"Hey, Alice!" Carl came a little late. He was still a little confused after waking up. He was almost dragged here by Siver.

When he saw Alice, Alice had already given the gifts and stayed there to act as a steam girl. Her face was red. Although the face would be redder in winter, it was more serious today than before.

"Alice, Alice?" Carl waved his hand beside Alice, but Alice did not respond.

"Siver, bring a bottle of cold water." Carl waved his arm slightly at Siver, pretending to ask for it.

"Where can I find cold water for you, but what are you going to do?" Although Siver could not get cold water and thought that what Carl said was a little ridiculous, he still asked Carl for its use.

"Oh, put the water on Alice's face slightly, bang——" Carl used his mouth to simulate the sound of boiling water.

"Then you can drink warm water in cold weather!" Carl raised his hand and showed it to Alice.

"Don't persecute Alice." Sever broke Carl's hand off little by little, and Alice came to her senses.

"Ah, Carl Severus, what were you talking about just now?" Alice came to her senses and saw Sever and Carl next to her. She patted her face and said with a sigh of relief.

"No, you see, Alice was confused just now. Even if you really put water on her face to boil water, it doesn't matter~", Carl blinked and teased innocently.

"Don't say such things directly in front of others." Sever patted Carl's head, and Carl stopped talking immediately.

Alice was obviously out of the situation and didn't know what happened.

While talking here, there was a sudden exclamation over there, as if something went wrong.

"Hey, wait a minute, James seems to be fainting!", a surprised male voice came, looking up, I thought that the Gryffindor chaser was holding James.

James had tears in his eyes and looked shaky, "What's going on?", Frank, who was talking to his teammates, immediately went up, James closed his eyes, as if immersed in something.

"It seems that his head was rubbed by the bludger just now, it won't hit the head?", everyone looked at each other, looking uncertain.

James still didn't speak, Frank pondered for a while, "Then send to the medical wing?", this is the simplest way, and James, who was immersed in something, heard that the medical wing was pushed out of the tangle in an instant, and he just remembered to say: No.

Then he heard a smirking male voice from the other side, "But where is the medical wing?", it sounded very gloating.

"If you don't want to save him, then don't save him. What do you mean where is the medical wing?" James turned over and was about to confront Sirius, the familiar male voice, but his aggressive state was immediately interrupted by Lily next to Sirius.

"Lily..." James pointed to Sirius next to him, and then saw Lily coming over. He slowly let go of his hand, as if nothing had happened just now.

"I didn't say anything. I saw clearly that you didn't hit the Bludger. Don't touch the Bludger." Sirius shrugged, "But you don't have to be so sad about losing the game. It feels like you are about to meet Merlin."

Sirius still knows James better. James didn't seem to be pretending just now, but he was indeed not hit by a ball and should not be injured.

After thinking about it, there is only one option, which is that losing the game is too sad.

"Next time, don't scare people casually if you're fine. I just saw your expression and thought you were going to die. Your face was as white as unicorn hair." The people around him breathed a sigh of relief. James was fine.

"If my face could really turn into unicorn hair, I wouldn't have to work hard for the rest of my life." James teased back, and then looked at Lily quietly.

So it's not right to set a flag too high? In the end, he really lost. Although it was only ten points behind, James felt that his heart was about to break.

It was really terrible.

All of this is because...

James thought and looked over there. Alice also came over because she was worried about him. The concerned expression on her face was very sincere...

Then all of this is because...

It's all because of you, Sirius! Look at you! You have to compete with others! ! !

As a good brother, how can you be idle? Alice has become reliable, youYou're still slacking off, it's your fault no matter how you think about it!

Sirius didn't know why, James' expression suddenly became subtle after Alice came, but no matter how he thought about it, this guy was scolding him.

The two looked at each other, then glared and clicked their tongues at the same time.

"James, where do you want to go next week?" Lily next to him thought for a while, then said to James.

James was still depressed, but when he heard Lily say that, he was immediately excited and said, "What? What what what what?" He said several things in a row, looking unbelievable.

"Lily, will you go with me?" James swept away his just decadent look and became super energetic. Lily felt that the stars in his eyes were about to fall on her.

"No." Lily replied with a smile, and then James suddenly wilted again, "Oh..."

"It's not that I'm going with you, it's you who said I'd consider taking you, of course I may not necessarily agree even if you said so, don't hold too much hope." Lily thought for a while and replied.

But James heard it, hey, what a joke, as long as you can go out, it doesn't matter who takes you!

"But didn't you say...", only if you win... James blurted out, but the next second he closed his mouth, this damn mouth, James hated his unscrupulous mouth so much for the first time.

What if Lily regrets it, will you be responsible? [pointing to her mouth]

Will you be responsible? [still pointing to her mouth]

"You are the one, oh, I said, I promised you, but I didn't say I wouldn't invite you if you lose, there should be nothing wrong with this logic." Lily frowned and thought for a while.

Although it was actually a temporary decision, after all, the way James just fell down like a piece of paper with resentment was really...

It's immoral!

Lily thought so, but she didn't have time to think about it the next second.

Because James had already surrounded her, with a little excitement in his tone, "How about we go to Hogsmeade and have a drink there, or go out of school during the holidays, how about you go to my house to play? My mother will welcome you very much. It's not fair that I'm the only one who has been to your house. You should come to my house to play..." James' mouth was chattering a lot, almost never stopping.

"Stop——", Lily made a pause gesture, her head was a little stuffy, but James was reflecting on whether he was too noisy, so he calmed down and thought about it again and finally answered carefully.

"But it doesn't matter if it's to go out with you, Lily, even if I go to Professor McGonagall's office for a date, I will do it!" James said solemnly.

Lily chuckled, "Forget it, of course not to the office. As for the location, how about being conservative and going to Hogsmeade?"

"Totally agree!"


After the Quidditch event, Christmas is naturally here, but Carl can't go back for Christmas this time. It's not that he doesn't want to, but he can't. Although the chance of heavy rain in the few days of Christmas is small, it is not impossible.

Compared to being caught off guard by a heavy rain, everyone can't rush back to school and reopen together. Carl and his friends chose the simplest way without going home and staying in school.

Sirius is naturally simple. It's not strange for a rebellious boy to do anything. Carl has never felt the atmosphere of Christmas alone in school, so it's easy to find an excuse. But Lily is of course going back, but Severus stayed with her.

Although Leah asked Carl to write him a few more letters, it was reasonable. If he didn't go back for Christmas, he would definitely write more letters to his mother.

It was very easy for Alice to plead with her mother. Even James, his parents found an excuse for him. They were going out for a week-long business trip during Christmas.

James made a big fuss about this. Not only did he stay in school successfully, but he also took advantage of the guilty mood of the Potters to successfully get a lot of pocket money for himself.

James: Oh, Mom and Dad, I don’t want to stay in school——

Or James: Hehe, I’m pretending.

“Sever, Merry Christmas, have you prepared a present for me?” Carl got up early in the morning. He has completely developed the habit of getting up early these days, even on Saturdays and Sundays.

Otherwise, he would not be able to chant the spell at all. If everyone’s Animagus was done by then, but he had to start over, he would be very embarrassed...

Because winter is coming, the weather is getting colder and colder. Carl and the cold-blooded basilisk, on the contrary, bring Cai Cai with him every day. It must be said that the birdThe body temperature of the human body is high, and he feels that his life is already very worthwhile.

But Caicai doesn't like him very much. I don't know if it's because of the love potion incident a few months ago. Now Caicai gets a little angry every time she is with him, and it's even worse recently.

At first, she just fluttered a little the day after the love potion, and I don't know what happened these days.

"Gift?", Sever narrowed his eyes, and then thought about it. Carl had a bad feeling.

"Let's make it clear that after the chemistry notes, I don't want to receive notes from his brother's subjects. You know what I mean, right?" Carl pursed his lips, looking defensive. He took Nanako in his arms and made a bad gesture with his hand.

"Then...", Sever moved his eyes to Caicai in Carl's arms again, and Carl was inexplicably unhappy.

"Pet supplies are not good either. Penny and Lily actually like Nanako more than me. Since they got Nanako, their gifts have been completely leaning towards Nanako!" Lily and Penny don't care, but Sev...

Carl hopes that Sev will give him some gifts just for him.

"Just kidding, but the gift should still be related to potions." Sev kept it a secret. He shook the gift box in front of Carl, and then quickly took it back, like holding a cat toy, showing it, but not playing with it?

How can such a thing be justified in the world?

Carl was quiet for a while, pretending to have given up, but in fact, the exploration and curiosity in his eyes had not diminished at all.

"Let me see it——" Of course, Carl would not grab it directly. He planned to use a soft offensive to make Sev soften his heart and know the Christmas gift in advance. Hehehe, what a good idea.

"Christmas presents should be left to be opened at night, this is the custom, right?" Sever put away the present and looked away from Carl. He was strong without desire, and out of sight, out of mind. Anyway, as long as he didn't look at Carl, it would be fine.

But Carl still came close and said aggrievedly, "I just really want to know what the present is - ah, Sever is too much -"

It was just a routine complaint, but the next second, James rushed in and interrupted the spell.

"Carl, carl, carl - it's urgent - it's raining heavily -" James slid and was about to carry Carl away.

"Ah? What do you mean by raining heavily? Even if knives rain today, it can't stop me... um? What?" Carl didn't take it seriously at first, until James said it was raining heavily, he was slightly shocked. This weather is fine, if there is rain, he will really rain!

"Is it true..." Carl showed a puzzled expression. Although the weather in the UK is not very cold, and there is not often cold air in winter, it just happened that they encountered heavy rain when they stayed at school at the end of December.

"Really, really, really - let's go -", James grabbed Carl and ran forward with him, afraid of missing anything, leaving Sever who was standing there for a moment.

Carl was dragged by James and answered Sever intermittently, "Sever, wait for me for a while, I'll be back soon!"

Sever looked at Carl who was inexplicably dragged away by James. In fact, how should I put it, he has been a little used to it. James and Carl are good friends [very good, but Sever is not willing to admit it], this relationship will last until Carl and I graduate...

After graduation, work, get married after work, spend the rest of your life after marriage...

This is obviously a very beautiful thing, but when he thought about the possibility of two or even three Gryffindors following him, he felt a sense of suffocation...

But... although he didn't know what they were doing, Carl would be back soon anyway. Sever thought about it and didn't bother about it. Compared to this, he also had some things to do, so he just did them while waiting for Carl to come back.

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