After a while, James came with Professor McGonagall, and Madam Pomfrey followed. Carl saw Professor McGonagall looked at him with a tangled look, and then sighed softly, "Okay, both of you, step back first."

Carl and Alice immediately stepped aside, and Carl also took his clothes away. Since the professor came, he was not needed.

Professor McGonagall was naturally not good at rescuing magical animals compared to Madam Pomfrey and Hagrid, but since the students were here, she had to come, at least to bring these brave children back first.

"Are you okay?" Alice asked worriedly beside her. Hagrid confidently gave Alice an OK gesture, indicating that Alice was fine.

"Don't worry, little Alice, the professor who teaches magical animals will come to help later. We will definitely let this unicorn go back to its home healthy!" Hagrid said.

"That's great!" Alice's eyes suddenly lit up.

It was probably enough to have Hagrid and the others in the Forbidden Forest. Professor McGonagall planned to take these children back to school for the time being.

Although they saved the unicorn, they were also students. It was too dangerous to break into the Forbidden Forest at night! It is well known that when you see a cockroach at home, there must be a nest in the corner.

Professor McGonagall couldn't imagine what would happen if these children had an accident in the Forbidden Forest one day.

Today they just happened to run into a unicorn. What if they ran into a dark wizard who hunted and killed unicorns again...

What if it was worse, they met...

Just thinking about it made people gasp.

Everyone followed Professor McGonagall and walked behind her. Seeing that Professor McGonagall's face was getting worse and worse, everyone was still frightened.

Compared with the excitement of doing a good thing just now, now that this excitement has subsided, there is only the guilt of being caught by the professor.

"Carl, go and beg the professor. Professor McGonagall likes you the most." James hid behind Carl and kept pushing Carl forward, as if he wanted to sacrifice Carl for forgiveness.

"I think Alice's good-child personality is stronger than mine. Alice, I believe you can get the professor's forgiveness." Thinking of Professor McGonagall's disapproving eyes, Carl suddenly became timid. He didn't want to be looked at by Professor McGonagall in that way.

"Ah! Me? No, no, no... I'm scared, Sirius, you go..." Alice was suddenly poked, and she also pushed Sirius, hoping that Sirius would take the punishment for her.

Sirius was shocked by this group of disloyal guys. He straightened his waist, looked righteous, and said in the most righteous tone, "There's nothing we can do about it! Then!!!"

Said the most disloyal words, "James, we will miss you! Come on!"

"That's enough!!!", James and Sirius wrestled together, Carl was pulled into the side by the twisted James, and Alice, who was trying to stop them, also huddled with them.

Professor McGonagall, who was walking and thinking in front, was attracted by the noisy sound and saw that the people who were originally like good kids who had done something wrong had completely shed their fake mink.

They became pure skin.

"Ahem..." Professor McGonagall coughed twice, and the four people who were originally twisted into a ball immediately realized something, and immediately separated and stood beside them honestly, each one more obedient than the other.

If McGonagall hadn't seen how they twisted together and fought just now.

"You four..." Professor McGonagall was about to criticize them as usual to let these little radishes know the danger of trespassing in the forbidden forest at night.

But when she saw their sincere and somewhat innocent eyes, Professor McGonagall was a little unsure and could only sigh softly.

"You can't be like this next time..." She could only do this.

The people who were crying and making cat-like heads secretly made a "yeah" gesture behind their backs, and they passed the test! ! !

"Then professor, shall we go back to the lounge to eat?" James and the others bent down and were about to slip away.

Unexpectedly, Professor McGonagall immediately stopped everyone's actions, "No, compared to this, come with me to the principal's office."

"Oh..." Alice started to get nervous when she heard this word. As a three-good student, she had never seen a real scene...

"Don't worry Alice, it's not something else, but this is indeed a big deal. Although you violated the rules, you did good things. Even if the merits and demerits offset each other, you will not be rewarded, nor will you be punished too much." Professor McGonagall touched Alice's messy head and comforted her.

"Oh, great! There are rewards! Is there a trophy?!" James looked much happier. For him, violating the rules is just like eating. Going to school is not a big deal.The headmaster's office or the dean's office is just like going home. This time, not only will there not be too many punishments, but there may also be rewards?

Is there such a good thing?

"Especially, you and Carl may have been taken there by some people." Professor McGonagall patted James on the head gently.

"Oh, I didn't. I didn't force them to go there. They volunteered!" James was confident and the fact was indeed the case.

"I agree with this." Sirius replied.

"Okay, let's go to the principal's office first, but I still have to say one more thing to you. Although you may be annoyed, don't do anything dangerous and protect yourself." Professor McGonagall reiterated tirelessly that she didn't want to attend any student's funeral. If possible, she hoped that she would be the first to die.

"I know, professor." Carl replied. They didn't hate it. Professor McGonagall was a very good teacher and a great elder.

Her concern for the younger generation can be fully felt by everyone.

Everyone followed Professor McGonagall up several stairs and finally arrived at the door of the principal's office. Professor McGonagall thought for a while and then said the names of several desserts. Finally, she found the password to the lounge in one of them.

McGonagall took the children in. Although Sirius and James felt like they were going home when they went to the principal's office, they were still nervous as usual when they really came in.

"Oh, you are here." Dumbledore, who was originally fiddling with a few lemon snow treasures, walked down and said to James and Sirius in a friendly manner, "We meet here again, the fifth time this semester."

Dumbledore spoke with some inflection, relaxed and playful, as if he was reminiscing with the children, "Oh, you remembered it wrong, Principal Dumbledore, it was actually the sixth time!" James stretched out five fingers, and then Sirius covered his mouth.

Does this idiot dislike that their evidence of guilt is not enough?

"No, no, the fifth time, the fifth time, you are right, Principal." Sirius said.

"Oh, that's fine." Dumbledore nodded, not worrying about how many times it was, there would be a next time anyway.

"Then let's talk about why you came here." He blinked and looked at the four children with clear blue eyes.

"Oh, in fact..." Alice started to get nervous again. Although he didn't regret his self-explosion, but...

"In fact, I took them there." She was cute and innocent, taking the responsibility on herself. Although the facts were almost the same, it was definitely not her responsibility. Obviously, the other three were more suspicious.

"I'm sorry..." Alice bowed her head deeply, but everyone knew that Alice was the one who didn't need to be judged the most, even Carl and the others knew it.

"Oh, in fact, it's my responsibility..." Carl said first. He pulled Alice back calmly and looked directly into Dumbledore's eyes.

Sirius also pulled Carl back a little, "I think I'm more responsible." He excused Carl in disguise.

Finally, James nodded, "I think I am also responsible..." James was moved by everyone's brotherhood and was immersed in it.

But Carl and Sirius pointed at him and accused him without any loyalty.

"Yes, it's completely his fault!"

"Yes, it's completely his fault!"

"Huh? That's enough!!!" James, who was stabbed, opened his fists, and the two ungrateful guys were all stomped!!!

But after all, it was in the principal's office, and everyone didn't fight in front of Principal Dumbledore, but such a scene still made Dumbledore laugh and Professor McGonagall shook her head helplessly.

"Should I consider the reward and punishment for you?" Dumbledore pretended to think, and James immediately climbed up the pole, "I think the merits and demerits should be offset, just as if we had never been to the Forbidden Forest."

The reason was that James really didn't want to write a self-criticism compared to some rewards. The self-criticisms he wrote from the beginning of school to now can be compiled into a book.

"Oh no, James, of course, I won't use too severe a punishment, you don't have to worry about adding a new one to your self-review book." Dumbledore said humorously, he really didn't plan to write a self-review for James.

He would rather use some easy means to make these little guys remember, not to hit his kind and brave heart, but also to give them some small warnings.

But how to do it?

Dumbledore thought for a while, then said, "As for the punishment, you just need to write a letter of commitment together, and then read it out, keep it short, only about a hundred words are enough."

"Albus?", Professor McGonagall asked in a puzzled tone. She was a little worried. Isn't this punishment equivalent to no punishment?

Although she didn't really want to punish these children, wasn't this a little too easy?

"Oh, Minerva, come here." Dumbledore smiled and whispered a few words to McGonagall. Professor McGonagall nodded with satisfaction, "That's good. This should teach them a lesson."

"Hahaha, what a joke, one hundred words? I can write five hundred words!" James thought he was let off, and immediately patted his chest and said.

"You don't have to write, just five hundred words, that's all. I can finish it independently, and then we can read it together." He was refreshed. After all, compared with the previous self-reviews that were thousands of words, this was extremely simple.

"Of course there are additional conditions. I will let Minerva do it. You write here first. ", Dumbledore found a piece of paper and pen and handed it to James and the others.

"What I want to say is that you'd better write less than a hundred words.", Dumbledore's smiling face made Carl feel uneasy, what tricks he would have.

James didn't care at all, and let the others do nothing while he wrote the letter of guarantee. He first solemnly admitted his mistakes, then burst into tears, and then made a firm promise, and finally refused to change his ways [of course this was not written down, this is to be practiced later].

It was really a stroke of genius.

James finished writing it in a fluent manner, and then handed it to Headmaster Dumbledore. The headmaster looked at James' familiar wording, nodded, and then put the letter of commitment on the desk, and finally said, "Wait with me, children, Minerva will be back soon. "

He looked in a good mood. Carl couldn't think of what use this letter of commitment would be. It shouldn't be a problem. It's just a letter of commitment...

Just as Carl was thinking, the door of the principal's office was suddenly opened, and a girl with long red hair walked into the principal's office. She came over angrily.

"James, I knew it was you! What did you take Carl and Alice to do? !" Lily came over, pinching her waist and looking at James. James, who was originally sloppy, immediately straightened up when he saw Lily.

"Lily! Wait, listen to my explanation! You are not me, I am not...wait..." James's incoherent mouth suddenly stopped.

"Principal Dumbledore, you won't let me read the apology in front of Lily! You can't do that to me ah ah ah QAQ", James looked at the apology he wrote and wanted to cry without tears. He didn't want to be publicly executed in front of his beloved girl at all.

"Read, why not? This is what you deserve! ", Lily said, damn, not only did she do such a dangerous thing, sneaking into the Forbidden Forest, but what's more annoying is that James didn't even call her for such a thing.

Even more angry.

"Oh, No——", James dragged out a long tone.

"Hahahahaha, Alice saw it, hahahahahahahahaha, I'm dying of laughter, it's really too miserable, it turns out that the principal knows how to deal with James, right Alice?", Carl saw that the frustrated James laughed very wantonly, he twisted Alice's shoulder to relieve Alice's nervous mood.

But Alice didn't say a word, and for some reason she lowered her head more shyly.

Carl was very confused and scratched his head, "Alice, Alice, Alice? Why don't you speak?"

When Carl was confused, he heard a familiar voice behind him, the tone was like a cello, it was the sound of Carl's heartbeat at ordinary times, and it was also the sound of Carl's heart attack at this moment.

"Guess why? "

Carl turned his head stiffly, only to see Sever and Longbottom standing not far away. Sever clenched his fists in anger, looking at Carl with a fake smile.

Longbottom also raised his hand awkwardly, "Hi, hello, Junior Koster, Junior Brown, Professor McGonagall asked me to come and pick up James, because my team members have violated some serious school rules?"

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