Since that day, Penny and Sever's relationship has improved a lot. Although they still don't take the initiative to communicate with each other when they meet, they can finally stay under the same roof.

They would read books together and study some magic. Of course, Penny didn't have magic and could only watch from the side. Carl would make Penny laugh appropriately, but she didn't care as much as in the original book. On the contrary, Penny's focus has always been on baking cookies and making desserts. She has been dragging Carl to the bakery and asking the boss to let Carl be her apprentice.

Penny learned very quickly, and the owner of the dessert shop, Ms. Dale, also liked her very much. Because of Ms. Dale's preference, Penny also practiced a good skill in making desserts. Dale's husband died early, and she didn't remarry and had no children, so she ran the dessert shop alone. Because Penny learned very quickly, she almost wanted to train Penny as an heir.

Carl, surrounded by cookies and desserts, had no words to say. After a lot of negotiations, he, who originally liked desserts, had PTSD about desserts. He swore that if he could, he would not want to see them for half his life. But Penny liked it very much and was a little obsessed with it. If Penny's attention was not snatched away by jealousy, he would be happy to be the victim.

For the sake of our friendship, I endured it, but Carl still did not intend to forgive the culprit, his old father, so he ignored him for a few days.

Cece: Hmm? What happened? But without his son to disturb his and his wife's world of two, it was very nice, very nice. [Drinking tea]

After running-in, Penny made birthday cakes for everyone's birthday the following year, including Sev. Carl finally didn't have to worry about an indelible rift between them.

Two years passed in a blink of an eye, and Penny was promoted to middle school. In January of this year, Sev and Lily received letters from Hogwarts one after another. They brought these envelopes to Carl and declined the help of the professor who came to take them to Diagon Alley. They wanted to go with Carl, so it was okay to endure it.

Carl's letter has not come yet, because his birthday is later than Severus and Lily's. Although he knows that the envelope will definitely come, 0025 told him that he is a 100% little wizard.

But he still has some trepidation in his heart. Receiving this letter means that he will step into the magic world, step into the main line, step into the gear of fate, and become a small screw in it.

He occasionally stares at Lily and Severus in a trance until they find out and remind him, and then he will slowly wake up. When he is in a trance, Severus Snape and Lily Potter's death have been hovering in front of Severus and Lily, and even merged with them. Carl did not completely withdraw from it until he was awakened. The cold sweat on his back is the best witness.

Take one step at a time, but if possible, as a foreigner, I will try my best to butterfly all the plot fulcrums and fan them into pieces.

"Karl, are you distracted again?" Sever swayed slightly in front of him, because there were Karl, Lily, and Penny. Of course, because of frequent disagreements and quarrels, Penny would only give the desserts to Karl and Lily. She was a woman who wanted to save face. She was unwilling to be friendly to Sever, and Sever did not treat her friendly. They "hated" each other equally. Continuous private feeding, Sever in front of him should be healthier than in the original book, and his skin is not so pale.

Speaking of Sever, a few months after his ninth birthday, Karl told his mother about Sever's family and tried to help Sever get out of his original family, but how could it be so easy? Leah went to communicate privately several times and was almost hit on the head by a wine bottle from Tobias. She didn't tell her husband, otherwise Ceci would definitely make Tobias very miserable, which he is very good at.

It's not that Leah's heart of saintliness broke out. She is a kind woman, but this does not mean that she will forgive everything. Tobias, she was not very worried, but that woman Irene, she pleaded so hard that she almost knelt down, to comfort her husband and ask Leah not to embarrass them.

Oh damn, as a witch with magic, how could Irene make herself so miserable and let her husband beat and scold her children, just for love? Leah didn't see love at all, but she hated a lot!

Leah was so angry that she kept holding back, and finally left Spider's End Alley with the idea of ​​respecting blessings. But she still asked a lawyer to blackmail Tobias for a large sum of money because of the injury on her leg and the fact that she was a little dazed after being scared. Of course, Tobias couldn't take it out. Leah used Sever to work in his house as a bargaining chip to offset the debt. Tobias threw Sever away like a hot potato when he heard this.

In the end, of course, Leah would not really let Sever do some heavy work, but just let him help Cece sell some flowers on weekends, and Carl also needed him to teach some knowledge about the magical world.As for money, she gave little Sever a normal salary and warned him not to tell Tobias and Irene.

Therefore, Sever would only return to Spinner's End during holidays, and usually lived in the guest room of Carl's house. He had thought about persuading his mother to leave Tobias, but Irene screamed and refused.

"Are you worried about the admission letter? Relax, it's just that your birthday is a little late. You are the most skilled in magic among us, so there will be no problem." Lily also jumped out. Today is Carl's birthday. The four little ones gathered at Carl's house again. This time there are also Mr. and Mrs. Evans because after Carl's admission letter arrives, the professor will pick up the three to Diagon Alley to buy some necessities for admission.

Carl was in a daze by the window hoping to see the owl sooner. Another thing is that he also went over the original plot in his mind over and over again. He must spend some time every day to think about what happened in the original book, otherwise he will forget it sooner or later.

"Of course Lily, after all, I have a feeling that I must be a genius." Carl shook his head. Lily and Sever were used to his daily funny appearance. It seemed that Carl was fine after all, he could still make jokes normally. At this time, Penny came out of the kitchen.

"You three, come and eat, and try the bread that boss Dale gave me. It is made with a modified method."

Sever and Lily followed closely. Carl looked at their backs and wanted to jump down to the dining table, but was hit by something flying over.

Carl subconsciously put the thing in his arms, and then because of inertia, he rolled down like a tire. Carl rolled several times on the floor holding the thing. "Oh, Carl, are you okay!" Everyone rushed over, and Carl slowly raised his head under the onlookers.

He swore that this was the most embarrassing and socially dead thing he had ever encountered in his life. He was hit by an unknown object and fell for several rounds.

"I'm fine, it's terrible, what hit me..."

Lily and Sever helped him up, one on each side. Carl rubbed his waist and barely stood up. He searched his body and found that the culprit was an owl... He picked up the owl in his hand and looked again and again. Is it the owl of Hogwarts? Doesn't Hogwarts have owls? Sending such a reckless little guy to deliver a letter, it's impossible, although Hogwarts seems to have a fragile defense, it shouldn't be so unreliable...

Carl was silent, searched on it, and found a letter from it, which was the admission letter of Hogwarts...

You damn little owl, how dare you cheat! Come to attack! The destined future is with wizards! This is too much. Carl picked it up with his hands. This is a white little snowy owl. It looks like the same species as Harry's Hedwig, but it is very small. It fluttered its wings in Carl's hands with its short legs, and its feathers exploded into a ball because of fright.

Then it looked at Carl with big eyes. You are so innocent! You made a mistake but you still look pure and innocent. Who would fall for it! Carl was thinking angrily, and Lily fell into the trap.

"Okay, Carl, let it go. I don't think it's intentional... Maybe it was a little anxious to send you a letter." Lily spoke for the cute little owl. Of course, Carl didn't mean to blame it, so he gave it something to eat and let it go.

Don't let me see you again, or I will definitely catch you and put you in Hedwig College.

Carl thought angrily while unfolding the letter brought by the owl. It was a copy of what Harry received that year, and it was also received by Lily and Sever, but the name was Carl's.

Carl read it quickly, because he had read Lily and Sever's letter and knew everything about it. He clutched his own acceptance letter and almost jumped up with joy.

Sever and Lily also surrounded Carl and gave him their blessings. Only Penny walked into the kitchen for some reason, and of course Carl noticed...

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