Sever looked at Carl who was pulling his sleeve and pulled his sleeve out of Carl's hand without any hesitation. Just when Carl thought that Sever would definitely reject him ruthlessly, he heard a light voice.

"Well... OK."

Hmm? I shouldn't have heard it wrong. Carl's eyes, which were originally a little depressed, immediately widened. "Okay, you can't regret it."

"Let's eat first, and then go back to your own college's long table. There will be more people later." After eating a little, Carl returned to the long table of Ravenclaw. Sever left after eating and didn't know what to do. Carl said that he really couldn't get used to other things. Even if they were really good, he didn't know why he always felt that they were not as good as those made at home.

Alice was also there at the long table at Ravenclaw. She was still guarding the spell book and fighting the levitation spell. "Alice, haven't you eaten yet? The first class is about to start. It's Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class. I think you haven't forgotten it, the one with Gryffindor?"


Alice looked at the long table as if she had just woken up from a dream. She put down her wand and gave up the duel with the levitation spell. Alice's tone was a little weak when she spoke. "Thank you, Carl. I almost forgot. I'll eat right away. God knows why the levitation spell is so difficult to learn. I practiced it for half an hour in the dormitory under the quilt last night."

"Maybe it's just that you're not used to casting a spell for the first time? You shouldn't be a wizard from a Muggle family, right? Why are you so unskilled in casting spells? Children from wizard families should be exposed to magic earlier." Carl thought about it for a while. Alice didn't look like a child from a Muggle family. She knew a little about Slytherin, so she was probably born in a pure-blood family, at least a mixed-blood.

"Oh, yes, but it's very dangerous for a wizard under the age of eleven to cast magic, so I didn't really use a wand to cast spells alone before entering Hogwarts." Alice was a little frustrated, and took the bread on the table to vent her anger.

"Usually my father holds the wand, and I hold the front end. Before I officially used the levitation spell yesterday, I always thought my levitation spell was good."

"Now that I think about it, maybe your father's silent spell is good." Carl teased, Alice pouted her lips and buried her whole body on the dining table "You are right, dear Carl."

"Think of it well, Alice, your father's silent spell is so good, as his daughter, you won't be bad, it's just that you are not used to casting spells alone."

Estimating that the time is almost up, Carl got up with his textbook and prepared to go to class. At this time, he suddenly found that Lily was not in the cafeteria. Because the two colleges had classes together, Carl wanted to find Lily to go with him.

Not only that, James and Sirius were not there either. Lupin and Peter were eating. Lupin was easy to recognize because there was a long scratch on his face.

Carl decided to ask. He always felt that Lily's disappearance was related to James and Sirius. "Oh, hi, hello, you are Potter and Sirius' roommates, right? I found that they didn't come to the cafeteria. Maybe you know where they went?"

Lupin was packing his books. He thought about it and told Carl truthfully, "James said that he had a friend who was a friend of a Muggle family. Maybe she was not familiar with Hogwarts, so he wanted to pick her up to come to the cafeteria, but I don't know why she hasn't arrived yet."

It was you, James Pott, I knew it. Where did this guy take our Lily? Suddenly I remembered that Harry and Ron got lost on the first day of class in the original book. It seems that Harry's road idiot is inherited from you.

I hope he is in trouble. Hehe, although Carl thought so in his heart, he still packed three sandwiches and put them in his sleeves.

Ah, poor Princess Lily was kidnapped by the evil dragon James and his thug Sirius. How should I rescue her? 0025, do you have any idea?


Carl avoided the crowd and began to call 0025 in a low voice. He had to find those three people, otherwise they would be absent from class on the first day, making Gryffindor less Gryffindor. Then the history of Gryffindor advanced by at least ten years, fast forward to when Sever was the dean.

[If the host wants to find Lily Evans and others, 0025 can help. ]

0025 is indeed a high-tech artificial intelligence, so reliable, Carl sighed in his heart, but the next second Carl only felt that 0025's voice was one octave lower.

[One exploration navigation consumes 10,000 gold per hour. If the host needs to deduct money to open it. ]

"? How much."

[0025's navigation is not a loading module but uses big data calculation, so it consumesIt is relatively large, but 0025 can guarantee an accuracy of 80% to 90%, and it is definitely the shortest time in theory. ]

"Okay, you open it..." Carl reluctantly cut off 10,000 gold, and a red shearing indicator immediately appeared on the ground, with the intimate note [Lily Evans's location] on it.

"This can't be a castrated version of the wicked map, why is it so plastic..."

Carl began to search in the direction of the arrow, and at the same time.

Lily looked at James and Sirius a little angrily, and stomped her small leather shoes lightly, "You said you knew the shortest distance, so I will go with you."

"Well, there may be some minor flaws..." James looked at Lily at a loss, and finally he put his finger on his head to swear.

"Five minutes ago I swore I would definitely leave."

Sirius shook his head and said to James earnestly, "Brother, you also said it was five minutes ago. Unfortunately, we may become the first students to be late this school year."

"I hope the professor will find us missing after class and come out to find us. Guess what, my mother may send me an extended envelope of criticism for entering Gryffindor and being late for class on the first day at two o'clock."

"Maybe she will send a howler letter, after all, it's easier."

"The stairs are like a maze. We won't have to fight this thing for the next seven years..." Lily was also a little distressed. When the three were sighing, misfortunes never come alone. These rustling sounds attracted the attention of Peeves in the corner.

A blue thing jumped out of the wall, "Look what I found, three poor little wizards who were alone."

Peeves' voice was playful. He swayed on the stairs, making a whirring sound, and from time to time he ran behind Lily or James Sirius, as if he was blowing air. I don't know if it was an illusion, but Lily always felt that the swaying stairs were even more shaky at the moment.

"Lily!" James stood in front of Lily. Peeves was very difficult to deal with. He always liked to play tricks on little wizards. To be honest, James didn't know what to do.

"Ah, Mr. Bloody Baron..."

Suddenly a voice came, and Peeves heard the words he feared the most. He became alert and looked around.

"Is it going this way?" The voice was getting closer and closer. Peeves didn't dare to distinguish the authenticity of the language. He was too afraid that Baron would slip into the gap of the stairs and quickly escape.

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