made a mistake when dancing with Lily...

When he recovered, he would find that he was sentenced to imprisonment without a wife in the love trial...

"Let's take it one step at a time..." Carl shook his head, looking unbearable...

At this point, Lily and Alice had entered the auditorium. James saw that Lily's face was obviously much better, at least not as dull as before.

"Hey! Lily! Lily!" James ran to Lily like a happy little deer, and kept asking Lily about her well-being. But Lily was very strange today. She snorted and looked at James and ran away quickly.

You know, except at the beginning, Lily never turned her face away from James. She was a polite girl who didn't get angry easily and was very easy to talk to.

"Lily, what's wrong with you?" James looked at Lily in a daze, not knowing what he had done wrong.

Lily suddenly stopped and thought for a while, "Are you not going to the dance today?" James shook his head in a strange way, "Of course I am going to participate, I have also learned dance for a day and a night, hehehe, I am so awesome..." James giggled.

Lily seemed to be even angrier after listening to James' words, and took a sandwich and left, looking a bit like she was sulking.

"Hey Lily! Lily, don't leave!" James was too tired to catch up with Lily, but just stretched out his hand pitifully behind Lily.

"Ah Lily... Lily left..." The originally tired happy deer completely turned into a depressed and unhappy deer because of Lily's departure.

"Why did Lily leave in anger..." James scratched his head in a strange way.

"James, should I say it or not, did you invite Lily to dance with you?" Alice asked beside him.

James was stunned by the question, "Of course I invited...?" His tone changed from affirmation to hesitation and finally to clear stupidity. He seemed to be thinking about the cause and effect of this matter, and finally he suddenly realized.

From the past few days to now, from morning to night, he didn't seem to tell Lily that he wanted to invite her to dance!

No wonder! No wonder Lily was so angry, ah ah ah!

James realized it after a while, "No, no, I have to go find Lily, I have to explain to Lily..." James stretched out a finger and gestured back and forth.

Then he was about to leave with his chest held high, looking ambitious.

But after a few steps, he began to stagger with some exhaustion. Everyone saw him and hurriedly pulled him back, and then held him down, "Come on, come on, come on, James, you are not in good condition, are you going to find Lily or fall downstairs to find the god of death!" Carl said worriedly, he really didn't trust James to go out like this.

"Why would I look for Death? Is Death as pretty as Lily?" James scratched his head strangely, looking unconvinced.

"Are you sure he drank Vitality Tonic instead of high-proof vodka?" Carl asked uncertainly. Sirius was also unsure, but he was still somewhat rational and answered Carl, "That is indeed the bottle of Vitality Tonic. We are students, where do we get the alcohol?"

"How much did he drink?" Severus narrowed his eyes and began to hold James down. Sirius scratched his head, "Half a bottle? What's wrong?"

Severus was incredulous, "You call this a few sips?" He thought at first that he just drank a few small sips, but it turned out to be half a bottle.

"Can minors drink this? It would be strange if he didn't." From the perspective of Muggles, Vitality Tonic is an upgraded version of coffee. Adults can't drink too much. James is equivalent to a minor.The Muggle kid drank half a bottle of coffee in one bang. It wasn't coffee liquid, it was coffee concentrate!

This is not just physical excitement and mental fatigue. It may be okay at the beginning, but once the effect of the drug wears off, the mind will be extremely tired. If the body is a little tired, the mind will not be very good.

"I'm going to find Lily to explain--" James flapped his paw and switched from being dazed to being noisy.

"Come on, you should go to sleep. Be careful not to die suddenly later." Sever didn't treat James very well in the first place, and now he doesn't treat him very well. The disgust in his tone is almost overflowing...

This James Potter is simply a negative example!

If Carl continues to play with him, who knows what will happen!

And Lily, if Lily really marries him.

Such an unreliable husband, it's scary to think about it...

"Okay, you don't have to go, I'm coming..." Just when everyone was pulling and tugging to send James to the dormitory to sleep, Lily suddenly appeared in the auditorium.

"Ah, Lily... Lily, Lily, let's go dance!" James looked at Lily and suddenly became energetic. He didn't know where he got the strength from and broke free from the people who supported him, and rushed to Lily.

"Oh, it's boring, let's go..." Sirius, who knows the situation, is a hero. Seeing that the situation is almost done, he pulled Alice and Remus to leave.

"Severus, let's go dance too?" Carl also knew the situation.

"But Lily..." Severus was still worried about putting Lily together with this crazy man...

"It doesn't matter, even if James bites all the students in the auditorium with his madness, he can't bite Lily." Carl waved his hand. He was very relieved, and James was now in a tearful deer head. Let alone bullying Lily, Lily would have to bully him.

"Okay..." Severus nodded and followed Carl.

"Hey, everyone, you're all leaving, bye--", James waved his hands and turned back when everyone was gone.

"Let's go dancing, I forgot to invite you, I know it's a jerk, stupid, but I'm sorry... I actually forgot...", James' words were a bit incoherent, although he may have tried his best to organize his words.

"Okay, okay, don't talk for now... You should get some sleep first...", Lily looked at James' dark circles and her tone was full of worry.

"Lily, you care about me, hehehe...", James still looked silly, he laughed for a while and then suddenly said seriously.

"No, no, I want to dance with Lily first and then go to sleep. I learned the waltz! And the waltz!"

"But aren't they the same dance?" Lily was a little confused when she heard James' words. Is the dance in the wizarding world different from that in the Muggle world?

"Well, it's different..." James stretched out a finger and then fell down with a bang the next second. Lily hurriedly supported him to prevent him from falling completely.

"What's different..."

"Ahahaha, you don't understand, Lily, I tell you, when I danced the waltz, I stepped on Sirius and Remus' feet ten times, and when I danced the waltz, I only stepped on..."

James stretched out seven fingers, as if showing off in front of Lily, "Eight times!"

"But didn't you compare seven?" Lily said helplessly.

James was stunned for a moment, then he added two fingers with a smile, and then continued, "Eight!"

"Forget it, just ignore me. If you say eight, then this is eight..." Lily really had no way to deal with him...

"Ah, Lily, let's go, dance, waltz and waltz, hehe..." James was about to stand up like a fluttering moth, but was helped to sit in the corner by Lily.

"Come on, I don't want to be stepped on eighteen times. You should take a nap first, don't die suddenly while dancing..." Lily was really worried that James would die suddenly, and he looked really bad now.

"Then will you still dance with me when I wake up?" James thought for a while and asked Lily. He was still in the same daze as before, but because of this daze, he didn't look as frivolous as usual.

It seemed that the time had come and music suddenly sounded. Lily looked in the direction of the sound. Professor Flitwick's orchestra began to play a very beautiful piece of music under his command. It was familiar, but Lily didn't know much about it and couldn't name it.

Listening to the beautiful music, Lily's voice inevitably softened a little, "You sleep, you wake up, I will dance with you again..."

"Great!" James raised his arms and cheered, and then he seemed to relax suddenly, tilting his head, and it felt like he would fall asleep in the next second.

"NoRight, then you can't dance with others..." James suddenly realized it before he fell asleep, and said to Lily, "If you dance with others, I won't sleep..."


"Then you won't dance?" James asked.

"Can you grow two more legs to dance with others when I see you sleeping?" Lily asked back.

James suddenly realized, "Oh, yeah, why didn't I think of that, Lily, you are a genius! Then I sleep..." Before he finished speaking, James fell asleep as if he had suddenly lost all his strength.

Lily sighed helplessly, "It's really a fool who sleeps well, happy and worry-free..." Lily poked James's face and puffed up her cheeks. James was a fool, and she was still angry today.

But just when Lily was venting her anger on James' face, James suddenly opened his eyes and grasped Lily's fingertips. Lily thought James was lying to her and pretended to sleep, and she felt a little guilty.

But James was still in the same state as before, with a little daze in his naivety, and a little seriousness in his daze.

"Lily, I suddenly remembered something..."

"I..." James let go Lily's hand, then stretched out her hand as if thinking about something.

"I haven't said anything today..."

"I haven't said anything yet..." James chuckled when he said this, as if he thought of something happy.

"Didn't say anything?" Lily followed his words. She just hoped that James would sleep well now... Ah, what a worrying guy...

"I haven't said anything yet..." James thought for a while and then smiled, stretched out a finger and hooked it, signaling Lily to come closer.

Lily came closer slowly, James slowly, close to Lily's ear, and then said to Lily in a very small voice.

"Lily, I like you very much!"

James suddenly stepped back after saying this and laughed happily.

"I like you today too! I liked it yesterday, I like it tomorrow, I like it all the time..."

"Lily..." James laughed and fell asleep, leaving Lily blushing and mumbling for a while and then saying, "Okay, since you are still sincere today, I will forgive you for the time being..."

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