"You haven't caught him yet? Doesn't he look pretty capable?" Frankly speaking, Carl was quite interested when he heard the stall owner say that. He came to Knockturn Alley to steal? He has some skills. He came from Diagon Alley and had never heard of any theft.

This means that this person only steals in Knockturn Alley, which is very interesting. A person only robs criminals and not civilians? Obviously, people in Diagon Alley are easier to attack.

If Carl was stealing or robbing, he would never choose Knockturn Alley, because that would cause a car accident. It would be easier to deal with students or wizards who are alone in Diagon Alley.

He is a little curious about that person now, but it is limited to curiosity.

"Hehe, he is just a idiot who dares not even take out his wand. We couldn't catch him purely because he is quite skilled and a little slippery, and..." At this point, the stall owner stopped abruptly as if he was telling a story to leave suspense. He looked at Carl with some expectation.

Carl was also naturally curious, "What else?"

Seeing Carl's curiosity, the man immediately started to react in a polarized manner, "Hey sir, our small business is not easy, do you want to hear the information..."

He made a money gesture, and Carl didn't say anything nonsense. He took out two gold galleons and threw them over. Seeing that the man was quite respectful, he didn't want to entangle himself. It was okay to give him a little money. Anyway, he lacked everything except money. Even if he went to dig a hole in the snow in the game now, he had a chance to throw out eighty or one hundred.

"Sir, you are so straightforward!" The man knew that Carl had an extraordinary background. Since he got the tip, he naturally began to introduce, "That man is strange. The evil curses on him seemed to be useless.

At that time, several people surrounded him, and the black magic frame was smashed down. He dodged several of them, and several hit him. The evil curses should have been extremely painful, but the man didn't even groan."

"Special physique? Haven't heard of such a physique?" Carl had some guesses. The effect was so obvious. After all, it was something he made himself, so he couldn't be unaware.

But Carl still pretended not to know and continued to ask.

"No, those people didn't hurt him with black magic, but they stabbed him with a scimitar. The man dropped a broken tail ring in a panic..." The man approached Carl and whispered.

"Guess what that is?" The man smiled, with some greed in his eyes.

"What? Oh wait, you suddenly stopped. Are you going to raise the price temporarily? After all, the next information should be at another price?" Carl is not a fool. Looking at the man's eyes, he knows what he is thinking. He wants to continue to raise the price temporarily.

"Let me put it this way. Although I still have money in my hand, I don't want to give it to the same person. I guess everyone knows about it after such a big incident. I believe the next person can tell me well, and..."

"Next time he will probably answer my questions well, after all, he probably wants to make this money." Carl doesn't care about money, but it doesn't mean he doesn't care about being cheated.

"No, no, no, of course not, the money you gave is enough. To tell you the truth, that thing is an alchemical product, but it is a semi-damaged version. It broke after an evil curse. It is probably too many times." The stall owner answered hurriedly. After all, Carl did give enough. If this matter is not a private matter, it is not his exclusive information.

"The power of this alchemical product is really amazing..." The man nodded after thinking for a while, and there were more greedy beams in his eyes.

"So? Are most people looking for that person now?" Carl asked.

"The number of thefts has not decreased, but he obviously still has stocks and has not been caught so far." The man said.

"I don't know what kind of good luck this kid has. The outflow of alchemical products is much more precious than a bottle of top-grade potion." It is obvious that the alchemical products of the thief were not produced by himself. After all, no matter where an alchemist goes to seek refuge, he will be treated as a guest of honor. Even if he does not go to seek refuge, he can enjoy a wealthy life alone.

Alchemy, alchemy, I have never heard of an alchemist who lacks gold.

"I see." Carl nodded. It must be said that although it was beyond his expectation, Fuerli did help him spread his reputation in Knockturn Alley while protecting his information. It was just enough...

It is difficult to describe what he wants to say.

But isn't it a bit too dangerous? If he is caught, he will die. Is this man so desperate for money? I thought he was a coward, after all, he and the five gangstersWhen fighting, Fuerli really did what he said, except for putting up a shield.

It seems that we have to find him first. His reputation has indeed spread, but what to do next is a bit tricky...

Carl bypassed the man and planned to find Fuerli. The man just asked him to stop. It is probably because his black robe is similar to Fuerli's, so he recognized him wrongly. Then Fuerli might be active nearby. If he is lucky, he may be able to hide.


"Hiss, it's a bit troublesome..." Looking at the pursuit in front and the siege behind, Fuerli frowned. He didn't know when the black-robed man would come to find him.

So he had to make a little more noise. That's right, Fuerli's method was to create some accidents and let the enemy attack him, leaving the remains of the tail ring after retreating.

There are also some alchemical items. Although they are scrapped, people with a little ability can see it at a glance. Let them solve the case by themselves, which is much better than blocking them to sell.

You see, within three days, Knockturn Alley was abuzz with rumors. His plan was 50% completed perfectly, but the tricky thing was that for a student like him who dropped out of school...

No matter whether it was a spell or a curse, it was completely useless...

This gave him the opportunity to steal or even rob, but if they surrounded him, he could not guarantee that he would escape unscathed.

Barely avoided a spell...

Oh, of course. His skills were not learned in school at all. He barely learned them when he was a profiteer in Knockturn Alley.

You see, society always teaches people much more than school.

After three days of hiding, Fuerli was finally blocked by three teams at the end of an alley. "Hahahaha, are you guys chasing us too hard..."

Take one step at a time, Fuerli pretended to be relaxed and faced the three teams. After today's chase, his inventory was almost exhausted. At present, he only had one ring left, and it was a semi-destroyed product that could not withstand one or two attacks.

It feels a bit difficult to leave.

When the three teams saw that they had finally found someone, they all nodded and looked at each other. One of them looked at the timid Fuerli with a hint of disdain in his eyes, "You should still have something in your hand. Hand it over and save your life, or we will kill you and let you hand it over. It's your choice."

"Of course I handed it over myself. I cherish my life very much..." Fuerli pretended to take out something. He took out two pinky rings with a concealed look. To be precise, they were completely scrapped and had lost their luster.

"Wait..." Fuerli took out the rings and fiercely glared at the eyes of the people in front of him, but took them back at a very fast speed.

"Do you still want to play tricks?" The three men in the lead looked at Fuerli fiercely. Fuerli deliberately pretended to be submissive, but his brain was working rapidly.

"No, no, no, of course not like that, gentlemen..." He said to the group of people in front of him in a slightly flattering manner. This is what he is best at.

"But how can I guarantee that I will be safe and sound if I hand over the things?" Fuerli said.

"We should..." The leader on the left was interrupted just as he was about to say something.

The leader of the team in the middle was not fooled, "Do you still think you have a chance to negotiate now? Hand over the things you took and the good things you got as soon as possible, and we will certainly not make things difficult for you." It was obvious that this man was not easy to fool, and the team he led was the largest and the strongest. Fuerli almost lost his props to him several times.

But it was obvious that this leader was an arrogant person. Although what he said at the beginning made sense, the person who was interrupted was obviously unhappy, and the leader of the other team next to him was obviously not very satisfied with this arrogant guy.

"Look, I only have two tail rings left. This matter is difficult to handle, right? How are you going to divide it? I can swear that there is no benefit at all for me to lie to you now?" Fuerli said, in fact, he was of course talking nonsense.

The remaining things were not two but only one, and one of the two rings was just a defective product that had not been broken after being used, but it was not broken in appearance because of good luck.

He took advantage of the distance and the group of guys without alchemy foundation could not see it, so he began to make up lies casually.

"So how do you divide them? You can't split them, right?" Fuerli made a gesture and said helplessly.

"Look, you have three teams, who knows if you will be angry with me when you are angry about the division later, II am very worried about my personal safety." Fuerli pretended to be afraid. He kept moving his hand holding the ring horizontally, and the group of people in front of him also moved horizontally with Fuerli's hand.

The three teams obviously had their own ideas. Of course, the best result was to take it all for themselves. If not, it would be good to take one. As for the stolen money, Fuerli's flexible skills showed that he would not keep it close to him.

There is no point in worrying about this.

They might as well snatch his props and sell them to rich people. This way, they can recover their losses and make a lot of money. Besides, the things Fuerli stole were not good things for them.

If it weren't for the slap in the face and the ring in Fuerli's hand that could offset the evil curse, they wouldn't even care about such things.

Especially the arrogant man who just interrupted others, his calculations were already overflowing from his eyes. He wanted Of course, he wanted all of them. The cooperation with the two teams next to him was a temporary measure caused by Fuerli's slippery nature.

Now that he has been caught, then...

"Then..." After the conversation just now, Fuerli roughly understood the composition of the three teams. The cooperation was not deep, but a short-term partnership formed to capture him.

In this case, it is easier to deal with. Fuerli quickly threw the ring into the arms of the arrogant man in the middle. Before he could react, Fuerli picked up the wand and cast an evil spell. The moment before the evil spell hit the man, the magic power suddenly disappeared without a sign, which made everyone else very familiar.

What was thrown out was the real thing...

Everyone thought so. While others were stunned, Fuerli rushed out of the crowd. Looking at Fuerli running away quickly, others were uncertain, "Is the boss going to chase him? ”

Chase? Of course they should, but not now, after all, the thing they want is on that person. The man's eyes moved to his companion.

And the leader who got the ring also began to have his own little thoughts. If he wanted to eat it all at the beginning, how could he spit it out now that he had eaten it?

"Let's go after that guy now. He probably has more on him. He will definitely not let you run in vain." The man put away the ring unnoticeably and pretended to chase Fuerli.

But he knew that Fuerli probably didn't have more on him. After all, he had been escaping for a few days and it was a huge consumption for him.

"Do you think I don't know what you are thinking? ", the remaining two teams also knew the thoughts of the man in the middle. They were not as smart as him, but they were definitely not stupid.

The three teams each picked up their wands and began to confront each other.

And Fuerli, who ran away, exchanged his almost scrapped ring for another successful escape. Very good, this step was also perfectly completed. The next step was to wait for the man in black robe to find him.

Now Knockturn Alley was spreading like wildfire, and his mission was perfectly completed.


At the end of the alley, Carl watched a melee, about thirty to forty people, and he watched their movements from the side.

His Disillusionment Charm was not bad, although it was not very stable, but if it was just for the convenience of finding people, the unstable Disillusionment Charm was enough.

But the crowd melee was obviously not that good-looking. Carl only watched for a while and wanted to leave immediately, but just when he was about to step out, a man's exclamation caught his attention.

"Wait, wait, we were fooled by that guy, these two rings are half-defective! ", the man was hit by a curse, which was aimed at his heart. He originally wanted to avoid damaging the ring, but seeing that his life was really threatened, he finally used the ring removal.

However, the moment he used it, half of the spell was removed. Just when he thought he would be safe, the powerful curse suddenly broke through the defense of the ring and hit him hard.

In contrast, the ring was also broken!

This is obvious. Everyone has seen that the scrapped ring is like this...

"What did you say?" The fight in the crowd gradually subsided. Looking at the familiar wreckage of the ring, the answer was obvious.

Only ten minutes, that guy can't run far.

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