Mr. Ollivander searched for a long time in the pile of debris, and finally took out an old and simple wooden box, shouting happily "I found it!"

Mr. Ollivander opened the wooden box, which was larger and older than the usual boxes. The wood grain on it was cracked, and the shell made a creaking sound, which was the sound of metal rusting. When it was about to be opened, the lid of the box broke unceremoniously due to the tension, making a "crackling" sound.

"..." If it weren't for the original book, Carl would really doubt Mr. Ollivander's professionalism.

Mr. Ollivander showed the wand inside. The black and simple wand body was covered with regular diamond stripes. It looked a bit old. The most important thing was that the wand was very long, at least 35 cm. The wand lay quietly on the purple cashmere cushion. Carl felt a little close to it when he saw it.

Mr. Ollivander was not embarrassed by the quality of the wand box at all. Instead, he proudly introduced the wand.

"You reminded me of it. You have the same contradiction. In fact, this wand is one of the most successful wands I made in my early years, but no one has been able to take it away so far."

"Although I'm not sure, let's give it a try."

Carl held the wand lying on the cashmere pad. The texture was a bit tough, and it felt more like a dagger than a wand. Wouldn't you really let me fight Voldemort in close combat? Even if the times have changed, it should be a hot weapon.

Complaining aside, Carl gently waved the wand and realized his fate with this wand. It felt like an unprecedented fit. Carl felt his blood boiling in his body. Unlike the self-righteous sense of identity just now, this time he acknowledged this wand from the bottom of his heart and soul. The wand also responded to Carl. Its tip emitted a brighter light than before. With another wave, a stream of water slowly condensed. One person and one wand fit perfectly, but Carl is still a little small now. It's a little funny that such a short child holds such a long wand.

Seeing that Carl's wand was also found, Lily, who was originally worried about whether it could not be found, hugged Carl excitedly, "Oh! Carl, you are so good. I was just worried about you!"

Lily's hug was indeed a bit unbearable. Her enthusiasm was almost suffocating. Physically, Carl couldn't breathe!

"Lily, Carl is about to be strangled to death by you." It was Sev who was next to him who pulled Lily down and saved Carl, "Oh, thank you Sev, I just thought I was going to die..."

"I didn't mean it..."

"Be careful next time, Lily. If I become the first person in history to enter St. Mungo's because of a hug, then we can be famous in a sense." Carl looked distressed.

Sev glanced at him and ruthlessly added, "Are you sure you won't be infamous for thousands of years, Mr. Carl?"

"It takes a certain level to be infamous for thousands of years. I will take it as a compliment."

Mr. Ollivander had been silent just now. It was obvious that he was stunned. He didn't come back to his senses until the little wizards finished making a fuss. "I can't believe it..."

Then his eyes were filled with ecstasy. "You actually matched. In fact, I have recommended it to many wizards, but none of them could match it perfectly..."

"Why?" Carl was a little confused. He picked up the wand and checked the patterns on it. Except that some were old and some were long, the rest seemed normal.

"Because its wand body is elder, and there are few wizards who can match elder, and this wand is equipped with a unicorn hair core." Ollivander said.

Connect, connect, connect... Elder, Carl was in a hurry and fiddled with it in his hand like a hot potato for a while before he could calm down.

"Don't be nervous. Although it was said in ancient times that 'elderwood sticks will never prosper', that was just some unfounded superstitious stories made up by many people out of fear of elderwood sticks."

"Elderwood is the rarest wood, and it is also very difficult to control. It usually does not associate with ordinary people. Only extraordinary wizards can control it." Ollivander looked around Carl, nodding and making a surprised sound.

"Its core is made of unicorn hair. Although unicorn hair is very stable when transmitting magic, it is often not the most powerful. Elderwood makes up for this shortcoming very well."

"It's contradictory, isn't it? So it has stayed here for so long, and now it has to leave this store."

Carl clenched the wand and fell into deep thought. He touched the wand. Ollivander thought he cared about the not-so-good reputation of elderwood, so he continued, "Don't worry, kid, the Deathly HallowsThe old wand is also made of elder, and many great wizards use elder as their wands. There is nothing wrong with it. "

"It's better to say that its match is too rare. I can be sure that you will have a special destiny..."

Well... Although Carl always felt that Mr. Ollivander would say similar things to every little wizard, he still didn't say it directly, but just asked. "How many Galleons does it cost?" Of course, he didn't dislike this wand, on the contrary, he liked it very much.

"Seven Galleons, I would have added a little more, but I suspect that if you don't take it away, it will continue to gather dust here for fifty or sixty years."

"Thank you very much, sir. "Carl wiped his wand lovingly, and then paid the money very readily. Everyone found their own wands, and now it was time to go out and wait for Penny and the adults.

As soon as Lily went out, she planned to pounce on the stall opposite, but unfortunately, she was caught by Sever and Carl on the left and right before she was thrown out.

"Sever..." Lily looked at Sever aggrievedly, and Sever turned his head away without looking at Lily's eyes. "Sorry Lily, but the adults told her to stay at the door and not run around."

"Carl..." Seeing that Sever didn't give her the opportunity to release her skills at all, Lily pointed the spearhead at Carl again. "Okay, Carl, please, just let me go... please."

Carl didn't turn his eyes away. He looked at Lily's eyes. Lily saw that the attack was effective and continued to release the starry eye attack. "Please, please, Carl, you want to play too, right? We have the same idea. Don't help Sever kill my young heart. "

"Ah this..." Lily was right that Carl really wanted to go out and play, but...

"Carlos Coster..." Severus's dark eyes swept over directly, and Carl immediately stood firm. "Oh Lily, I'm sorry, I'd better wait for someone here, hahahaha."

Lily snorted a little, and finally said nothing. Carl and Sever were in the same group. He betrayed their peerless comradeship just because of Sever's eyes, this hateful man!

The three little wizards waited in the same place for a while and saw Penny and the adults coming towards them from a distance. To be precise, it was Penny and the many desserts she was holding, as well as the adults.

"I'm glad you stayed here obediently, Severus thank you." Leah carried some things and expressed her gratitude to Sever. Sever replied, "You're welcome, Aunt Leah, I'm happy to do it."

Carl was not convinced, "Mom! I didn't run around either!"

"Do you really not want to run around? "Liya shook her head. She knew her son's nature very well. Karl's eyes were vague and he didn't answer Leah's words. The answer was obvious.

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