"Yes." Carl stretched out his hand. Siver looked at it again and again and found nothing wrong, so he said again.

"Stretch out your arm and move it a few times."

Carl stretched out his hand very obediently, and then waved it a few times. Siver nodded with relief.

"What's wrong, Sev." Carl was puzzled, and stretched out his hand stupidly. Sev's eyes flashed with disgust. "I heard the news in the library. You and Gryffindor's Potter went up to the sky to perform aerial acrobatics."

"So I came to see if your brain and limbs were damaged." Sev stretched out a hand to press Carl's hand down. "It doesn't look like it, but even if it is damaged, it's nothing."

"After all, how high can the IQ of a guy who likes to be a hero in his first flying lesson be?"

"That was saving people." Carl tried to explain to Sev, and secretly shifted the blame. "And it wasn't me who wanted to go up, it was James..."

"Ah?" Sev narrowed his eyes again when he heard this name. The whole person's aura was full, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was cold. The air around him dropped rapidly, as if he was going to freeze people to death.

"Potter, it was Potter, I was accidentally taken up by him when I wanted to hold him." Carl swallowed the name James, and changed the subject and forced to change the statement, but Sev was not satisfied.

"So? You just followed him and risked your life to save people?"

"Potter is from a pure-blood family. He at least received wizard family education since childhood. What do you have? A passion or a life?" Severus looked at Carl to see what he could say.

"I have you, dear." Carl put his hand on his chin, half covered his lips, and twisted his whole body like a cute high school girl. Even though he was not yet a high school girl, his shy voice attracted the attention of many passing classmates.

"I believe you will not ignore me. You said no matter what..." Carl's performance showed geometric explosion as he got older.

Severus, looking at the attention of the people around him, decisively pretended not to know Carl and walked away in small steps.

"Eh?! Wait, Severus, don't leave..." Looking at Severus going away, Carl held his hand, but still couldn't keep him. He quickly retracted his performance and followed immediately.

"Where's Lily?" Sever saw Carl catching up and took bigger steps. "Lily went to watch Gryffindor's training. She seems to be interested in Quidditch." Carl hid James' information. After all, Sever seemed to hate James as always.

"Then let's go to the library today. Take notes for me today. You will have potions class soon. Don't hold me back."

"Okay, okay--"

In order not to follow Sever's hem and eat dust, Carl quickened his pace.

After spending an afternoon in the library with Sever, Carl barely remembered some potion names and configuration methods. Sever was busier. He looked at a thick notebook and compared it with the records in the book. He also wrote many annotations.

After dinner, Carl came to the showroom to look for Filch. Madam Hooch told Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick about this. Professor Flitwick seemed to be very busy. Carl did not see him and only received a note asking him to be outside the showroom at 8 o'clock in the evening. Carl was the first to arrive. Not long after he arrived, Filch arrived. James and Sirius did not arrive for some reason.

Filch seemed to have caught the tail with this.

"If the two of them are late, I will tell your professor, so you can add another week of labor." He said this, looking very happy. Carl looked at him and felt that his face was really hideous. Filch seemed to have noticed Carl's gaze and turned his head.

"You are the same kid, of course, even if you are not late, you still need it, who let you be together?" Filch was a little complacent. He laughed and shook a bunch of keys hanging on his head. The keys kept making a rattling sound, which sounded a little creepy.

Mrs. Norris is not as skinny as described in the original book. She is still a mature cat, so her fur is very thick and looks good.

But the eyes like searchlights are the same, "But we are from different colleges, I can't call them."

"But that's not what I want to think about."

"Give them some more time, Mr. Filch." Carl spoke well of James and Sirius. They deserved to add another week, after all, they were late, but poor Carl arrived on time, so he didn't want to be implicated.

"You wish, not even a minuteExtra, hehehe..."

Time passed by, Carl hoped James and Sirius would arrive soon, but they still didn't show up. Could they have lost their way again? This was not a good sign.

"Three minutes left..." Filch looked at his pocket watch and calculated the time. He was very happy because he thought James and Sirius would never arrive on time.

"One minute."

Filch looked at his pocket watch and issued a final ultimatum. Carl was ready to accept his fate, but in the next second, James and Sirius appeared outside the door frame.

"You are late." Filch said, he blocked the door frame to prevent James and the others from coming in, and Mrs. Norris also clung to the door frame and made a grinning sound. James and Sirius pursed their lips and did not come forward. They were tickled by Mrs. Norris, and that was no joke.

"Wait, maybe not? "Carl held out his hand to express his rebuttal. Filch's eyes rolled. "No matter how much you refute, it's useless. Even if it's one second late, it's the same. They are not in the showroom, not in the right place at the right time."

Filch stepped on the floor with his foot, and Carl blinked. "How do you know that's the right place?"

"At least my note says it's outside the showroom. James and Sirius were already outside the showroom at eight o'clock." Carl took out his pocket and took out the brand new small note, which was written the same as Carl said.

"They just didn't come in right away."

Filch looked at Carl, and Carl looked in calmly.

"The reason why they didn't come in is because." Carl shrugged and looked at Filch who was blocking the door frame. It was self-evident.

Filch flashed away from the door frame and snorted a little unconvinced, but in the end he didn't say anything. He just handed a few rags and a bucket of water to Carl and the others in a bad mood.

"I will come to check. I hope you don't be lazy. "After that, he left with Mrs. Norris.

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