Lily and Alice walked away. " seems that Lily seems to have misunderstood something." Carl said while looking at James who was petrified and cracked on the spot. "So what unjust things did you do when I didn't know?"

"Don't poke James's little heart, Carl. If you keep talking, James may jump off the astronomy tower." Lupin also pulled out a helpless smile.

James seemed to have lost the color of his life. He wanted to leave in a lost state, but Sirius grabbed the broom handle and said, "Where are you going?"

"Remus is right. Go to the astronomy tower and jump to solve all your worries."

"Come back." Sirius grabbed the tail of James' broom and ignored James' crying.

"Forget it, I'd better go to Sever first. After all, those two clothes are a pair, so I won't get involved in your business, James." Carl felt that he should leave this place of right and wrong, and in fact he did so.

Go find Sif… Carl looked around the auditorium, but Sif hadn’t arrived yet, so he rushed to the door to wait for him.

Although he waited for a long time, he still didn’t see Sif, but since Sif had promised, he shouldn’t go back on his word, so he’d better wait a little longer.

“Carl.” Sif’s voice came from behind, and a hand was placed on Carl’s shoulder. Carl turned back suddenly and shouted Sif’s name happily, “Sif!”

After shouting, Carl looked closely, then covered his face in surprise, opened his mouth and pointed at the person opposite in disbelief, “…Huh? Who are you?”

It’s not Carl’s fault. Sif’s hair should have been carefully groomed. Not only was it tied halfway behind his head, but the broken hair was also tidied up. The double-breasted neat uniform and the black windbreaker behind him made him look much more handsome than before. In fact, I also want to wear this thief costume, mainly because it is quite handsome. Unfortunately, Sif will never lower his bottom line to be a magical girl.

Well, it doesn't matter. Being a magic boy is not bad, except that you don't meet a strange creature with pink halo.

"It's Severus Snape." Severus' face darkened. He grabbed the ponytail behind his head in annoyance, as if he wanted to take off the hair tie and put it back into his usual hairstyle. While taking off the hair tie, he said with some annoyance, "Lily told me that maybe this would be better, but I'm still not suitable, so I still..."

Before he could finish the sentence "Forget it", Severus' wrist was intercepted by Carl. Because of Severus's rough action just now, the braid behind him was a little messy, and the quality of the hair tie was also worrying. It was estimated that the fabric was found somewhere and it was completely broken.

"What? Obviously, he is very handsome, so I said that. Severus, don't misunderstand me." Carl was very dissatisfied, pouted and whispered.

Carl barely connected the broken cloth and tried to pick up Sever's braid again, but unfortunately, because the cloth was broken too thoroughly, the length was not enough after tying it up.

"Forget it." Carl's hand fumbled back and forth in his fever, which was a bit strange. Sever's eyes were a bit erratic, "It's okay to wear it."

"Are you questioning my professionalism? This is a contempt for me, I will be angry." Carl thought about it and planned to find a perfect replacement, but it was really difficult to go back to the dormitory to look for any remaining ribbons, so...

Carl untied the bow on the back of his skirt that was originally used to fix the hem, and untied the ribbon inside, "Come on, Severus, bow your head."

Severus slowly lowered his head, and Carl's left hand wrapped around the ribbon to wipe the messy hair on Sever's head, combed the braids again with his fingers, and then gently tied a bow at the back.

"This is perfect, super handsome!" Carl pursed his lips and smiled proudly. He patted his hem. Although it had completely turned into a skirt without the ribbon, it didn't affect his coolness at all.

"Look at me, Sever. Isn't it super cute?" Carl held his skirt and turned around proudly.

Sever put his hands in front of himself, coughed twice, and then tried his best to cover up the corners of his mouth, "...Aren't you shy? You don't even reject it."

"Not at all, because I am perfect no matter what I wear." Carl was quite confident, "How can there be someone as perfect as me in the world? How can others live like this?"

"Yes, very... perfect?" Sever's words were intermittent. He wanted to praise Carl a little, but he still didn't say the adjective cute. After all, not everyone can be as perfect as Carl, right?"Hey, it's rare, Sever, you actually praised me today." Carl, who was still spinning happily, stopped and looked at Sever curiously.

"What do you think of me in your eyes?" Looking at Carl's almost shocked expression, Sever was a little dissatisfied.

Carl was not in a hurry at all under Sever's gaze. He coughed twice, then lowered his voice and straightened his chest to pretend to be Sever's tone, "If compared with the evil bird, it is indeed cute."

After that, Carl returned to his usual appearance and said a little unhappy, "You might say this, or..."

Carl resumed his previous behavior of pretending to be Sever and continued to act. He raised his clothes and walked forward in a hurry, then turned around and trotted back, and continued, "Or just walk away like this."

"..." Sever covered his forehead helplessly, "Can't you learn from the good things?"

"So Sever, you also admit that these are things you would do? Right?" Carl has always been good at grasping the key points, and he accurately picked out the loopholes in Sever's words.

Severus lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking. Carl approached him, looking as if he had expected it, and whispered, "I guess you're going to leave me behind again. If you're shy, you're shy. It's lame to just run away~"

"..." Severus was silent and then pulled Carl's hand. Carl was pulled by him, and after a brief moment of confusion, he still stabilized his body.

"What?" Carl looked at Severus. Severus buried his head deeply, but raised it after three seconds. "I won't run away, so let's go to the dinner together."

"It's about to start. If we stand at the door, others will think we're idiots."

"Okay~" Carl replied jokingly, and walked in with Severus.

"Hey, Carl, where's your ribbon? Wasn't it there just now?..." James saw Carl's skirt hem when he came in, and was a little confused. After all, he was trying to pull Carl's ribbon just now, and Carl resisted fiercely. Why was he willing to let it go now?

But Carl didn't answer him, instead he made a shushing gesture between his lips to signal James not to continue.

"What are you doing?" Sever saw Carl stop and asked curiously, Carl tilted his head and chuckled, "Nothing, it's just that the pole on James' head is too much of a distraction and a little funny."

"Is that so?" Sever glanced at the broom version of James, frowned and nodded, agreeing with this statement.

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