"But we're already dating." Sever felt a little angry. You know, even couples who are a few years younger are sticky and sweet. We should be able to consider a little kiss.

"But, isn't the dating time too short?" Carl pointed at his finger, his expression continued to be shy. God knows why a person who is usually so shameless would be shy at this time.

"That's not an excuse. We've been dating for more than a year. Do you believe that if James Potter catches up with Lily today, he will pester Lily for a kiss tomorrow." Sever tried to convince Carl with other people's examples.

But Carl seemed to want to change the subject. "But aren't you against them being together?" Of course, if his face wasn't so red, Sever would have been diverted from the topic.

"Don't change the topic." Sever held Carl's hand. Although he was the one who took the initiative, he was a little shy, so he just held Carl's hand without taking the next step.

The two people who had no experience in love looked at each other, and then they were speechless for a long time.

Carl's CPU was running fast. He pursed his lips slightly. There was no reluctance on his face, but he looked particularly entangled.

Sever, who was a little angry, saw Carl's emotions and his anger was almost gone. What else could he do? He was Carl after all? Sever sighed slightly.

"You are not unwilling, right? Carl." Sever took a breath slowly, and then he planned to adopt a soft offensive. In fact, if Carl liked his "coquettishness" that was unique to him.

Then he would go along with Carl a little.

Sever thought so and took another step forward. He took a step forward gently, but his hand still did not loosen.

When he spoke, his tone was much more integrated with his usual tone. He raised his eyes with a slightly soft tone of grievance, "So, why not?"

Who blinded your eyes? The furry and aggrieved Severus Snape in front of you, oh, is as cute as a wronged little animal!

The cuteness value is full marks!

Carl's eyes gradually became hazy, his cheeks were slightly red, and then he nodded with a very small amplitude, and then raised his head with a little expectation, waiting for the next move of the person opposite.

Carl felt that not only his breathing became rapid, but also his heartbeat accelerated a lot. Although it had been a long time since he came back from outside, he was still a little cold.

Only his face...

Carl touched it slightly with his free hand, and it was a bit horrible.

Sever watched Carl, who seemed to be shy about nothing, gradually turn red, and even his hands touched his face helplessly.

He looked extremely nervous.

It must be said that the appearance that he would not have normally, was particularly touching when it was shown in front of him, "Carl..."

One of Carl's hands was still on his face at this moment, and the moment he let go, Sever put his hand on it, so that both of their hands touched each other.

Sever leaned forward, and his lips gently touched Carl's lips. The two people who had no experience in love just leaned against each other gently, and no one took any further action, but this alone was enough to make the two elementary school students at a loss.

Their breaths intertwined, and now they had no time to deal with their other actions except for the disordered heartbeats.

After a few seconds, Sever and Carl slowly separated, "Sever, how do you feel?" Is this a kiss? Carl felt that his entire CPU was about to burn dry. Even when dealing with ten flying snakes and thirty slimes in the mine, he didn't feel so nervous.

"Very soft..." It was obvious that the future potion master had already spoken without thinking, and he was not much better. After the two separated, Carl asked him a question, and his first reaction was to say the words that impressed him the most.

After saying it, he also realized that something seemed to be wrong.

The two of them looked at each other in silence. After a long while, Carl came back to his senses from such a powerful sentence, as if he was disappointed with his friend. "Who asked you about this feeling..."

"I mean, do you have the same feeling as me...", this feeling that makes your heart beat fast? Carl's words were interrupted by the sound of the key opening the door before he could finish them.

With the sound of Ceci and Leah talking, the ambiguous atmosphere was immediately interrupted, and Carl even felt a little bit like he was caught in bed.

No? Why does such a pure mouth-to-mouth feeling have such a feeling?

But Carl and Sever are always guilty. They didn't tell anyone about their relationship at all.Tell mom and dad, although it's not good.

But Carl was afraid that if he told mom and dad directly, they would faint, which would be bad. After all, the shock of a half-adopted son and his own son together is not something that can be relieved in a short time.

"Do you want to jump out of the window and run away?" Carl was confused by the tense atmosphere, while Sever was still a little rational, "Carl, don't be nervous. I live here, and we are dressed neatly and have done nothing. Why do you feel nervous that we are caught in bed?"

Carl was relieved by Sever, "Oh, yes! What am I nervous about?"

I should have kissed his head off just now. I should stop doing this in the future, otherwise I will really become a retard.

Carl walked out while thinking.

"Carl, Sever! What are you doing? Mom brought you some delicious food. We passed by the cake shop. Penny and Lily were willing to give us a discount, so I bought a lot of small cakes!" Leah's voice came from outside the house. He knocked on the door next door first. It was the guest room, but Sever was living there now.

Leah waited for a while, but there was no sound, so he came to Carl's door again, "Carl, are you there? There are Christmas tree-shaped cupcakes!"

"I think it's okay if they're not here..." Ceci's voice stuck to Leah, and the two of them were probably holding each other intimately.

Then there was a crisp sound of a beater, "Hey, no! Ceci, you can't eat it secretly, it's limited, you can't buy it if you eat it all!"

"Oh... It's so sad... My heart is broken..." Ceci's voice continued. He obviously didn't want to eat the cake, but simply wanted to interact with Leah. He was also showing weakness and acting coquettishly to win his wife's comfort.

In fact, he succeeded. "I can give you a little bit of mine later, just a little bit...", Leah said.

"Oh, that's great, I can give you a little bit of mine too."

"If that's the case, isn't it the same as one person eating one? What's the difference if I eat it by myself?"

"Sharing it with my beautiful wife is a big difference~"

The sticky voices of the two came from outside the door. If it was before, Carl would have started to tease his parents at this time.

But now... Carl immediately started to panic because he was guilty. He hurried over to open the door, fearing that his parents would suspect what he was doing in the room, even though his face was a little red now.

"Carl, wait, don't you think you...", your face, will Aunt Leah think it's strange if you go out now? This is what Sever wanted to say next, as for why he didn't say it.

Because the two of them happened to step on the robe that Carl had just accidentally thrown on the ground during the tug of war. Because the floor had just been cleaned in the morning, and the black robe was also extremely smooth.

One of them didn't stand firmly and fell to the ground during the tug of war. Although Carl's chassis was very stable due to long-term training, it didn't mean that he could be crushed by the weightless Siver without any defense. You know, he is a speed type.

"Ah...hiss, it hurts, Siver, you are so heavy..." Carl looked at Siver's round and healthy half face. He felt that although he took good care of Siver, it would be unbearable for life to be crushed by him...

"Hiss..." It was obvious that Siver was also stunned after the fall just now.

When Ceci and Leah heard the sound and cry of pain from inside the door, they immediately stopped sticking. They were startled at first, then immediately threw down the cake in their hands and went forward to open the door.

Carl's room has a door lock, but Carl doesn't lock it on a daily basis because Ceci and Leah rarely come to his room.

They all respected the privacy of their children. Carl even took a diary, but it only had a few pages and no secrets, and showed it to Leah.

Leah's answer was, as a mother, how could I not know you? I don't need to read your diary at all.

Moreover, I can bet fifty dollars that there is nothing written in it, and even if there is, it is no more than five pages.

In fact, Leah was right, because Carl just wrote four and a half pages of running accounts, which just didn't exceed five pages.

But Carl's good habit of not locking the door pitted himself at this moment. Leah and Cece opened the door directly because of nervousness and worry.

"Carl, Sever? Are you okay..." Leah came in nervously, her voice gradually changed from high-pitched to low-pitched, and then gradually disappeared.

Because the scene in front of her was really too shocking, there was no unexpected scene as Leah imagined, but the two boys lookedI am looking at you, with tender eyes and red body, as if something is about to happen.


Liya's thoughts are being refreshed and rebuilt...

Liya's CPU is burning rapidly.

"Oh, you... you guys...", Leah slowly pointed at Sifu and Carl, whose clothes were in disarray [their clothes were a little messy because of pulling].

Carl, who was pointed at, immediately raised his hand, which he had originally blocked on Sifu's body. He and Sifu immediately stood up, and their heads were lowered one by one.

"You guys...", Ceci also showed a subtle expression.

Sifu and Carl subconsciously blocked each other behind them, but this made their movements a little funny, but it was also a kind of true friendship in adversity.

"I can explain, mom!", Carl was in a hurry to explain, he was already completely confused, why they just kissed innocently, but it really looked like they were caught in bed.

"Although I explained, I...", Sever thought more, he didn't want to hide it from Aunt Leah and Mr. Cece, in fact, he now has some savings, so it's okay to tell them, if they object, he is still very grateful to them.

But he will never give up pursuing Carl.

"Oh, I really...", Leah looked particularly angry, "As a school, doesn't Hogwarts have sex education classes? Don't you two know that you can't have sex before you reach adulthood?"

Leah vented her emotions, and her mood was a little better, but her violent words were completely beyond Carl's understanding.

"Wait, mom, we... didn't... have sex...", Carl wanted to prove his innocence a little, but his voice was getting smaller and smaller, and he looked particularly guilty and lacked confidence.

"This is indeed a little early for you. Although there have been some signs since the past, it has developed to this point. Isn't it a bit too fast...", Cece held his chin with one hand, thinking about where his education went wrong.

"No, we really didn't..." Sever's voice was a little louder than Carl's, but he didn't seem to have much confidence.

This made them look like a couple who were caught by their parents eating forbidden fruit. Their defense not only failed to make them innocent, but made them unable to defend themselves.

"That's enough, Cece! Now is not the time for you to joke. There is such a big problem with the child's sex education! Don't you see it now? They are still children! They are only fourteen or fifteen years old! Do you understand? Do you understand this concept?!", Leah almost turned into a fire-breathing dragon warrior. She knocked Cece's head lightly, the kind that jumped up and knocked.

"They did extremely inappropriate things at an inappropriate time!"

"Oh, sorry, I paid too much attention to cultural courses. I thought Hogwarts would teach them as a school. After all, Penny's school is also open now, and we went to listen, didn't we?", Cece touched his head and hugged Leah in his arms. Although his head hurt, he still gave priority to comforting his angry wife.

We really didn't want to... This is what Carl and Siver thought together. God knows they just kissed themselves and made themselves so red, and they happened to step on something and fell together.

They listened to Ceci and Leah's violent words, and their faces became redder in an instant...

"We must take measures!" Leah finally concluded.

"Cooking is suspended, I'll go prepare teaching materials." Ceci immediately took charge of the education work in order to continue to appease the angry Leah.

"That's more like it..." Leah finally came to her senses.

About thirty minutes later, Carl and Siver ate the cakes that Ceci and Leah asked them to fill their stomachs, and started their lecture journey.

"Because our courses are too backward, Professor Leah will now teach you the most urgent subject at the moment." Leah took a small wooden stick and knocked heavily on the hanging paper, which was a paragraph.

"That is - you can't have sex before you reach adulthood!"

"Tell Teacher Leah that you can't have sex before you reach adulthood!" Leah raised the stick and said this righteously, while Ceci, the part-time teacher, began to agree calmly, "Teacher, you are so right!"

Although this method is a bit embarrassing for the children, after all, it feels like the matter is just about to end, and Leah feels that she must give them some shocking information to wake them up.

"Sever, do you want to read along?" Carl was a little embarrassed.

"Read it..." Sever acted calmly, but the trembling ending betrayed him.

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