But Carl still underestimated James' flying ability. James flew up into the sky on his broom. Carl's pulling didn't work, and he even took him into the air.

Well, one accident turned into three. Carl, who was pulling James' clothes, had only this thought in his mind. Seeing Carl being brought up, James hurriedly pulled him onto the broom.

"James! Carl!" Sirius saw the two people flying into the sky and also picked up the broom to fly up, but it was obvious that Madam Hooch was prepared this time. She pressed Sirius down to prevent him from doing anything out of line.

"James, fly higher and get closer to Alice." Since they were all brought up, Carl turned his head and began to think about how to send all three of them to the ground safely as much as possible.

At the same time, on the other side of the playground, the members of the Gryffindor Quidditch team were fiddling with the Snitch on the periphery while thinking about the tactics for training later.

"Captain, look over there!" A member pointed to the two brooms flying in the sky.

"Isn't this a first-year flying class? How come they fly so high? This class of students is braver than we were back then." One of the pursuers shook his head while watching and made his own comments.

"Don't make a fuss, maybe something happened. I'll go check it out." The leader said.

"Wait here for a while, I'll go ask." After that, he trotted away with his broom.

There were three people flying in the air, and only James could fly. This was the hope of the whole village. Carl tried hard to maintain his balance and didn't want James to worry.

"Okay, then what?" Although James wanted to save people, he was completely relying on a rush and had no idea how to save them. Seeing that Carl was willing to make suggestions, he naturally hoped that the two of them would work together to save the people first.

In the air, Alice's broom kept flying and circling, and it seemed that she would fall headfirst at any time. James slowly approached the out-of-control Alice at a safe distance.

"Alice, calm down, raise your head." Carl shouted to Alice, hoping to calm her down. Alice heard the familiar voice, slowly raised her head and looked in the direction of the voice.

Seeing the familiar person, Alice tried hard to get up, but she could not help but see the high altitude below her, which made her more scared, and she hugged the broom again.

The broom shook more, but the worst situation had not yet occurred. Carl felt that it could still be rescued, "James, can you get closer?"

"Of course, you can, but it will definitely be dangerous. You have to tell me what you are going to do, right?" Carl controlled the broom, not only trying to maintain balance but also preventing Alice from accidentally bumping into it. It can be said that he was very alert.

"If I want Alice to float with her broom, I may not be able to do it, but if there is only Alice, I think I can give it a try. Move forward a little bit, and my levitation spell can be more accurate."

"Then don't shake your hands!" James instructed while opening the broom closer. As he got closer, Carl suddenly found that Alice's broom seemed to be about to disintegrate.

"James, move forward a little bit!" Carl shouted. James looked forward a little bit, and this distance was 100% enough.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Carl gestured with his hand, and the spell hit Alice. As Alice floated up, the broom completely disintegrated in the air, and the fragments fell on the lawn with a clatter.

Carl tried hard to maintain the magic, trying to hold on a little longer.

"Carl, hold on! If you can't control it well, not only will Brown die, but you may also fall down!" James kept the broom flying at a low altitude, and cheered Carl from time to time, hoping that he would not fall down halfway. Carl simply cast floating spells one after another, trying to maintain the floating state. When it reached a height where no one would be seriously injured if they fell, Carl let go of his hand a little exhausted, and Alice fell to the ground.

"Don't lean back! Falling on your head is no joke!" James tried hard to maintain balance but to no avail. Although he had a good flying talent, this situation was still tricky for him.

Carl and James' flying brooms also showed an unbalanced crisis state. James could only try to tilt the broom and slowly lower it, but a gust of wind destroyed all the balance of James' operation, and the two fell from both ends of the broom.

Madam Hooch was quick to act. She used her broom to steady Carl, who was about to fall, but she couldn't hold back Alice and James. She hoped that Alice and James wouldn't be hurt too badly.

While Madam Hooch was praying like this, Alice was caught by a man wearing a Gryffindor Quidditch uniform.The senior in the Seeker uniform picked her up.

He caught Alice steadily in the air with a diving posture, while James was cast a floating spell by Lupin and Sirius, and Peter caught her below, so he was lucky not to be injured.

"Well done..." James steadied his feet. The flight just now was a bit too exciting. When the excitement subsided, he patted Carl's shoulder in a rare friendly way.

"You too..." The two of them were interrupted by a shout before they finished their business compliments, "Mr. Potter! Mr. Coster!"

Mrs. Hooch settled Alice and then went to James and Carl. Mrs. Hooch frowned and looked at James, then at Carl, "I think I said that it is very dangerous for novices to fly. You should trust your professor instead of rushing up all by yourself."

"Sorry, ma'am." Carl admitted his defeat at the right time. James wanted to say something, but was stopped silently by Carl grabbing the corner of his clothes.

"Although you saved people, I hope you know that this is a very dangerous thing." Mrs. Hooch's mood stabilized. After all, James and Carl's original intention was to save people, and they did succeed.

"Although I will not deduct points from you for this, and I will give you one point each, but I hope that next time there is a problem, you will consider your own safety first. One week of labor activities, cleaning the school's exhibition room, both of you together." Mrs. Hooch gave a sweet date and a stick at the same time.

"Yes, professor, James and I will clean it well." Carl continued to be humble, James was a little unconvinced, but still did not express it due to the professor's majesty.

Sirius watched Carl and James being scolded and quietly lit a stick of incense for them. However, his mood did not last long, because Madam Hooch immediately added, "And you, Mr. Black! If I hadn't stopped you, you would have been the fourth one to go to heaven. I believe you would be willing to clean up the school's showroom with Potter and Coster."

"..." Unable to refute, Sirius felt that he was innocently affected but could not defend himself.

"Don't say that, professor, these little rascals have the mood to care for their classmates, which is a good thing." The Gryffindor Quidditch Seeker who had just rescued Alice came to the rescue of Carl and the others.

"You Gryffindor students are all the same. You also caused me a lot of trouble when you first took the flying class, Mr. Frank Longbottom."

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