Sever looked at the potion in front of him. It had reached a stable state. Next, it would take several months to brew it. It was not troublesome, but it was definitely not easy for ordinary people.

However... for Sever, he was not an ordinary person. The potion liquid was close to being stable, and he could finally take a break.

Why did Sever still work so hard to make medicine during the holidays? Looking at the series of simple potions on the potion list, Sever fell into deep thought.

Well... after cleaning these up, he could probably pay off part of the money he owed to Aunt Leah. To be honest, this money was nothing to Aunt Leah, but Sever felt that he could not always let Aunt Leah, Mr. Ceci and Carl treat him well. He should do something for them.

Although a flower, a hairband, or anything else could make them happy, Sever felt that they deserved something more precious.

Moreover, he needed to do something to prove to Ceci and Leah that he could live well with Carl.

They didn't tell Mr. Cece and Aunt Leah about their relationship, but Sever felt that they couldn't keep it a secret for too long. Although Cece and Leah were very Buddhist, Sever wanted to make the greatest effort to get their approval.

The miscellaneous items on the form added up to a very considerable amount, but the most expensive one was of course the pot in front of Sever... Lucius Malfoy, the senior who was as eye-catching and gorgeous as a white peacock, although Carl was as panicked and defensive as a cat seeing a cucumber when he saw him.

But it must be said that Severus's private relationship with him was indeed good, and could even be considered very good. The main reason was that Severus was good at potions. With the praise of the dean again and again, Lucius felt that Severus Snape was a person worth making friends with.

Although he was a half-blood, who cares? Potions masters are scarce resources. He can foresee Snape's future path, and the investment before that has to be made.

Not to mention the several times of intentional or unintentional help, when he was still in Hogwarts, he would even go to Sev to buy some relatively simple potions, with an appreciative look, and Sev would not refuse him for these appreciation and help.

Of course, in order not to worry Carl, he generally would not tell Carl that he had private connections with Lucius Malfoy, otherwise Carl would definitely jump up in worry, and then stare at Lucius with hatred all the time during Lucius's stay at school.

Although I don't know where Carl's hatred comes from, I'd better keep it secret from him. Most of Lucius's letters in recent days are complaining to me that he has lost so much hair due to high-intensity work, and he hopes that Sev can keep his beautiful platinum long hair.

But Sev can only give him two bottles of hairdressing potion at most. If he wants to grow hair...

He still suggested that Lucius change his job as soon as possible, but Lucius just replied to him in the envelope that it was something he had to do, it doesn't matter, this matter has nothing to do with him after all.

After taking out the gift for Carl, he observed it carefully, and then put it back. After going back and forth several times, he finally calmed down a little.

I hope Carl has finished his adventure and is ready to come back to visit the poor boyfriend who was left in school by him.

Carl will, no matter how crazy he plays, he will definitely come back, Sever firmly believes this.

Now he is ready to go out. Think carefully about where Carl will go? Canteen library, or will he squat in front of the Slytherin lounge?

Boldly guess, maybe he will see the familiar blue-eyed owner when he opens the door later, guarding the door of the Slytherin lounge and saying to him, Sever has been waiting for you for a long time!

When Sever thought of this, his steps became lighter. He almost couldn't wait to open the door of the lounge and looked around with a little expectation.

"Hmm..." Facing the empty corridor, Sever sighed slightly.

Isn't he here? That's right. After all, waiting at the door of the lounge would be troublesome. Now think about it, the auditorium is warmer and there is a small Christmas party. Carl likes the hustle and bustle, so he will probably wait for him there.

Just as Severus was about to leave the corridor and head to the auditorium, a burst of hurried footsteps suddenly came from the stairwell. Severus had almost no time to react before he was suddenly rushed into the arms of Carl. He could feel that there seemed to be water stains on Carl's hair, as if he had come back from outside.

"Severus! You've been waiting for me for a long time! I'm here!" Carl raised his head with a guilty conscience. He was suddenly pulled away by James just now. When he didn't see Severus in the auditorium, Carl admitted that he panicked and was a little scared. Sever would not be angry that he left him behind.He should go out and fool around with James.

"It's true that I waited for a long time, but it's not too late." Sever touched the ends of Carl's hair slightly, "You went outside the castle? Why didn't you dry your hair before coming to see me?" Compared to other things, Sever is more concerned about Carl's wet hair and the water stains on his body.

"It's nothing, because I came here as quickly as I wanted to see Sever!" Carl smiled.

"Well, although it's reckless, I'm really happy." Sever didn't care about the wet water stains on Carl's body and hugged him gently.

"Of course, today is Christmas, isn't it? Of course I have to come to see you as quickly as possible, Merry Christmas." Carl replied with a smile, and then he felt as if something was wrapped around his neck, "Sever?" Carl opened his slightly squinting eyes in confusion.

Click, a crisp metal sound, a small silver chain appeared in front of Carl, and at the front of the silver chain was a ring that looked familiar.

"Christmas gift, although the convention is to wait until Christmas Eve, but someone seems not to be able to do so. Instead of attending the dinner, how about going back to take a shower first, otherwise you will get sick, so the gift is given to you in advance." Sifu carefully tidied up the corner of Carl's clothes and put the ring wrapped with a silver chain in a very appropriate position.

"This is...", the sharp-eyed Carl almost immediately found something wrong with the ring. The reason was that the ring on his chest was almost a one-to-one replica of the one Carl gave to Sifu, except for the gemstone.

"Oh, probably, maybe, it is...", listening to Carl's inquiry, Sifu, who was originally normal, inevitably showed a little bit of unnaturalness.

In fact, the reason for giving this gift is very simple. Carl did sometimes wear a seemingly inconspicuous ring in his hand a few days ago. Although Sifu didn't know where the ring came from...

But... Although this ring may be bought by Carl himself, anyway, even if you need a ring, you should wear the one he gave you.

I have to say that he felt a little uncomfortable, and maybe there was a little jealousy involved.

But should he tell Carl the reason? No, he couldn't tell him, or Carl would keep telling him about it for a month or even half a year.

"I think the pattern on it is good, isn't it? So I carved an identical one on a naked ring, Merry Christmas."

"Hmm?... Hmm!" Carl wanted to say something, but he thought he just needed to look at Sever quietly at this time. If he said anything else, Sever would probably be very entangled when giving such a gift in the future.

After all, he is really shy.


After Christmas, it felt like the days had accelerated with the spring. Carl was studying ancient runes and alchemy, accompanying James and the others on a night tour, and accompanying Sever to study potions, dark magic and defense. In short, the work was extremely busy.

By the way, Carl's ancient runes have made a good breakthrough. It must be said that Sifu's carving ability is really strong. He has restored almost all the ring patterns that can be restored, which has made Carl's alchemy career a great success.

For example, now, he can almost randomly pick a pattern and perfectly reproduce it, but there is still a long way to go to combine them.

It is also very difficult to dig out the formation of the immune array from the crystal shoes. At least his knowledge reserve is not enough to do this now.

But if there is a teacher willing to teach me, it will be very different. Although Professor Baburin is also good to me, he is more specialized in the study of ancient runes than alchemy...

He is a scholar, not a pure scientific researcher.

"What's wrong, Carl, this article should not be difficult for you, right?" Professor Baburin looked at Carl who was rarely in a daze in class, walked up and took a look, it doesn't make sense, this document is much simpler than the one given to Carl yesterday, Carl should not be stuck.

"Oh, of course it's not difficult, professor, but I'm thinking about something else..." Carl scratched his head and said a little embarrassedly.

Professor Baburin was very tolerant of ordinary students and rarely deducted points, but he was always a little strict with Carl. "It's very wrong to be distracted when doing things." There was a little blame in his tone.

"You should know that with such a talent, you shouldn't waste a little time when you should be studying." Professor Baburin didn't say too much.

HeAs he knew, generally, gifted children would have some temper, and he didn't want to say too much.

For example, Potter and Black, who were in the same class as Carl, had extraordinary talents in Transfiguration, but Minerva often complained to him about how difficult they were to discipline.

Another example was Severus Snape, Horace, his old friend, who often told him about this gifted but lonely child.

Carl was one of them, of course. He had a talent, and although he was not arrogant or lonely, he was more casual, didn't like the feeling of being restrained, and was free and undisciplined.

But you have to know that ancient runes are extremely boring academic subjects, and it is impossible not to be boring.

God knows why Merlin allocated talents in this way, or whether it was because of the allocation of talents that they had such personalities.

But think about it carefully, at least Carl didn't go out of the classroom when he was taking ancient runes and go to the Quidditch field next door to let himself go. At least compared to Minerva, he won.

Thinking of this, he felt much better.

"Oh..." If Carl was suppressed by force, he would indeed be a little dissatisfied.

After all, he is soft-hearted and not hard-hearted.

But Professor Baburin looked at him with such gentle and regretful eyes, which made him feel uncomfortable. He felt that his conscience was deeply condemned. Although Professor Baburin did not say anything, he could feel it completely.

"Sorry, professor, I will study hard." Carl said immediately, which made Professor Baburin nodded with satisfaction and looked unusually relieved.

Although Carl was more free and easy, he was not like the two little carrots under Minerva. At least he knew his mistakes and could correct them. Thinking of this, Professor Baburin felt that he won again.

"Professor, I would like to ask, although I have learned so much about the use of ancient runes, I still don't know much about the main use of this thing." In fact, Carl understood almost everything. He said this just to ask indirectly whether Professor Baburin could give him some help. His alchemy progress has been stuck for two months.

"Oh, I know what you are thinking, but it is too early for you to use it now. You are still a child. Although your magic power is much stronger than that of your peers, too much is as bad as too little." Professor Baburin almost realized Carl's intention as soon as he opened his mouth.

Carl is free and undisciplined, and a free soul is smart and thoughtful, but Carl is still a child. The reason why adults are adults is not because of their age, but because they have sufficient experience and therefore have the ability to see people.

If he can't see through Carl's thoughts, then he can pack up and go home. His son is already married. An old man who can't see through the younger generation, staying in school to mislead the students, might as well go home and take care of the children honestly.

For example, Carl, he approved Carl to borrow a lot of books from the forbidden book area of ​​the library. If Carl still doesn't understand the development and practical application of ancient runes, it would be very strange.

"But reading books is really boring. Can't I practice? I can now perfectly carve a magic circle, as long as you give me a chance." Carl said listlessly. In fact, he can already carve perfectly. What he wants now is a waiver that can be legally discussed with Professor Baburin.

"This is the first step that must be completed in academic research. It is dull and boring.

If you can master most of the things, I can give you a small chance." Professor Baburin sighed. It is difficult for him to refuse a child who has talent and now expresses the need to learn. In the end, he can only slightly push his principles.

"In the summer vacation, I will visit an old friend of mine who has made outstanding achievements in alchemy. You may have heard of his name in those books, or on the cards of Chocolate Frog. Anyway, if you have time and can translate a thick enough document, I will take you with me."

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