There was silence again in the air. Snape, I had never heard of him. He was probably a Muggle wizard, or a half-blood. Slytherin would reject him extremely. After a few seconds, Lucius was surprised for only a few seconds. He gave himself the calmness and composure that belonged to pure blood. He applauded first, and then scattered applause sounded on the long table.

Severus walked to the long table of Slytherin and sat down. The wizards who were closer to him seemed to avoid the plague and bounced away. From time to time, they made some mocking sounds. Severus looked a little unhappy. Carl hated this the most. Just as he was about to stand up, he was pulled down by a girl next to him.

She was also a freshman who had just been assigned to Ravenclaw. The brown-haired girl secretly pressed Carl's hand and whispered to him about the pros and cons.

"We can't control Slytherin's affairs. He's your friend, right? If you rush up, his situation will only get worse." Carl paced and slowly pressed down. His blue eyes kept turning, glancing at what happened at the Slytherin table. In the end, he didn't say anything, just sat down, puffing up his cheeks in frustration.

"But..." Carl felt that he couldn't just watch it. It would be too lame if he couldn't do anything when Sev was bullied.

Sev was recruited after Lucius Malfoy discovered his talent for alchemy. This method worked. Perhaps he should help Sev develop his talent for alchemy earlier. Although Slytherin admires pure blood, it also values ​​strength. It is indeed not appropriate to have a conflict now.

"Thank you." Carl turned around and thanked the brown-haired girl, who was relieved a little. "No need to thank me. Even if I didn't remind you, you would have been able to make a trade-off."

"Alice Brown, your name is Carlos Coster, right? Carlos, nice to meet you." Alice was very cheerful, like a little sun, and she gave her own name and called Carl's name accurately. It seemed that she had just watched the sorting ceremony very seriously.

Carl always felt that she sounded familiar, but he couldn't remember who she was for a while. After thinking for a while, Carl decided not to think about it and gave his own name first.

"Yes, Alice, but you can call me Carl. Well, I'm more used to other people calling me that." The two freshmen exchanged names and then started chatting. Carl could always adapt to various environments very quickly. At this moment, he was making Alice laugh with a cold joke.

After a joke, before Carl could act cute again, the sorting ceremony was completed. Headmaster Dumbledore tapped his glass a few times on the stage and said two sentences.

Well, it was really just two sentences.

Idiot, scum, crybaby, twist. These words of old Dumbledore are used by every generation after the case is solved. I will reveal the truth to Harry and others in the next generation.

Dumbledore waved his wand slightly and a lot of food appeared out of thin air on the long table.

Small steak, Carl stared at the steak in front of him, cut a piece with a knife and put it in his mouth to chew. Although he had just eaten a little snack, it was not as full as a full meal.

Carl chewed the steak, which was not as delicious as his mother's. He was a little unaccustomed to the unfamiliar taste, but he was really hungry. Carl thought about it. Between spending a thousand gold to finish a bottle of tonic water or honestly buying small steak for zero yuan, he finally decided to eat it obediently to fill his stomach.

Well... I still want to eat what my mother cooks. Carl barely stuffed his steak and began to look around. James over there was very dishonest. He started to flirt with cats and dogs as soon as he sat down. A circle of people soon surrounded him. Here came the socialite of the Lion Court——

Lily was also struggling with the steak on the plate. She must have felt that the steak was not as delicious as Mrs. Evans's. James kept showing his presence in front of Lily, but it could be seen that Lily was just politely agreeing with something and didn't mean to get too close.

Then there was Sever. Sever's situation was not good. There was no one around him. Lucius only slightly expressed that he was not opposed. Now that no one talked to him, maybe he should go to Slytherin? At least there were two people who were isolated. When Carl looked over, Sever seemed to notice his gaze and gave Carl a reassuring look.

The two exchanged a few glances, and after confirming that the other party was okay, they continued to look for food. Finally, Headmaster Dumbledore led everyone to sing the school song in different accents.

After singing the school song in different tones, the prefects of each house led the freshmen back to the dormitory. The password to the Eagle House lounge was a puzzle. After the prefect answered the password correctly, he led everyone back to the lounge. He told the boys and girls where their dormitories were located, and then immediately let everyone disperse on the spot.

The overall atmosphere of Ravenclaw is very goodSeveral seniors were casting magic with wands on the sofa, and several seniors were flipping through books. Carl felt that this place should not be called a lounge, but the House of the King of Books.

Professor Flitwick, as the dean of Ravenclaw, was responsible for briefly introducing the general practices of Ravenclaw to the freshmen and then left.

I don’t know what Severi is doing now. Carl held his chin and thought about the two friends who were assigned to other houses.

"Hi? Carl, are you thinking about your friend? The black-haired Slytherin." Alice saw Carl, who was lying on the side, taking a book and walking over, holding something in his hand. Carl looked listless and a little out of strength. Alice looked at Carl and planned to remind him a little, "The class will start tomorrow, don't you plan to preview it?"

For tomorrow's class, Carl went through the schedule in his mind, and Alice whispered before Carl said it.

"It's the spells class. I heard from other seniors that it's our dean's subject after all, so I think we can preview it and give the dean some surprises or something?" Alice held the wand in her hand, and her movements were a little hesitant. She held her wand and looked at the feather in her hand hesitantly.

"Hmm?" Carl had never thought about previewing. In fact, he never had the habit of previewing. Whether in his previous life or this life, his baseline test and other teachers all passed it in one intensive test, so...

"It's okay, but where did your feather come from, Alice?" Carl looked at the feather in Alice's hand with some doubts. Alice raised the feather and looked at Carl and blinked, "Just now a senior sent it to me, saying that I can try it in advance."

Carl was just thinking about Sever and Lily and didn't notice what was happening around him. When he looked up, he found that every little wizard was holding a feather in his hand and looking at it, and some of them had seniors and seniors assisting them.

Carl, who was thinking about just getting by, was caught in the middle of the King of Rolls and couldn't breathe. If he rolled, it would be a bit too much for Carl. If he didn't roll, he felt that he didn't fit in with this place and was a little embarrassed. Is it too late to tell the Sorting Hat that he wants to go to Slytherin?

"Do you need it?" Alice gave her feather to Carl and then took out another one from her pocket. "I saw you were in a daze just now, so I asked the senior for an extra one. Can we try it together?"

Carl took his wand out of his pocket and planned to roll it lightly to blend into the environment. Besides, he was really interested in magic. He had been working in the mines for several months and only thought about physical exorcism. He had no chance to try magic attacks.

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