"Isn't that Coster over there?" Lupin first spotted Sever supporting Carl. James looked in his direction and saw two black furry heads, one of which was drooping and a little listless.

"Really? What's going on?" James had some memories of Sever beside Carl, but not much. He looked at the snake school uniform he was wearing, jumping back and forth between talking to him and making trouble.

"Hey, Carl!" Sirius went straight up. His whole family was a nest of snakes, so he didn't really dislike Slytherin, at least not as much as James did.

"What's going on?" Sirius waved one hand in front of Carl, trying to get his attention, but Carl didn't respond.

"He's sick, I was planning to take him to Madam Pomfrey." For the sake of the sick idiot, Sever decided to communicate with them and send him to the hospital wing first.

Sirius touched Carl's forehead slightly and was shocked by the amazing temperature. "It's really so hot."

"James, come here, let's send Carl to the hospital wing first. Remus and Peter, you guys go eat first, I'll find you later." Sirius said goodbye to Lupin and Peter, and then grabbed Carl from Sever's arms. James also went over to carry him. It was indeed easier for two people to carry than for Sever alone.

"..." Carl was suddenly pulled away by Sirius. Sever was distracted for a moment, but he quickly reacted.

A group of people came to the hospital wing in a hurry. Madam Pomfrey subconsciously took a step back when she saw James coming, and then said, "It's not even a week since the start of school. How many times have you come here? Mr. Potter."

"It's not me this time." James scratched his head a little embarrassedly. Well, he has been here several times for big and small things since the start of school.

"It's him!" James helped Carl to show it to Madam Pomfrey. Pomfrey glanced at Carl's face and shouted in surprise, "Why did he not notice it until he was so feverish?"

James Sirius looked back at Sev who was coming from behind. Sev took a step forward and thought about what happened just now. Carl's breathing was indeed a little disordered and his complexion was not very good. He should have noticed it earlier.

"Sorry, I didn't notice it." Sev lowered his head, and Madam Pomfrey put down her hand on her waist. This sentence was not blaming Sev but Carl, who didn't pay attention to his own body.

"I mean he didn't notice it at all. It's not your fault, dear. If you don't realize that you are sick, how can others find it?" Madam Pomfrey comforted.

She helped Carl to the bed, and then searched around, looking for fever-reducing potions. "It's really worrying."

"Let the boys move aside, I'll give him some more medicine." Madam Pomfrey quickly found a potion. Although Carl was a little dazed, he was still conscious and had basic swallowing ability. Madam Pomfrey easily delivered the potion.

She tucked Carl into bed and told the other boys, "Don't be too hard, he needs to rest."

"Huh, it's finally done." After sending him to the hospital wing perfectly and settling him down, James wiped his sweat. He looked up and saw Sev sitting by the bed, glancing at him intentionally or unintentionally.

James was unsure. He wanted to take another look. He turned his head to the left, as if he was still looking. He turned his head to the right, and he was still looking at me. Then he continued to move to the right.

"Bang--" The two heads collided with each other. James and Sirius each touched his own half of the head. They wanted to howl in pain, but Madam Pomfrey had just told them to be quiet, so they held back.



James and Sirius each covered half of their heads, looking a little funny.

"What are you doing, Sirius? It hurts!" Although he said this angrily, James tried his best to lower his voice so that Carl couldn't hear it.

"I was going to ask you what you were going to do! Why did you suddenly turn your head!" Sirius also tried his best to lower his voice, and he pointed at James blankly.

"It's not my fault. The one by the bed just now... what? What was his name?" James quickly went through his memory in his brain but couldn't remember what Severus was called at all.

"Severus Snape." A cold voice came over, and James' brain instantly aligned with the information and suddenly realized, "Oh, yes, thanks brother, it's that Snape, I always feel that he is glaring at me."

"You must have seen it wrong, I always feel that he is glaring at me." Sirius felt that the probability of the man named Severus glaring at him was higher.The two started talking, but within three seconds, they simultaneously noticed that there was an extra person in the conversation. James and Sirius turned their heads at the same time, looked at each other, and then looked at the extra person.

The person they were talking to was Severus Snape himself.

"Hmm..." Sirius, James, speaking ill of someone in front of the real owner, a scene of social death.

"Thank you on behalf of Carl." Severus did not dwell on their conversation. If he dwelled on these two guys, then there was no doubt that he was a real troll.

"Hmm..." James and Sirius still did not respond. Although this guy was thanking him, he still felt so fierce.

Why? Detective Sirius began his brainstorming.

It was very normal for James, a love-brained man who pursued Lily, to be disliked by Severus, who was a friend of Lily's family [crossed out], but why did he?

Sirius thought about it and then set his sights on Carl lying on the bed. In order to verify this conjecture, he pretended to want to step forward.

"Then I'll do it..." Sirius' voice was drawn out for a long time, and he didn't say what he was going to do for a long time, but his hand gradually approaching Carl fully expressed it. Severus pressed down the corner of his mouth, as if silently saying, you dare!

"Take James to dinner. After all, there are labor activities in the evening. I will tell Professor McGonagall and do Carl's part together, so let him have a good rest." Sirius's hand turned and pulled James next to him. He finally finished the unfinished sentence.

He was sure it was not an illusion. After he finished speaking, the attitude of this classmate Snape softened completely.

Hahaha, if James and this Snape were in the same college, maybe there would be more topics. I hate you love-brains with no sense of boundaries.

Detective Sirius, a great success in solving the case.

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