"Carl." Sever's voice came from behind. Carl turned his head and saw that he met his eyes. He immediately stuffed the bread in his hand into his mouth and stuck to Sever. There was nothing he could do. Ravenclaw and Slytherin only had one short class of potions together. I don't know how the professors allocated it.

Fortunately, there were not many courses in the first year, so Carl had a lot of time to stick to Sever.

"Sever, I just lost face! Woohoo, it's all James' fault." Carl stuck to him and put his hand under his face to make a crying look.

"No matter how you think about it, the reason why I lost face is Potter's fault!!!" Carl pointed to James Potter who was still chewing dry bread next to him. He was obviously a cat but blurted out the classic saying of the lop-eared rabbit.

"? Don't be so ridiculous, Carlos Coster! Don't you lose face like this often?" James was puzzled. After all, the frequency of Carl's mischief was much higher than his.

Idiot plus idiot = super idiot. You can tell what Carl did with this Potter with your toes. It must be something evil again.

If possible, Severus really wants to kick this Potter out of the hall so that he won't harass Lily and lead Carl astray. With him next to him as a comparison, Black over there seems to be a lot more pleasing to the eye.

Unfortunately, he can't kick him out. Not to mention Carl, Lily will definitely stop herself.

Severus and Sirius James have never gotten along well, but today Sirius feels that Mr. Snape's face towards him has improved a lot.

Aligado, James-san, you attract firepower alone. Although you sacrifice your own happiness, we all get happiness.

James took the initiative to sacrifice himself for the unity and friendship among classmates. Come and tell me, thank you James.

"By the way, Sev, what are you going to dress up as for the party?"

"I don't plan to spend my energy on this kind of thing. I'd rather copy a few more potion recipes with this time."

"Hey, but didn't my mother also send Sev a set of clothes? Is it really okay to waste poor Miss Leah's kindness like this?" Carl pointed out the clothes that Sev took a look at and pushed into the bottom of the box, pouting to express his dissatisfaction.

"Do you want to hear what you are talking about? Aunt Leah sent two pieces for us to choose, but you took the one you can wear." Sev's mouth curled up with a sneer, and his eyes whizzed at Carl.

Carl looked at Sev's eyes without panic. He already had antibodies, antibodies to resist the gaze of the snake king, and he loudly refuted. "Why can't I wear that one!"

"Then why don't you try it on yourself, Mr. Koster?"

"I, I..." Carl was speechless and could only shut his mouth in the end.

Lily scratched her head and asked curiously, "What kind of dress is that? Why can't I wear it?" The package was delivered when Sever was refilling potions for Carl, so Lily had never seen it. At this moment, she was really curious about what the dress was like.

"Lily will know when she sees it tonight. Anyway, Sever and I!" Before Carl finished the second half of his sentence, a duel broke out between James and Sirius, "Come on, Sirius! Let's fight it out. The loser will play the broom, and the winner will be the snitch! One round, only one chance, to decide the winner!"

"Why do I have to play this game!" Sirius expressed his dissatisfaction, but James had already started shouting "Rock, Paper, Scissors!"

Hearing the sound, Sirius reflexively played a rock and sifted the scissors played by James. Obviously, he won.

James lost and looked at his hand in disbelief, while Sirius next to him immediately became excited.

"Oh, that's what you said. One round will decide the winner. We will play the Snitch and the broom tonight." Sirius went over to his good friend James and joked that it didn't matter whether they played the Snitch or not, but it was important to make James have a heart attack.

"But we don't have a costume." James was sweating and trying to struggle. Sirius said cheerfully, "It's okay. I can let our owl fly to Madam Malkin's robe shop. The dinner will be very late, so it doesn't matter at all."

"Come on, Severus, let's come too! Let's decide the winner! The loser will wear the best one in the bottom of the box." Carl rubbed his hands excitedly. He was not like James, who had the knack of rock-paper-scissors. If he wanted to win, the chance would be as high as 70%!

"Rock, paper, scissors!" Carl shouted and made a gesture himself, but Severus didn't take the bait at all and didn't stretch out his hand.

"Why do you think I will be like that Black?" Severus looked at the gloating and giggling beside James [actually he laughed very handsomely, beside himSirius, who was blushing beside him, looked at Carl who was making gestures blankly.

"Play, play!" Carl held Sever's hand and shook it continuously, "Why can Sirius agree to James, but you can't agree to me!"

"We grew up together, how can this not be compared to the two of them who are close friends who changed their ways!" Carl circled around Sever like a little animal as before, and then his eyes kept glittering with stars.

"Or is it that the love and time of these years are all wasted after all?"

"Wow! I don't want it!" Carl half-knelt under Sever's sleeve, and was about to cry with a wow.

Sirius looked at Carl and asked in confusion, "Carl, didn't you just say you wanted to maintain your image?"

"Why don't you plan to maintain it now?"

Carl pulled Sever's sleeve and revealed half of his face. "Anyway, my image has been shattered because of James, so it doesn't matter if it's shattered a little more."

"Don't blame me for everything! I don't have an image anymore, okay?" James immediately broke free from the sad atmosphere when he saw Carl slandering him like this.

"You don't have an image to begin with, and it's obviously you who hurt me!" Carl stood up immediately when he saw James confronting him, although his height was still not as high as James even when he stood up.

"...Puff." James looked at Carl and laughed accidentally.

"What are you doing?"

James looked at Carl. If the angle was higher, he would be able to see the top of Carl's head. This feeling of looking down on the mountains was unbearable.

And he obviously still hadn't forgotten the scene of getting off the train. He even used the words Carl used at that time, "I remembered the happy things."

"? :)"

"That's my line!"

"What's wrong? Who said that the Ministry of Magic issued a law overnight?"

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