"But..." Regulus looked at Sirius uncertainly. He was not sure if his brother was just impulsive.

It must be said that the two brothers may not understand each other very well. Sirius would never do something on impulse. Although he was reckless and impulsive, he would do it if he had the idea.

Even though he was only eleven years old when he rebelled against his family, he had thought about what the outcome would be, and struggled to resist his parents' "correction".

But what should he do?

To be honest, Sirius said big words, but he still didn't know how to share the responsibility of his younger brother.

"But, do father and mother insist that you follow the Dark Lord? Do we have any other choice? It sounds very tyrannical to be able to kill someone at a dinner party..." Sirius looked unhappy. He hated this kind of feudal remnant jumping around him.

He felt uncomfortable all over when he thought about it.

Regarding his brother's political sense, Regulus sighed helplessly. His father's health was not good. He was not conscious for eight out of ten days, and his mother's health was also bad.

For gradually approaching the Dark Lord, in addition to his blood and the pure-blood theory that won the hearts of his father and mother, his parents' health is also a point.

Just like old Malfoy Abraxas, they are actually using the family's foundation to make an equal exchange with the Dark Lord.

It is obvious that he can use the family for his own benefit, and he can give money and power to maintain the prosperity of the family. He originally thought it was a good idea.

Because his idea is very ideal, he also thinks very superficially about the pure-blood theory. In his eyes, the pure-blood theory is nothing more than a banner to maintain the operation of the family, and Voldemort himself has the best banner, the heir of Slytherin.

But obviously some people don't think so.

So this good idea only exists in the case that the Dark Lord is a relatively normal person, but obviously he is not. He can kill a girl at a dinner party without any hesitation.

Because of deception and mixed blood, even if that is a sin, she should not get death, and even if she will die, she should not die.

This is simply a deal with the devil, Regulus's hands clenched unconsciously.

Pawning conscience, kindness, compassion, mercy, all the glorious aspects of a person, in exchange for money and power, money and power stained with the blood of others...

It was because Regulus realized this that he let go of the cup in his hand.

He didn't want to be that kind of person...


In order to continue the prosperity of the family, perhaps this is the only solution, Regulus frowned.

The health of his parents is not very good, especially his father, once they collapse.

At such a young age, he has no other solution except to get close to the Dark Lord and make a deal with him with the family. Either decline or make a deal with the devil.

"Regulus?" Sirius looked at his brother who was lost in thought. He patted his shoulder slightly, and Regulus came back to his senses.

"There is no solution. Either we let the family decline, or we have to get close to the Dark Lord and get his protection." This is simply a dilemma. Regulus is undeniably afraid. If it weren't for the last moment, he probably wouldn't have the courage to choose one of the two.

"Don't we have a third option? For example, we can support the family ourselves." If Sirius were to choose, he would definitely be eager to choose the first option before tonight, but now facing his brother, he rarely began to think about whether he could create a good option in this dilemma.

"It's very difficult, brother. If we want to do it,

We need at least a correct flag, at least the descendants of Slytherin, so that we can shut our parents up.

A huge fortune, at least a mountain of gold, to keep the Black family running normally, when our parents don't care at all.

Then there are some things that can keep the Black family running continuously, at least to ensure that the Black family will have no problems for the next few hundred years."

The Black family is like a towering tree that has been hollowed out by termites. Almost no one can cure it.

Even if Regulus wants to cure it, Sirius now wants to help, and the two brothers have some means together, but a good cook can't cook without rice. Without material foundation, everything is just a castle in the air.

"These things, I guess only Voldemort has them in this world."

Of course, Voldemort certainly doesn't want to cure the big tree of Black. What he wants to do is probably to cut down the tree and squeeze out its value. After all, although he doesn't want to cure it, such good wood is still very useful for burning fire.

At this moment, Carl, who had just returned home to show off his manuscript to Sifu, said, "Ah Qiu!" Carl rubbed his nose.Some are not sure if he has a cold.

Even Sever came forward to take a look with concern. Carl doesn't often catch a cold, but when he does, it's a serious illness, almost fainting.

"Did you not sleep and eat well these few days, or did you go out to get some fresh air at night?" Sever stared at Carl, and Carl couldn't help feeling guilty.

During the days of studying with Nicolas Flamel, sometimes when we looked up, it was already midnight. This was still conservative. Once, Carl was obsessed with an alchemical item about the invalidation spell that Nicolas Flamel explained to him during the day. He cooked a whole score. If he was not afraid of being found out, he would immediately take out the furnace from the system to refine it.

"I guessed right..." Sever laughed coldly, almost looking a hole in Carl's body.

"But I really don't have a cold. I'm very sober. Maybe someone missed me. Sneezing doesn't mean anything, right?" Carl replied vaguely.

Sever laughed and said nothing.

Carl sighed. His boyfriend was really hard to please. He felt that Siver had become irritable since they started dating.

[0025, you should mix me some energy tonic water. I'll take precautions. If I really catch a cold, Siver will definitely take advantage of it.] Just in case, he still felt that he should replenish his body. After all, he didn't need that little money.

Looking at the money that was almost overflowing on the money column...

There was really no place to use it. His automation was very impressive. Carl almost only planted a little cycle crops every quarter and didn't have to worry about it. Then he occasionally harvested it and sold it at a good price.

Although this money can be exchanged for equivalent gold, the assets sold by his father are enough for him to live on for a lifetime...

I really don't know what else this money can be used for. If it can be used to exchange for alchemical materials, it would be a great thing, but the system does not have such a function at all.

Maybe it can be piled up in the secret room. Isn't it said that dragons like jewelry very much? It can also be piled up with some shiny alchemical supplies.

Although Longbao is still a stone now, it is not against the law to think about it.

A sparkling secret room sounds good!

[Three wishes are fulfilled at once, something that keeps the prosperity of the flag gold mountain, the Carl brand wishing machine, the strongest three-in-one! ! ! ]


School has been open for several days, and Carl and his classmates have been promoted to the fourth grade.

A strange situation has lasted for several days. Carl rubbed his eyes in disbelief. He frowned and pinched his face. It hurts, "I'm not dreaming, then can anyone tell me why Sirius is studying hard and attending class obediently when I'm not dreaming."

Even Professor Flitwick was shocked, looking at Sirius who had attended classes obediently for a week in a row in disbelief. He didn't skip classes, he didn't skip classes!

This is simply a miracle in the magic world!

After class, James, who didn't skip class because his brother didn't, pulled his good brother's shoulder and shouted in a bit of collapse, "My brother, what's wrong with you? My brother! My dear good brother! Did you get stimulated at home? Why do you seem so abnormal in the past few days since school started?"

James' voice was panicked, and it was obvious that he was really worried about whether Sirius had any problems.

"I was just attending class and you were so surprised. What do you think of me?" Sirius threatened James with a book with some dissatisfaction, and the dissatisfaction in his eyes almost overflowed, as if he would smash it if James said something wrong.

And the textbook of Charms...

It was barely a weakened version of fainting. James saw that Sirius still had time to threaten him, and his worry instantly disappeared by more than half. He joked casually, "If this is fine, I thought something was wrong with you. It really scared me."

"But I still don't understand why you didn't skip class with me. Isn't it okay for us to go back and ask Carl Alice to make up for this simple thing?" James didn't care much. If it weren't for Carl Alice, they might have a sense of crisis, but with Carl Alice, they wouldn't let them fail.

Even if Carl really had the heart, Alice wouldn't have the heart, because Alice was a good person.

"Do you think we are a cram school machine? But James is right, you have been a little strange these days." Carl was holding a book, which was actually a book case given to him by Nicolas Flamel. He had put all the textbooks for this year in it, so he could use them whenever he wanted, and ordinary people would probably just think he had made a fancy book case.

"I will learn what has become so strange?” Sirius was still a little unconvinced, but looking at everyone's puzzled eyes, he still expressed his thoughts.

“Well, in fact, something big happened to me during the holiday.” There is nothing that cannot be said. Although the news is very secretive, everyone is not a person who likes to gossip, and even keeps their mouths shut on major matters.

“What happened?” Alice rubbed her head in confusion. Sirius looked at the confused Alice and understood that it was normal for her marginalized family to know nothing.

“Rail was taken to Voldemort's banquet by his mother, and then a half-blood was swallowed by the demon's big snake on the spot.” Sirius said this with anger and disgust.

“How dare he do that!” The children spoke very quietly, and others would only think that the children were chatting about something and would not pay much attention to it, but James's shouting almost attracted everyone nearby.

“Sit down. ", Alice was still quick to react, she immediately pressed James down, and the people around saw that it was James and his group, they looked at him and did other things.

They were always startled, nothing was surprising.

"Rayle was scared, we talked a lot at night, and finally Rayle told me that I could either surrender to Voldemort or watch the family decline.", Sirius glanced at Carl who was thinking over there.

"In fact, Carl, I want to thank you, if you didn't remind me from time to time to talk to my brother, I would definitely skip this matter, and it might be worse because of this matter and Rayle's matter. ", Sirius sighed.

"You're welcome, but what do you think? Sirius." Seeing Sirius gradually approaching the workaholic, Carl was a little worried.

"Are you going to surrender to the Dark Lord! ", James certainly didn't believe that Sirius would do such a thing, but that didn't stop him from thinking about it.

"Brother, don't be like this, I was just joking when I said you were going to jail as a villain, we have such a good relationship, you must not go astray!", James almost advised earnestly.

"James, calm down, although I don't know what you are talking about, but how could Sirius go astray?", this is Lily, she also forced James down, although for a little Muggle wizard Lily didn't know much about the Dark Lord, at most she had read some similar things in books.

But listening to Sirius's description, she knew how dangerous this was.

"Lily is still right, James, what are you thinking about? Of course I want to choose the third option. At least from now on I will study hard, at least I can get Leir out..." Yes, this is the best way Sirius can think of. He has no hope of finding a Slytherin heir. Even if he finds one, it is inevitable that he will be a tyrant more than Voldemort. He can't join the Death Eaters, can't hurt innocent people, and wants to save his brother, but Leir is determined to take his own responsibilities. Sirius is almost tortured crazy by these things, but although he can't choose, he at least has a small goal, study hard, even if his brother is really kidnapped by his mother to work under the Dark Lord, he will try to get his brother out. "Can't you move out now? You can live in my house. Your parents want to be Voldemort's men so much, why don't they let them go? Why do you have to go?" Obviously, although Sirius's political sense is not high, James's sense of smell in this regard is even lower. "That also requires Regulus's consent. I can't kidnap my brother and go to you. ", Sirius sighed.

"Then can you consider going it alone? Even if it's just your brother, it's not necessarily a good idea to surrender to the Dark Lord. Although there is no report from the Ministry of Magic, everyone is privately saying that he likes to abuse lynching and persecute Muggles, Muggles and half-bloods..." James still expressed his concerns about this.

"Yes, to be honest, the Black family has a pretty good foundation, at least better than the collateral branches of our pure-blood families." Alice said.

But families cannot be compared with each other. For example, Alice's family probably belongs to the kind of Buddhist family. Almost all the family members in the family are Hufflepuffs. Alice is just a genetic mutation.

"It's easy for you to think about it. Where can I find a Slytherin heir who is rich, powerful, and smart, and relatively normal!"

"Hmm..." Carl lowered his head and pondered. He always felt that these flags were pointing at him.

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