Carl stuffed some food in his mouth and the meal was quickly finished. Everyone packed their luggage and prepared to go to King's Cross Station. Lily agreed with Carl and Sever to meet at King's Cross Station.

Sitting in the car, Ceci drove the car attentively, and Leah was proofreading the manuscript sent in the morning, so it was rare to be very quiet.

Carl looked at the book in Sever's hand in addition to the wand, and asked curiously, "What is this, Severus?" Severus was about to answer, but Carl's sight was quickly diverted by something flying by the roadside.

Sever shook his head helplessly and clenched the book in his hand. His thoughts went to yesterday. He just happened to go to Spider's End Lane when Tobias was not there. My mother, Irene, was still sitting on the bed, muttering something crazy.

"Mom." Sever's voice was a little solemn. Irene lowered her head, and then raised her head very slowly. After a long while, she finally recognized her son.

"I'm going to Hogwarts." Severus shared the news with his mother, but Irene immediately covered Sever's mouth, and then looked around in a panic, as if she was afraid of being heard by someone.

Sever knew who it was, it was his father Tobias "No, Sever... No, you can't go there!" Irene's tone was a little crazy. She pressed Sever's shoulders to make sure he wouldn't say words like Hogwarts, magic, or wizards, and then she started to roar hysterically.

"Why do you have magic! If you don't, if you don't..." Her voice was hoarse, and it was obvious that this poor and hateful woman attributed one of the reasons for her lack of happiness to her poor young child.

"Mom!" Sever suddenly seemed to be determined, and stopped his mother loudly, and Irene also regained her calm after a period of madness.

"Everything was fine, if not...if not...Tobias would never become like this, he would love me, he would..." When Irene thought of this, she smiled and her face was filled with happiness. Then she woke up from her dream in the next second, crying and laughing, looking even crazier. Seeing such a mother, Severus went forward to help her, but was slapped away by Irene. Neither of them spoke again. After hitting Severus, Irene also fell into a rare calm, and then Irene looked up and her eyes were no longer crazy.

Severus looked at Irene, and Irene was very unfamiliar with this. In fact, in Severus' memory, Irene had briefly shown this look several times, and she was no longer crazy and capricious, and even told him a story like an ordinary mother.

Severus tried to persuade his mother to leave Tobias countless times, but all ended in failure. This time he didn't even speak. "Mom, I'll take the train to Hogwarts tomorrow, wish me good luck..." Severus was about to leave after saying that. He had originally planned to ask Irene if she could see him off, but now it seemed better to forget it. At this moment, Irene suddenly said, "Sever..."

Irene slowly got up from the bed, and then lifted up the broken bed, sorted out the things covered inside, most of which were already covered with dust. Irene gently swept the dust and handed Sever a notebook that combined various potion improvement methods.

"Take it, it will be useful." Irene said, flipped the bed down again, and sat on it. Severus looked at his mother for a short while, but in the end he didn't say anything. Before closing the door, he looked at his mother on the bed again, and he slowly closed the door of the room.

"Good luck, my child." Looking at the closed door, Irene slowly uttered a sentence. She "loved" Sever, there was no doubt about that, but she loved the "love" that Tobias brought her in the long river of life more, the most shining and bright existence. She couldn't step out of the cage of love she had woven for herself. She couldn't step out and couldn't leave Tobias. She could only guard this cage for the rest of her life.


Sever's thoughts gradually returned not because he didn't want to think about it anymore but because, for some reason, Carlos Coster was completely asleep and leaning against him like a sticky candy. Sever couldn't ignore such a big man.

Just when Sever was about to push Carl to wake him up, he looked at Carl's quiet sleeping face and suddenly withdrew his hand. Forget it, it's just a journey and it's nothing. Let him sleep for a while, otherwise it will be very noisy if he is called.

In this way, Sever was leaned on by Carl almost all the way, and he barely woke up until he arrived at the station. Leah and Cece went downstairs to get the luggage from the trunk first. They asked Sever to wake up Carl. Of course, before Sever started to call him, Carl woke up slowly by himself. After waking up, he was still sighing that he didn't have a stiff neck.Then he faced Sever's face which was magnified countless times.

Carl immediately jumped up, intending to move his head away from Sever's shoulder, but he ignored the height of the car roof and accidentally hit his head on the car door.

The huge sound attracted Leah's attention, and she immediately asked, "Carl! What's wrong with you?" Carl certainly didn't want Leah to know that he had a hole in his head, so he immediately replied, "Nothing!"

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts..." When Leah's attention was not here, poor Carl immediately covered his head and began to groan softly. Sever immediately went forward to check and found that it was a simple scratch, so he was completely relieved.

"If you didn't jump up and down like a stupid monkey, your head wouldn't hit the roof of the car." Sever took out his wand and used a simple recovery on Carl's head, and Carl's head immediately stopped hurting.

"If you wake up and see my face magnified countless times, how would you feel? You can't blame me..." Carl touched his recovered head and muttered in dissatisfaction.

After listening to his words, Sever looked at Carl's face carefully, squinting his eyes and wondering what he was thinking. After a long while, he slowly said, "Anyway, I won't be like you, jumping up in a mess and hitting my head. It doesn't hurt anymore, right? Be careful next time."

Carl jumped off the car with some dissatisfaction, muttering, "If it was Sever, he might react more than me, after all, you are not as thick-skinned as me..."

"Is that something to be proud of?"

As the two were talking, Leah Cece had already taken the luggage, parked the car, and set out to find Lily and the others. Following the signs, they came to the area between the ninth and tenth platforms. As soon as they arrived there, they saw the Evans family.

"Sever Carl!" Lily also had a ticket, she ran over, and Penny shouted from behind, "Lily, slow down!" This was of course to prevent the noisy Lily from falling.

Lily slowed down immediately after hearing that, but walked to Carl and Sever at a very fast speed. They exchanged excited glances with each other, and then gathered around the third pillar to look around. Of course, it was mainly Carl and Lily who were looking around. Opposite them was the entrance to the station that Professor McGonagall had mentioned, where the train to Hogwarts was hidden.

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