Leah ran over and opened the door, but saw an old man in front of the door. His hair was half white, and he looked very old, but he was in good spirits. He wore a pair of black-framed glasses and looked like a scholar.

"It should be today. Didn't Karl mention it to you? I am his professor of ancient runes, Weide Baburin." The old man's tone was a little confused, but he still maintained the proper etiquette.

"What's the matter, Karl, isn't it tomorrow?" Leah turned around and asked Karl over there, with obvious confusion.

Karl opened the letter that was originally in his hand and found that he must have read the wrong date. Thinking carefully, the envelope was indeed not received by him personally, but was found on the table this morning. "Oh..." Karl said a little with a guilty conscience.

He may have ignored the time, but it was not entirely his fault.

In response, Leah's mother hit him hard, "I knew I shouldn't trust you."

Lia rubbed Carl's head, keeping a very polite smile, but her treatment of Carl was not polite at all.

"Sorry, Professor, I'll go pack his luggage right now. I'm sorry I should have checked the envelope in advance." Leah certainly gave the highest courtesy to Baburin who came from afar to pick up Carl.

"Oh, it's nothing. Maybe I should have informed Carl a few days earlier, but I was too busy the past few days. I just realized yesterday that I had to send a letter to Carl." Baburin also apologized. People always forget some minor things when they are busy.

He only remembered today's visit mission in the evening last night. After writing the letter and sending it to Carl, it was estimated that it was already very late when the owl flew over. It was very normal that Carl did not receive the envelope.

"Okay, I'll go pack for Carl!" Leah immediately half-lifted Carl, then ran into Carl's room and packed up everything he should pack.

Finally, she put Carl at the door at the fastest speed. Carl was packed up by Leah in almost the blink of an eye.

Then he stared at Professor Baburin at the door in a second. The speed was so fast that Carl was a little confused when he went out.

"Your mother is such a capable person. If I hadn't felt any traces of magic, I would really think she used magic." Baburin took Carl to the street, and the two walked one after the other.

Until now, Carl didn't know who the friend Professor Baburin was going to visit was. "Professor, how do we get there now?" Carl thought as he walked.

"First, we have to find a place where there are not many people. The distance is a bit far. We have to use teleportation to get there, which may make us a little dizzy." Professor Baburin said the way to go, which made Carl a little excited.

He hasn't tried teleportation yet! If I could learn... Carl was thinking with his chin on his hand, and then Professor Baburin hit him on the head with his magic wand.

"Don't think about writing another Carl. You can't learn to Apparate alone now, or your hands and feet will be separated, or even your head and tail will be separated." He could see Carl's strong interest in spells at a glance.

But Apparate is too dangerous. He thinks that if you are learning now, Carl is almost giving performance to the god of death.

"Okay, professor." Although Carl is interested, he doesn't really want to practice it privately. Even with 0025, it's too dangerous.

"Okay, let's go." Finally, they arrived at a place where almost no passers-by could be seen. There were big trees as shelters. Baburin used an Apparate spell and moved Carl to a direction.

The first time Carl was Apparate by someone, there was probably only one word, dizzy.

It felt like being forced into a washing machine and then running.

But the overall feeling was still bearable compared to the distorted feeling of becoming an Animagus. Carl just leaned against the wall to relax for a while.

At least he didn't vomit.

"Are you okay, Carl?" Professor Baburin asked with concern. In fact, Carl's condition was pretty good. It was possible that he would faint directly because of the discomfort during the first apparition.

Carl slowly raised a thumb to indicate that he was okay.

After a while, he completely recovered, but this way of travel was really hard to bear. Sure enough, in terms of comfort, it was the Muggle way of travel, which was better than airplanes, subways, and high-speed trains.

"Okay, let's go now." Professor Baburin nodded. Carl's adaptability was pretty good. Carl turned around and looked around, a little curious about where he was nowPlace.

This is a relatively empty alley, which looks a bit desolate. I don’t know if it’s just this alley, or the surroundings are so desolate.

But Carl soon found out. He followed Professor Baburin out of the alley, and the surrounding situation opened his eyes, because except for the alley that looked a bit deserted.

Going out again, the surroundings are completely prosperous, and this is not a wizard village. Carl did not feel any sense of magic running. On the contrary, this should be a thorough Muggle village.

"Ah...", Carl opened his mouth wide. Would an alchemist live in such a place?

"Don't be so surprised, Carl. You know, compared to finding a deserted mountain to live alone, most people need normal social interaction. Wizards are not all weird." Looking at Carl's surprised eyes, Professor Baburin explained to Carl.

In fact, now that Muggles are so active, many old houses of pure-blood families are almost forced to live opposite Muggle neighbors.

"It took me a lot of effort to find a place where I can change my appearance. Not everyone can accept an old man falling from the sky and then leaving as if nothing happened." Professor Baburin said as he walked with Carl. After walking a few streets, they finally arrived outside a house.

Carl observed the house. Although Professor Baburin also said that great people hide in the city, Carl still clearly felt that this house was different from other houses.

It was almost like a building from the last century. The house looked very old-fashioned, but the owner had good taste. Even an old-fashioned house embodied a different charm.

In addition, the owner of the house seemed to be someone who knew how to live.

His small garden was even full of beautiful bouquets of flowers, of all kinds, and very mixed. Carl also spotted a few bouquets of flowers that did not belong to this season.

Seeing Carl staring at the flowerbed in a trance, Baburin said to Carl, "Don't think that they are all ordinary flowers. Even the most ordinary little stone in the alchemist's house may be an extraordinary thing."

"The last time I came here was three or four years ago. It was winter at that time, but the flowers in the flowerbed were still blooming very well." Baburin believed that Carl also noticed the one or two unusual off-season flowers in the flowerbed. They were the best proof.

"It's amazing! But isn't it a little too wasteful?" Carl said in surprise, and Baburin was not surprised by Carl's performance of Liu Laolao entering the Grand View Garden. This is as it should be. When he first saw it, he also felt that it was simply a waste of natural resources.

Using such a complex array mixed with alchemy to make a small garden is simply not killing a chicken with a butcher knife, but killing a chicken with a dragon slaying knife, but it's annoying that people don't care, because their family is a wholesaler of dragon slaying knives.

Carl stared at the flowers in a trance, trying to notice something different.

But to the naked eye, there is almost no trace.

With Carl, he could probably only sense that there were some magical fluctuations on the flowers, and more was invisible.

But it still didn't matter.

[0025, scan it for me, let me learn the score of this magic circle. ], yes, 0025, your home AI assistant.

Carl has almost mastered the correct use of 0025, although he can't use him to cheat directly.

But he usually won't refuse to let 0025 assist him. Sure enough, almost the next second, 0025 scanned and immediately learned a very complex and profound magic circle.

But 0025 is relatively passive, and he discovered this by accident. If he doesn't ask 0025, he won't take the initiative.

Just when Carl looked at the crystal shoe magic circle last time and was worried that it was not as easy to learn as the ring, so he tentatively asked 0025 if he could learn the score for him.

0025: Sure.

Carl: ????

Why didn't you tell me when I was stripping the lucky ring? I used all my brain cells to strip the score without Sever noticing anything wrong.

0025 told him that the answer was from zero to one, not from one to two. The rest was quantitative change, while zero to one was qualitative change, so it's not good to interfere too much.

Well, it barely makes sense, but Carl learned his lesson afterwards. Whenever he saw something that looked like a magic circle, he would ask 0025 to scan it to see if he could strip the score.

Just like this one now.

Carl looked at the picture exported on the light screen. It was more like a beautiful painting than a magic circle. The complexity of it was several levels higher than the lucky ring that Carl gave to Sever at the beginning, and even one level higher than the complexity of the crystal shoes.Stairs.

Although Carl only half understood it, it was just like watching Alice draw. Even if Carl didn't know much about drawing, he would exclaim when he saw Alice sketching a portrait bit by bit.

Damn, awesome!

In order to maintain the normal operation of the flower garden, such a sophisticated magic circle was used directly and even alchemy was used.

As expected, the happiness of rich people is something that you mortals will never understand.

But this kind of score is at most for reference and appreciation. If you only know the score but don't know the tricks, it is impossible to make it.

While Carl was struggling with his mind, Professor Baburin had already knocked on the door. Although Carl wanted to take another look at this magical flower garden, he could only follow the professor's pace and wait in front of the door.

Knock knock knock, there was a gentle knock on the door. Carl was behind Professor Baburin. He was not a shy child. Instead, he poked his head and wanted to see what was different about the alchemist's home.

Baburin didn't say anything about Carl's curiosity. He just waited quietly at the door after knocking.

After a while, there was a rustling sound behind the door. Carl looked up and saw a kind-looking old woman smiling at Professor Baburin. She also looked at Carl who looked very energetic next to Baburin.

"Oh, Wade, I haven't seen you for several years. You know, I always hope that friends will come to my house, but everyone is so busy. Is this the cute and clever elementary school student you mentioned in the letter?" The old woman looked very old and her physical condition must not be very good.

But her every move had a strong aristocratic style, but she was not very dignified. Her temperament has been completely integrated with life.

"Hello, ma'am, I'm Carlos Coste, nice to meet you." Carl was not shy and started to greet the old lady happily. His eyes were shining. If nothing unexpected happened, this old lady should be the alchemist that Professor Baburin mentioned, right?

It really fits his impression of the alchemist's very mysterious and elegant temperament, and she has such a life style. She looks like a lady who combines work and life very well.

Thinking of this, Carl's eyes sparkled even more. This is his natural admiration for powerful elders.

"You are a cute little guy. If I were younger, I would definitely be happy to hug you." The lady shook her head with a look of distress.

"If that's the case, I would be happy too. It can be seen that you must have been a rare beauty when you were young." This sentence was not deliberately flattered by Carl. Compared with Europeans and Americans looking at the flesh, as a flower-growing family, Carl's priority when looking at a person's appearance is to look at the bones and temperament.

Carl could almost foresee what a beautiful girl this lady was decades ago.

Carl's words were not deliberate flattery, but rather quite sincere, which made the old woman very happy. After all, everyone likes sincere compliments, but she still pretended to be sad and said, "Am I not a rare beauty now?"

"Of course, I think the old men in this ten miles and eight miles will definitely compete to dance with you." Carl raised a thumb and said seriously.

"Is that so? That's really good." The old woman smiled, and although she couldn't hug, she still touched Carl's little head.

"I don't think this is a good idea." Just as Carl was about to continue, another old voice interrupted him.

He turned his head and saw an old man who looked about the same age as the old woman standing behind Carl. Carl turned his head, and the old woman also covered her mouth and laughed a little embarrassedly.

Carl blinked and turned his CPU.

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