"Okay, I know the general situation." After listening to Lily's explanation, Cece nodded, and then said to Severus, "Severus?" Sever was called and slowly answered "Yes."

"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous. It's not your fault, so there is no need to do this. I will go and persuade Penny." Sever didn't really want to communicate anything, but he didn't know what to say. Seeing that he had no intention of talking, Cece smiled and then strode towards the kitchen.

Of course, the cookies were not baked so quickly. Penny was kneading the dough now. Cece called "Penny." Penny turned her head immediately. Her hands were still kneading the dough, and some white flour was stained on her nose.

Cece didn't laugh when she saw this, but just pointed to the tip of her nose to indicate that there was something on Penny's face. Penny wiped her nose belatedly and found the flour on it.

"Too bad, I didn't notice it." Penny's face turned red because of embarrassment. "This is normal, Penny. It's easy to do this when fiddling with these flours." Leah raised the corners of her lips and smiled gently.

"I came to see how you make cookies. Leah is right. It's inevitable to get flour on you." "Well... I don't know if I should say this. Actually, Carl was also obsessed with making cookies a year ago." Cece changed the subject for some reason. Penny blinked. She had never heard of Carl having this hobby.

Leah knew that her husband was going to coax some children again, so she didn't say anything, even though her poor son didn't have a hobby of making cookies.

"Huh? Didn't he tell you? Maybe he's too shy?" Cece chuckled. Even if he was persecuting his own son, he could do it. "Well, although Carl likes it very much, his mother and I strongly oppose his hobby and prevent him from trying to be a cookie master."

"Why?" Penny didn't understand. Cece and Leah didn't look like parents who would stop their son's hobby. "Obviously, because I'm not good at baking cookies, and Leah's cookies..." Cece shifted his gaze to his wife who was adjusting the oven temperature. Under his wife's death gaze, he still said that sentence.

"It's hard to explain, so I don't think Carl has the talent to bake cookies, so I rejected him, although he was sad for a long time."

"But it's better not to do something that you are destined to be incompetent from the beginning." Penny felt that Carl's words were ridiculous. She couldn't believe that Cece would think so. She turned her head to look at Leah, who looked directly at Penny and nodded slowly.

"How can you wipe out Carl's dream because of this? I will teach him." Penny rolled up her sleeves and was really ready to talk to Carl about this. Cece quickly pulled Penny, "Because neither his mother nor I have the cells to make cookies, obviously."

"But Uncle Cece, can you represent Carl? It's just that you are not good at it, I can't..." Penny paused here, and then thought of something.

"What's wrong, Penny?" Cece shook Penny, who was lost in thought. Penny stood there blankly like a student caught by the teacher.

"I...I..." Penny hesitated, Cece rubbed her head soothingly, "So we can't deny him because of Sever's family, right?"

"Penny, you are a good child. It's right to be vigilant about strangers you meet for the first time, but you can't hurt others because of some prejudice." Penny tapped the ground with her right toe and kept drawing circles on the floor, "Maybe you still don't like Sever after realizing this, but Penny, you are all Carl's friends, at least don't make him sad at the birthday party."

"The way you just confronted each other, if you don't know, you might think it was a tactical meeting between the two sides before the war. The birthday party is not a battlefield." Penny's expression was still a little depressed. Seeing this, Cece put her fingers on both sides of her cheeks, pulled them up and made a funny face. Penny's solemn expression didn't hold back, and she laughed out loud again.

"It's really hard to make you laugh. You have to sacrifice my perfect handsome face to make a joke." Cece made a cross with his index finger and thumb and put it on his chin to look cool.

"But Uncle Cece, did you make up the story that Carl likes to make cookies?" Penny asked Cece. Cece didn't expect that Penny's focus was here. His eyes turned slightly and he felt a little bad in his heart. Sorry, dear son, if I don't do something at this time, it would be a shame to the right time, place and people.

"Well, this is not something I made up, but Carl is very shy and has always kept this as his little secret."

"Husband..." Leah saw CeceXi Yue's words became more and more outrageous, and she quickly pulled his arm, wanting him to shut up. Penny was a little surprised, "Is it true? Then why did Carl..."

"So I've said it before, Carl is very... reserved by nature, well, don't tell him about this, he will definitely not admit it." After hearing Cece's words, Penny nodded thoughtfully, but in fact, she imagined a Carl who was shy about baking cookies. Somehow, even though it was a warm spring day, she had goose bumps. But Carl is her best friend after all, and there is nothing shameful about making cookies...

"Then I... I will help Carl!" Penny Evans, determined to quietly help her friend realize his dream.

"Very good, Penny, keep it up." Cece watched the fun without any shame after persecuting her son, and instead made a few cheering gestures.

"Okay, you two, the oven is almost ready, but the cookies are..." Leah looked at the dough with a hint of meaning. Indeed, they had spent too much time chatting, and now there was no time to turn all the dough into cookies.

"Why not let all the children help? It should be easy to just shape it, right?" Cece proposed a solution and really went to call for help.

After a while, all the children who had just sat down gathered in the kitchen and told them about the oven crisis [this is how Cece explained to the children] and everyone expressed their willingness to help.

Four children and two adults were busy in the kitchen together. Sever was not very good at making cookies, or he had never made it before, so he didn't have a good grasp of the classification of cookies, and Penny just discovered this.

"Snape." Sever was surprised that Penny would call him this arrogant and rude person. Usually, he was so disgusted with him that he was reluctant to even call him by his name, and even if he called him, the disgust in his words could not be hidden at all.

"This cookie is a little too thick. If it is baked with other cookies, it will not be baked through." Penny's tone was calm, without any suspicion of sarcasm or criticism. Sever could still hear it, so he immediately changed the thickness of the cookie.

But he was still surprised that Penny would remind him. He turned his head and looked at Cece, who smiled at him.

As for the other cookie makers, Lily was okay. She usually made cookies with Mrs. Evans and Penny. Although she was not skilled, she could barely cope with it.

Carl... Carl felt a little uncomfortable after kneading the dough. He didn't know why he always felt that Penny's eyes had a little bit of pity for him. Oh damn, how could this be? He swore that his father must have said something to Penny.

Dad! What did you say to Penny! Carl stared at Cece with an accusing look, but Cece twisted her body and looked away guiltily.

Don't be so guilty, Dad! Isn't this clearly a case of trying to cover up one's own guilt? If you want to fool me, at least you should put in some effort! Instead of using this expression to fool your poor son.

Oh, I'm so sorry, dear little Carl, it would be meaningless if you don't raise your son to play with.

Thanks to the efforts of six people, the cookies were finished before the oven was preheated. After putting all the cookies in the oven, Leah asked the children to sit down because most of the meals were ready and the birthday party was about to begin.

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